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Table of Contents

CHAPTER 1....................................................................................... 4

INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................ 4

COLOUR PSYCHOLOGY AND FASHION............................................................. 4

Red................................................................................................................... 5

Black............................................................................................................... 5

Yellow............................................................................................................ 5

Green.............................................................................................................. 6

Blue................................................................................................................ 6

Pink................................................................................................................ 6

EFFECTS OF COLOURS ON PERSONALITY....................................................... 7

CHAPTER 2................................................................................. ... 10

LITERATURE REVIEW.......................................................................................... 10

CHAPTER 3..................................................................................... 15

AIM............................................................................................................................. 15

OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY............................................................................... 15

HYPOTHESIS........................................................................................................... 15

DESIGN OF INSPECTION....................................................................................... 15

VARIABLES............................................................................................................. 15

SAMPLING METHODS........................................................................................... 22
Sample Size..................................................................................................... 16

Study Period................................................................................................... 16

RESEARCH METHODOLOGY............................................................................... 16

Analytical Tool................................................................................................ 16

CHAPTER 4................................................................................... .. 17

RESULTS.................................................................................................................. 17

FINDINGS................................................................................................................ 20

DISCUSSION OF RESULTS................................................................................... 21

RECOMMENDATIONS.......................................................................................... 22

REFERENCES.......................................................................................................... 23

ANNEXURE............................................................................................................. 26

GOOGLE FORM...................................................................................................... 28

RESPONSES............................................................................................................. 28

Each and every one of us must have got introduced to words the concept in regards to colour
psychology from the time we have entered into this world. If we take an instance, you must
have been noticing that how little girls have been dressed with the colour pink as well as on
the other than boys were being dressed with the colour blue. If we considered in todays time,
we have been watching videos on Instagram where the people have been revealing their baby
sex with the colours, blue is designated for the boys as well as on the other and pink has been
designated for the girls. It will not be much wrong if we say that colour psychology has been
taking place from the time before we were born. This fact has been Carrying a residence
which is Western along with the people than just putting a set onto fashion trends. The main
aim behind this study was to analyse fashion as well as the colour psychology in amongst the
people who are in this field as well as working. The sample size of 200 people what is the
elected and plated with the questions regarding their psychology towards the colour as well as
fashion trends. In accordance to the research, it has been identified that the colour which you
are wearing is capable for the communication of your status as well as the level of
intelligence you are having to be other people who are in front of you. The main objective of
the study was to analyse the peoples psychology towards fashion as well as the colours of
their clothes.The findings of the study have been showing that people are very much
concerned about their colours which matches their fashion.

KEYWORDS: fashion, colour psychology, fashion friends, concern of people to words



Colour has been a part of our daily lives. People are using colours for expressing their views
as well as their emotions, for adapting the conditions of weather such as dark colours have
been used in winter for absorbing the heat in a better way wild light colours are used in the
summer days for steam fresh, and also for simplifying as well as helping themselves for
feeling confident along with their respective bodies as well as the appearance that they are
having. Researchers have been indicating that more than approximately 80% in regards to
visual information is having relation to the colours that is, the colour have been conveying the
information.It has been identifying a product or any company, and also the quality in regards
to the merchandise as well as much more regarding that particular product. The colour can be
defined as the sight sensation that has been produced in regards to the retina by the visible
light rays that in electromagnetic radiation of 380 to 760 nm wavelength.

It has been very surprising that very less number of studies are there in terms of the
investigation of the relationship that is in between the individual colour psychology as well as
the fashion. In accordance to one of the cases who have been advocating that the subject
which is similar to colour psychology might be having similar traits in terms of personality,
the subjects psychological reactions or attitude towards the primary colours i.e Blue, yellow,
red as well as green have been reflecting the basic types of psychological needs. If we take an
example, when anyone didn’t like red, he or she unconsciously will be reflecting anxiety.


The colour psychology can be defined as very important aspect in regards to our efforts for
the creation of personal environment which we live. Surprisingly very less number of studies
are there in terms of investigation in regards to the relationship in between individual
preference of colour as well as the fashion. The studies in regards to the effect of colour
psychology on to the excitement have been showing that there is a type of correlation in
between the preferences of colour as well as the traits of personality.The history in regards to
the psychological studies on to the relationship in between personality as well as colour has
been partially reviewed. This has been suggesting that the shades of colours in regards to the
spectrum which orders from the wallet has been representing a series of emotions, starting
from the excitement, unrestraint direct as well as prolonged impulsive discharge which is
represented by red, over calmness which is represented by green, to have anxiety as well as
concern that has been represented by violet. The correlation in regards to violet colour as well
as concern and detention is being supported from the findings in regards to a great number of
psychopathology equal groups. It has been also reported that an association in between the
warm colours as well as energetic and also the moods that are excited and in between the cool
colours as well as passive and in the calm moods.

