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Task 4 Speaking Production

Yuli Alejandra Muñoz



Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia


INGLÉS B1 - (900003A_954)


octubre 2021

Nota importante:

Buenos días, estimada tutora JHURLEY KATHERINE MURCIA

Me dirijo a usted con el mayor de los respetos, para comunicarme y decir el favor que califique

el trabajo de esta forma, la verdad no seguí los pasos requeridos y a ultimo tiempo realice la

actividad, y la verdad es que no he tenido casi tiempo para realizar mis actividades, y mis

trabajos puesto que estoy pasando por días muy apretados, espero y me comprenda. Realice el

trabajo con todo lo que dice en la guía, y respondiendo todo el cuestionario y realice el video, le

agradezco mucho si me califica.


• What is your name? My name is / I am…

I am Yuli Alejandra Muñoz

• How old are you? I am ___ years old

I am 24 years old

• What is your hometown? I grew up in … (city).

I grew up in Pitalito- Huila city

• Where do you live? I live in…

I live in district of Brussels Pitalito

• What is your marital status? I am…(married/single/divorced/widowed)

I am single

• What is your hobby? I enjoy …

I enjoy to draw and listen to music

• What is your profession / occupation? • I am a/an…

I am an employee

• Where do you live? I live in …

I live in district of Brussels Pitalito

• Talk about your working experience. I have worked in…

I have worked in different supermarkets, in the city of Neiva and Pitalito

• What is your academic background? I studied… / I am studying…

I studied Administrative Assistance, and I am a technician in occupational health and


• What are your personal qualities? My personal qualities are…

I am responsible with my activities, I am very collaborative and sociable

• What are your skills and weaknesses? My skills are… / My weaknesses


my skills are: sociable, empathetic, reasonable and tender.

my weaknesses are: complicated, a little distracted.

• What makes you the best candidate for this position/this job? I am a

good candidate because…

I am a good candidate because I like to be committed to my work, and to finish my

work on time.

• What will we get if we hire you? If you hire me you will get/find/have…

If you hire me you will get a good element in your company that will help you with all

disposition, and will be very responsible


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