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Overpopulation is the state whereby the human population rises to an extent

exceeding the carrying capacity of the ecological setting. In an overpopulated

environment, the numbers of people might be more than the available essential
materials for survival such as transport, water, shelter, food or social amenities.
This regularly contributes to environmental deterioration, worsening in the quality
of life, or even the disintegration of the population.

It is estimated that about 81 million people add to the world’s population

annually. Regions with the highest number of population density (the number of
people living in a given region) feel the dire effects and problems of
overpopulation. Due to immigration, the decline in mortality rates, medical
breakthroughs, and increased birth rates, populations will alwOverpopulation is an
undesirable condition where the number of the existing human population exceeds the
actual carrying capacity of Earth. Overpopulation is caused by a number of factors.
Reduced mortality rate, better medical facilities, depletion of precious resources
are few of the causes which result in overpopulation. It is possible for a sparsely
populated area to become densely populated if it is not able to sustain life.ays
increase and eventually gives rise to overpopulation.

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