1.2.1 Red

It has been representing that you are an extrovert and as well as optimistic. You are very
oriented towards action as well as active in a physical manner. You have a choice to be the
centre in regards to attention. You are very competitive as well as ambitious. You are having
a passion and towards life as well as you are not afraid for pursuing your dreams and goals
you are having.

1.2.2 White

It has been representing that you are neat as well as immaculate in regards to your
appearance, inside the presentation of your home approximately towards the point in regards
to being fanatical. You are farsighted, along with a positive as well as are optimistic type of
nature. You have been considered to be well-balanced, discreet, sensible as well as very wise
towards others.You can also be aggressive and it’s very easy for you to be in anger,
commonly exhibiting violent type of temper. You are not holding any grudge. You can also
be somewhat in regard to a new at all and not wanting for appearing unintelligent or a type of

1.2.3. Black

Black has been showing that prestige as well as power are very necessary aspects for you.
You are also independent and having a strong will to words your determination. You don’t
have any emotion as well as give the appearance in regards to a dignified as well as
sophisticated person who has been said to be in total control, this is very common affront as
you might be feeling quite insecure about it.You can also hold things inside as well as her not
in a good at sharing your stuff with others.
1.2.4. Yellow

You are having a happy disposition as well as very cheerful and having fun to be with. You
are very creative and often being the one who have been coming up along with new type of
ideas you have been tending to words having your head in regards to the Cloud much of the
time. You prefer to analyse each and everything, all the time as well as our methodical in
regards to your thinking.

1.2.5 Green

You are practical, down-to-earth person. You are very stable as well as well balanced, the
kindness as well as general and compassionate behaviour you are showing are very important
for the personality. You are having a great need towards love as well as to be loved and you
tend to wear your heart on to your sleeves that means you are an open book for the people.
You are having very high standards in terms of moral as well as doing the correct thing is
very necessary aspects for you.

1.2.6. Blue

you are very conservative, trustworthy and also reliable for the people. You are very quite
towards testing of others although you are very wary in the beginning until you are having the
surety in regards to that person. You are not impulsive, you always think before speaking as
well as acting or doing anything on to your own personal space and into your own time.You
take necessary time for processing as well as sharing the feelings. You are also very genuine
and sincere at the same moment and take all the responsibility that has been given to you very

1.2.7 Pink

You are very loving, generous, kind as well as sensitive for all the needs that others convey to
you. You are very friendly as well as approachable with a warm as well as softness that
Others have been drawn to. You are having a maternal instinct, along with the need for
protecting as well as taking care of the others. You are very much into touch with your
femininity This has an inclusion of men who are in touch with their feminine side. You are
very romantic and sensitive and sensual.

The judgements towards the colour are very frequent into the market place. The consumers
commonly buy the products in that colours which are more pleasant to them at that particular
time of the purchase as well as knowing the fact that firms commonly relies on to the colours
for appealing emotionally as well as aesthetically towards the consumers. The colours can be
defined as the powerful signal, in part, because of their readily accessible tones
emotionally.In spite of this, researchers has been showing that the colours that are associated
with and inducers in regards to specific type of emotional states.Colour has been signalling a
type of emotional tone. More the saturated as well as lighter colours are being perceived for
being happier and more excited as well as more people, where is more muted and the colours
that are dark has been tending to be more strongly associated with the sadness, distress or
disgust. In contrary to this the common belief regarding the colours emotional tone has been
determined primarily.

People’s perception in regards To the emotional tone of colour has been very surprisingly
consistent in across the groups of ages as well as different types of cultures.
Developmentally, children as young as only three years old have been showing for making
associations in between the colours as well as emotional which is very similar for those that
has been made by the adults. Colour psychology is considered to be very necessary part into
any perception of humans. Many daily objects have been designed for conveying a text with
the help of colour. The way that the colour has been affecting the psychological processing
has not been explained fully. In specifically, the past studies on to the effect that colour is
having on psychological aspects has been presented contradicting results. The results from
the studies that have been performed his earnings with some of the studies which has been
showing red for enhancing the cognitive performance of the task over blue or any other
colour as green and the other studies have been showing the opposite effect it has been
explained that these types of results through the theory of achievement motivation. Different
types of colours have been enhancing different types of achievement motivation, which can
be also affecting the performance on two different types of task cognition. For the colour for
affecting the performance on to cognitive task six types of premises that has been considered
to be met.
 First, the colour shall be able for carrying a special type of meaning. If the colour has
been merely for the purpose of aesthetic’s then it will not be having influence on to
the psychological functioning.

 Second, the meaning in regards to the colours is on the basis of both the learned
associations as well as onto biological responses.

