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Opinion essay template:

1.Background statement (introducing the topic).
…..has sparked major controversy in some countries.
Whether…. or…. has triggered a heated debate.
One of the most controversial issues today relates to ….
Concerning the issue of whether …. people hold different views.
…is a topic of public interest and concern.
…has received a great amount of attention throughout the world.
People have, in recent years, show concern on….
In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in….
As the century continues/ progresses, a greater emphasis has been placed on…
No issue in recent years has drawn as much attention as the debate surrounding…
The issue of whether ….is certainly a contentious one.
2. Thesis statement:
I profoundly / strongly agree with / subscribe to this notion for two reasons as follows.
I am in favor of this notion for two reasons as follows.
I side with those people who believe that…
I am strong of the first/ second opinion because of the reasons below.
I am a firm/ great supporter of the former/latter for two reasons as follows.
I strongly/ firmly/ officially endorse one’s opinion above.
I firmly believe that this view is correct, and will discuss the reasons why in this essay.

1. Wild animals have no place in the 21st century, so protecting them is a waste of resources. To
what extent do you agree or disagree?
Model essay:

There is an opinion saying that protecting wild animals is a waste of time and efforts since they are
not necessary anymore in the 21st century. Personally, I disagree with this statement for reasons
outlined below.

It is nonsense to say wild animals have no part in the 21st century since they always play an
important role in the environment. Whether in the Stone Age, medieval age or modern age, animals,
and plants have been living together and forming a balance in life that no humans can make. Plants
give off oxygen and foods, while animals help plants grow and multiply. If we do not protect wild
animals well, most of them will go extinct due to overhunting, which will break the balance of
nature and lead to many adverse/ catastrophic/ far-reaching consequences of deforestation,
hurricanes, and other terrible disasters.

It takes resources to protect wild animals, but their existence will bring other benefits to the nations
that conserve them. Wildlife, zoos and preservation areas that allow tourists to visit would generate
a large amount of income each year to the countries in charge while they can even take pride in
themselves for having some of the rarest wild animals in the world, not to mention the environment
protection along with it. In addition, most of the cost for protecting the wild animals is covered by
various international funds all over the world, so having rare species is more of a blessing than a
burden to a country.
In conclusion, wild animals deserve to live freely under the protection of humans due to the
significance/ importance of their existence and the benefits they are bringing. We should do
everything we can to protect them for the sake of ourselves and our future generations.

Đề bài: It has been said that people who read for pleasure have more developed imaginations and
better language skills than people who prefer to watch TV.
Do you agree or disagree?


One of the most controversial issues today relates to imagination development. Many people argue
that reading could extend humans’ imaginations along with language abilities more than watching TV
does. From my perspective, I completely agree with the statement for the reasons outlined below.

Basically, there are two compelling reasons why some people firmly believe that reading lovers may
brush up their imaginations and language skills better than humans enjoying TV. In terms of
imaginations, reading books might be considered a practical solution helping persons promote their
imagination significantly. This is because when reading books, humans need to activate their minds to
imagine the appearances of characters and plots of those books. Children, for instance, are usually
imaginative and have the inclination to think of the fairies’ images when they read fairy tales
regularly, as a result, their imaginative faculties could be advanced considerably. By contrast, if
people only watch TV, they could not improve their creativity. To be specific, images and characters
in each programme on TV are designed and performed hence watchers do not need to imagine
anything. Consequently, they cannot become extremely imaginative in this way.

In the aspect of language skills, reading for enjoyment also plays an essential role in the language
development of each person. It is undeniably seen that people reading with great frequency often have
a predisposition to use a variety of vocabularies correctly and flexibly. According to an international
survey in some European nations, students who have enjoyment in reading regularly often possess
impressive language abilities as well as communicate effectively because they learn a wide range of
new words and special structures from books. On the contrary, adolescents who are addicted to TV
programmes often lack vocabularies to communicate because programs are not usually focused on
vocabularies much; therefore, they are usually unconfident in using verbal communication. In brief,
reading books might benefit humans in extending their lexical resource more significantly, compared
to watching TV.

In conclusion, I side with those people believing that not only can enthusiastic readers easily advance
their imaginations but also language ability, whereas TV enthusiasts cannot do, regarding the given
points above.

Đề bài: Traffic and housing problems could be solved by moving large companies, factories, and
their employees to the countryside. Do you agree or disagree?