 Third premise is defined as the perception of the colour alone will be causing the
process of evaluation. The evaluative process has been defined in the form of
determining whether any stimulus is hospitable or harmful.

 The fourth is, these types of evaluating processes, that has been causing from the
effect of perception of the colours, has been influencing the behaviour of motivation.

 Fifth Is the influence that has been put by colour onto psychological functioning is
very implicit as well as automatic. Deactivation in regards to the behaviour of
motivation has been taking place without the process of awareness.

 The sixth premise is that the meaning as well as the effect in regards to the colour or
on the basis of context. In different types of context, colour can be having different
types of associations.

Moods as well as emotions are very conscious in a way for evoking the approach as well as
avoidance to the motivation. They both have been shown for having the influence on to
cognitive task performance. The positive moods have been showing for the payment of the
performance on to some of the cognitive tasks as well as for the payment in the performance
on the others


In accordance to Cumming, 2004 fashion can be defined as a general term which is used for
popular type of style or practice, particularly has been used in clothing, accessories, footwear,
make up as well as piercing of the body or the furniture. Fashion has been referring to our
distinctive as well as commonly habitual trend in regards to the style in which a person have
been pressing or for prevailing the status in that particular behaviour.

Berit Bergstrom, 2004 stated that fashion can be also referred to some new creations in
regards to the designers of textiles. The more technical term constitution has been becoming
so linked to the terminologies of passion that the use in regards to the former has been
refused to some of the special type of senses such as fancy dress or masquerade wear, while
the fashion means have been completing the process more generally, with an inclusion of the
study in regards to it. Although all the aspects of fashion can be feminine as well as
masculine, some of the trends can be defined as androgynous.

Jones and Sue, 2011 stated that fashion can be defined as the subject in regards to vital
interest into the urban centres all around the world, fashion matters enormously very specially
to the youth of any particular country. Fashion can be defined as the international language as
well as the business at the global level. It has been also very popular for the option towards
their carrier as well as one of the most chosen fields in the higher education.

Diamond andDiamond 2007, depicted that the fashion refers to a type of style which is very
popular on to a time. Miniskirt as well as the platform shoes and both the style might be
fashion depending on to their acceptance in current time from the side of the consumers.

Nellis, 2010 Depicted that fashion is having power for the transformation of any image and
making the social statement. To some of the People, fashion is in the form of art form as well
as to others it’s almost like a religion. However for majority of the people it has been the
method for the utilisation of clothing, accessories as well as here’s what is funny or hiding a
self personality.
Javier Romero, 2010 Stated that anyone can be using fashion for disguising his or her true
personality conversation in regards to vamp clothing.The fashion statements can also be
made along with the clothes, shoes, accessories, make up, hair as well as even with the help
of cell phones. The designers can be greatly influencing the direction in which the fashion
will be going.

Mahnke, 1996 stated that the colour is comprised in regards to the visible light, objects that
have been observing different types of wavelengths as well as the colour that we can be
watching in the un absorbs light which has been reflected back to the eyes. As the light has
been entering into the eye, it has been interacting with the receptors state into the retina for
producing division as well as colour. These types of receptors send the information with the
help of optical nerve to the thalamus region into the brain.

Roy s berns, 2016, stated that in effect, the eyes as well as the optical pathways merely
transfer the light information to the brain where the type of sensory experiences in regards to
the colour has been interpreted. As such, the brain has been acting in the form of translator in
between the light as well as colour perception, with the fact of mediating our responses to
words the colour information.

Osvaldo da Pos,, 2016 depicted that new type of developments in terms of understanding the
visual perception have been made possibleFrom the side of advancement in the technology as
well as though a huge portion in regards to our knowledge regarding the terminologies of
mechanics in terms of vision of colour has been developed in the previous century, it has
been also a topic in regards to the interest for the scholars since the antiquity.

In accordance to Bennet, 2011 , colour has been defined as a powerful as well as necessary
tool for the communication, as it has been dying to that religion, political, cultural as well as
influences on to social. With the help of stopping to the consideration what each colour has
been representing as well as is linking towards the real world we can be making the informed
decisions for the design which will be ensuring the appeal for our audience that has been

Wilson, 2005 stated that most of us are having a favourite colour or preference to some of the
colours over the others. This is in the existence due to the reason that colour can also be
affecting our moods so we have been surrounded ourselves in the colours that having a
positive impact on to our mood. “Red” can be boosting the energy yellow commonly makes
people more happier as well as “blue” has been proven for bringing down the BP and slowing
your rate of heartbeat which is why it has been commonly associated with the relaxing

Centerbar, 2005 depicted that if Will be combining the happiness in regards to yellow as
well as the feel of relapse into blue you can be getting green, a very pleasing colour for so
many people. The units of mental health has been known for using pastel tones onto their
walls so that the patients can be feeling calm, happy, as well as relaxed.