The issue of whether traffic and housing problems could be resolved by settling down large
enterprises, factories and employees’ life in the countryside instead of urban areas. From my
perspective, I partly agree with the statement because of some specific reasons outlined below.

On the one hand, the most prime reason why this statement is quite justifiable may be that the given
idea above could immediately resolve issues related to increased traffic along with lack of housing
supply. In other words, if city councils give permission to relocate large businesses and their staff to
suburbs, city centers’ residents will be protected from traffic congestion in rush hour as well as live in
spacious places. For instance, Vietnam, a developing country has the inclination to establish
companies along with industrial areas in the countryside instead of concentrating on urban areas
much, and thus reduce high population density and big numbers of traffic jams in prosperous cities. In
brief, the two primary matters above in cities could be addressed quite promptly and sensibly by
reconstructing companies and taking employees to rural areas.

Despite the fact that two cities’ problems above could be resolved by the given solution, this could not
be a comprehensive way, regarding our nature. It is explained that if big businesses are removed in
cities and relocated in the countryside, the countryside’s environment can be easily affected adversely.
Obviously, suburbs are likely to be polluted and populated densely as a consequence of companies
and staff’s relocation from cities. According to a well-known newspaper, the rate of humans suffering
from cancers in the countryside of developing countries is extremely rising due to deadly poisons
released from industrial regions. In other words, this situation could be considered as a result of
numerous companies’ appearance in the countryside. To sum up, moving businesses along with their
workers to other places basically does not benefit nature and human’s life perfectly.

In conclusion, although humans could address traffic problems and lack of accommodations by
setting up companies and moving employees to suburban areas, this plan results in negative impacts
on the environment and people. Therefore, it is much-needed for governmental bodies to think of
other better solutions.

Từ vựng ghi điểm

1. To cause urban population to shrink: Làm cho dân số thành phố giảm xuống
2. Relieve pressure on urban housing supply systems: Giảm áp lực lên hệ thông cung
cấp nhà ở
3. To reduce traffic congestion: Giảm ách tắc giao thông
4. Overcrowded roads during the rush hour: Đường quá đông đúc trong giờ cao điểm
5. The development of road systems: Sự phát triển của hệ thống đường xá
6. Traffic jams: Ách tắc giao thông
7. Residential areas: Khu dân cư
8. To accommodate a growing population: Cung cấp chỗ ở cho dân số đang tăng lên

In many countries, children are becoming overweight and unhealthy. Some people think that
the government should have the responsibility. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

In several nations, obesity in children is a topic of public interest and concern. It is argued that the
government should be responsible for this negative situation. From my perspective, I partly agree
with the statement above because of some points outlined below.

There are some justifications why governments of countries should contribute to dealing with this
problem related to children’s health. First and foremost, the government of a nation needs to take
charge of public health, including children’s physical health. Thus, when the rate of overweight
children exponentially rises, governments have to contemplate/consider/ponder feasible/sensible
solutions for the problem. Secondly, governments make a contribution to the prosperity of ready food
and fast food commercials. In other words, governments make allowances for the appearance of
unhealthy food advertisements and consequently junk food easily catches children’s attention. For
instance, due to the fact that substantial profits could be earned from advertising programs,
Vietnamese TV stations allow commercials for food to appear in social media channels regularly,
thereby increasing the rate of obese children who are addicted to junk food.
Not only do governments take responsibility for the issue above but parents and education also play a
vital role in tackling this. In the first place, parents who have nurtured children since they were born
and raised in need to form a healthy diet for children. Nevertheless, there are many couples who are
under pressure of heavy workload and are usually inclined to buy ready meals for their offspring, as a
result, they directly encourage unhealthy lifestyles along with obesity of children to develop.
Additionally, schools are also responsible for unhealthy physical health of children. To be specific,
the majority of schools nowadays often have a predisposition to/have a tendency to/have an
inclination to teach students academic subjects and neglect to raise children’s awareness of junk
food’s negative influence. Consequently, youngsters eat ready food without knowing that this type of
food could be incredibly harmful to their health.

In conclusion, to reduce the risk of obesity and other diseases happening in children, governments
along with parents and formal education need to collaborate together in thinking of practical solutions
for this problem.

Many are of the opinion that schools should stop using books in favor of videos, films, and

To what extent do you agree?

Whether schools should use computers, videos and films instead of reading books or continue to
use books has triggered a heated debate recently. From my perspective, I partly agree with the
statement above because of some certain reasons below.

On the one hand, there are several justifications why schools may use videos, films and
computers in educating students. First and foremost, motion pictures or computers could meet
students’ higher satisfaction nowadays. It may be explained that youngsters adapt to technology
and science earlier than they did in the past; as a result, they could find it tedious in conventional
methods of education, namely only using books in learning. In other words, computers with the
internet or attractive videos usually comprise numerous images along with fascinating quizzes
which can inspire children to learn and deeply comprehend the core value of each lesson. With a
view to appealing to students, schools should take advantage of technology to have other modern
methods in teaching. Secondly, when learning with computers, students may have access to
unlimited sources of knowledge promptly. In fact, when learners want to find out information
related to some specific fields, they only need to type subjects’ names and click “enter”. By
contrast, should learners need to absorb a diversity of knowledge by using books, they will
collect a range of books to read.

On the other hand, I assume that formal education should continue to use books in teaching since
books always play a vital role in extending people’s knowledge. It is undeniable that
The availability of entertainment such as video games on handheld devices is harmful to
individuals and to the society they live in. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

In the age of technology, the availability of recreational resources, namely video games on mobile
devices is detrimental to people as well as to our society. From my perspective, I partly subscribe to
this notion for some basic reasons as follows.

There are two prime reasons why it is argued that playing video games on portable devices as a type
of recreation could be quite dangerous to humans’ health. The most compelling justification for this
statement may be that modern amusement may have adverse impacts on people’s physical health in
many ways. In fact, when children play games on their computers with a high frequency, they could
easily suffer from a range of diseases related to their eyes, such as short-sightedness. This is because
light released from the screen of these devices is extremely toxic to the visual ability of people.
Furthermore, using hi-tech gadgets to play video games or other recreational activities could affect
our mental health negatively. It means that if individuals take advantage of smart equipment for their
amusement continuously, they may be at risk of catching autism because of a lack of real
communication. For instance, the rate of Vietnamese children in suburban areas suffering from
autism or other mental issues is usually far higher than that of children in local areas due to the fact
that children in big cities often have an inclination to entertain themselves with electronic devices than
children in the countryside.
On the other hand, it is undeniable that modern gadgets also play a vital role in assisting humans to
deal with stress and fatigue. It could be explained clearly that people nowadays usually face up with
strain because of their heavy workload. Similarly, children currently also bear considerable pressure
of study. As a result, using handheld smart devices to play fascinating games or watch funny videos
may satisfy their recreation demands and seem to be quite sensible, especially since their available
time these days is not long enough for them to play outdoor activities. For example, the average time
a Vietnamese worker uses for their work is 8 hour per day, while he also needs to allocate his time to
his family. Therefore, time expended on his amusement is not extremely flexible and playing games is
supposed to be a quite sensible way to help him to release his stress. In other words, if people use
gadgets for recreational purposes reasonably, they may benefit from these electronic devices.

In conclusion, albeit drawbacks of available recreational resources on portable devices, humans can
gain some certain merits from using them, with the condition that people use them wisely.

Families who send their children to private schools should not be required to pay taxes that support
the state education system. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

It is not necessary to travel to other places to learn the culture of other people. We can learn
just as much from books, films and the Internet. Do you agree or disagree?

Nowadays, it is not much-needed for people to visit destinations to learn about cultural beauty.
Instead, it is highly recommended that people learn the cultures and traditions via books, films along
with the internet. From my perspective, I partly subscribe to the notion above for some prime reasons
as follows.

On the one hand, there are some compelling justifications why people could totally widen their
horizons about the cultures' values of many places by using books, films and social networking sites.
First and foremost, learning about cultures through reading books or using the internet is extremely
affordable to the majority of the population. It is clearly explained that both conventional documents
as well as the internet nowadays obviously not only comprise a great deal of information related to
cultures and traditions in countries over the world but also are reasonably priced to humankind. As a
result, people do not need to allocate much money on their visits to a range of places or nations in the
world with a view to learning. For instance, only by reading books and surfing the internet regularly
do candidates of The Olympia competition in Vietnam perfectly accomplish numerous challenging
questions about cultures as well as languages of many nations. Secondly, learning from books or
videos together with the internet also helps individuals to save time efficiently. This is because people
these days usually suffer from heavy workloads and deadlines, as a result, they find it difficult to
invest a long time in traveling. Therefore, learning cultures online and reading documents could be
deemed sensible to them.

On the other hand, I also firmly think that it is quite essential for humans to contemplate the cultures
and traditions of different countries by visiting because of two basic reasons. First of all, traveling to
an array of destinations could bring visitors realistic experiences; therefore, they could deeply
comprehend the core value of each culture genre. For example, when Vietnamese schools take their
students to Bat Trang village, students could have a chance to try hard to make a product based on
their creativity. By contrast, only learning from course books could not help them to attain any
experiences like this. Last but not least, learning the cultures and traditions of numerous areas could
be considered a recreational activity for someone. In fact, besides being exposed to a sheer number of
different cultures along with practical experiences, travelers also release anxiety significantly after
working hard by enjoying the natural beauty of each landscape in these areas.
In conclusion, I strongly believe that both visiting different destinations and using books, videos along
with the internet can give people an aid to widen their knowledge about the culture of each place.
Thus, it is suggested that individuals should make use of two types of learning to gain more benefits
from them.

Some believe that people will purchase a product based on their needs and advertising is not needed.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

One of the most controversial issues today relates to purchasing a product. Many people assume that
customers only need to buy something in the condition that these goods are practical to them and
advertising programs are not necessary. From my perspective, I partly subscribe to the notion for
some compelling reasons as follows.

The most underlying reason why people will buy a product depends on their demands without
advertisement may be that the inclination can be money-saving to them. To be specific, when people
really know a specific thing that is much-needed for them, they can easily pay attention to it when
going to supermarkets. By contrast, if they heavily focus on commercials, they may promptly be
appealed by numerous eye-catching products that are probably unnecessary to them and consequently
they may allocate their money on them unwisely. For example, in some sudden cases, when I go
shopping without carefully planning, I usually waste money on a range of sundry items because of
attractive commercial strategies of these goods.

Nevertheless, advertising still plays a vital role in promoting people’s consumption demands. In fact,
besides their trading purposes, advertising activities also bring consumers a helpful information
provision related to a diversity of products. Thus, individuals may effortlessly enrich their knowledge
about something new as well as update beneficial goods to them. In fact, owing to commercials’
surges, people could know more beneficial products, namely functional foods that are deemed quite
advantageous for people’s physical well-being. In brief, people can completely make use of
commercials’ appearance to meet human demands.

In conclusion, although people may opt to buy products sensibly based on their needs, advertising
programs undeniably do assist purchasers in buying many things efficiently.

Nowadays, there is a trend that media reports focus on problems and emergencies rather than positive
development. Some people think it is harmful to individuals and to society. To What extent do you
agree or disagree?

One of the most controversial issues today relates to social media. The news these days usually
concentrate on heated problems along with tragedies in lieu of positive growth. As can be seen, many
assume that society and humankind possibly suffer from demerits caused by this predisposition. From
my perspective, I partly subscribe to the notion above for some certain reasons as follows.

On the one hand, there are several compelling justifications why it is firmly thought that considerably
focusing on bad news could cause some drawbacks to the public. First and foremost, it can be clearly
seen that when mass media publishes issues as well as emergencies continually, it may accidentally
spread negative energies to many people. In other words, a person will gradually change their
behaviors pessimistically if he has to read or hear so much emergent news. For instance, when an
array of pages on Facebook posted the video about an Amsterdam high school’s student decided to
commit suicide due to anxiety in his study, there are some suicide cases in teenagers happening in the
following days. To be specific, the information provision of the suicide above triggered other
adolescents who were under the same pressure to kill themselves. Secondly, a sheer number of pages
currently have the inclination to exaggerate the truth to attract the public’s attention because of
profits. Consequently, humans who lack abilities to filter information have to live in fear of dangerous
and emergent situations.

On the other hand, I also strongly believe that much as adverse reports could do harm to human life,
they still play a vital role in helping people deal with difficulties in reality. In fact, it is much-needed
for people to read emergent articles related to disasters or other extreme phenomena due to the fact
that humans could reduce the risk of natural disasters appearing. Specifically, Vietnamese are often
announced to reserve grains and foods before storms appear on land annually by news on VTV;
therefore, they could escape from death safely. Moreover, humans’ conduct could be furthered
remarkably by reading bad news together with perilous situations. Reading articles about criminals,
for instance, could also be a solution that can help youngsters foster their awareness of the importance
of adhering to laws, as a result, our society along with human values might be raised considerably.

In conclusion, I once again emphasize that posting bad news more regularly than good development
could bring humans both pros and cons. Therefore, it is crucial that individuals should carefully
consider both sides of negative press before reading.

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