Gilbert, 2005 stated that walls that have been painted with a pink tint combined with mint
green floors have been considered as very popular combination at it has been set for creating
a soothing, harmonious as well as a calm area. On the other hand in regards to the spectrum,
literally, schools are having a choice for using bright colours which will be appealing to the

Kermer2015 Stated that at the time of choosing colours for your next design it is very
necessary for considering how they will be combining as well as sitting with other elements
on to your body and what type of effects that will be having onto your moods of the audience.

In accordance to Pietersen, 2004, different types of colours are having different meanings in
different types of places. This has been extremely very necessary for the designers for
knowing because without a type of awarenessin regards to the cultural significance into a
specific colour, you have been risking the offending your complete audience that has been

Farrell 2003, researchers have been showing that consistent in regards to the colour along
with the feelings as well as experiences. If you take an example the colour blue is very
soothing as well as associated with The wealth , Security, trust and on the other hand read
help me going to getting excitement and the stimulation .

Evard and Aurier, 1996 founded type of involvement for being at the heart and regards to
the person objective relationship as well as which is most productive into purchase
behaviour . Contemporary fashion research has been indicating that the customers are
commonly distributed in around the world with a wide range of fashion Consciousness as
well as their respective behaviour.
Meyer-Levy&Peracchio, 1995 stated that can we do anything as humans in their purchase
decisions, how’s they observe The thing is, that they are having and hence it can be defined
as very necessary part in the marketing. The colour photographs are very commonly used in
the evening as they have been thought for having a superior intention getting idea.

O cass, 2000, stated that the highly fashion which are involved In customer has been directly
to the researchers of fashion and marketers as well as fashion which has involvement of
consumers are being observed driver, legitimate as well as influential Of the fashion
adaptation process.He also stated that there are very less number of studies which are having
investigation to the correlation between individual preference of As well as their psychology.

Bell, 2014 depicted that we have been living in a colourful world, a world that has been
acting in the form of perfect spiritual company for the design. The best thing in regards to
observe the environment for the solutions of design is that developed he is always changing,
from the oranges of water to the blues of winter so they’re better this for looking than out of
your window is to take in the colours as well as apply them into your designs of fashion.

Birren 1956, stated that it is again very necessary information if you help in designing any
site which is having a specific type of links to the religions but it has been also emphasising
that a thorough knowledge in regards to your audience has been a fundamental part in the
process of design.

Lang 1989, said that in Christian religion, it has been found that the colours which are having
much symbolic significance are detected in the charges. They have been suggesting that the
majesty and regards to the fees or signifying sentiment on any special occasion for which a
particular service has been celebrated.

Buss, 1995 send that the physical hearings is being considered as one of the domain that
people will frequently using all the formulation of impressions in front of the other. The
physically attractive people are helping, trustworthy as their preferred in the form of
employees or the mail to a greater amount in comparison to less attractive people.

Gosling 2002, proposed a type of model for explaining how any individual can be
implementing the environment which is around them as well as how Expression of The
individuals in the environment has been providing valuable information which deals the
words used for the formation of their impressions. In accordance to this morning, for which
links the individual to their environment.

Lange and Rentfrow, 2007 studied the effect that colours are having on to the excitement
have been showing that there is correlation in between the preferences of the traits of
personality.If we talk more precisely, the introvert have a preference to calm coloursas they
reduce the excitement while the actual words have a preference of exciting colours as tell me
increment in the excitement.

Gerard 1993, in his careful analysis in regards to the effects of five minute observation in
regards to the services of colour through psychological functions, he reported a significant
decrement in the excitement under the colour blue than under the colour red and white.
Subject who have been scoring high on the manifest anxiety scale were significantly much
more excited under the colour red and much more car under the colour blue.

Gautier and Jappe, 2007 stated that the high structural in regards to the application of
colour has been established for being in the positive correlation along with social style that
has been reserved in terms of behaviour as well as in a type of negative correlation with the
extroversion. However, the application as not be necessarily in a type of close relation with
the extroversion.

Lange and Rentfrow, 2007 supposed that a similar type of personality traits might be
reflecting in the path of diversity in colour preferences pattern such as the high creativity
maybe in association with yellow or red colour preference, and the blue colour preference
and the last place.

Vavasseur 1993, stated that the history in regards to the psychological studies on to the
relationship in between personality and colour has been partially reviewed. It has been
suggested that in this from the order red to violet representing emotions. The correlation
between violet colour and concern and tension has been supported from the side of finding in
a great amount of psycho -pathological groups.

Baldwin and Meuniew, 1999 has been showing that moods as well as emotions are very
conscious way for evoking their approach and the avoidance to the motivation.They both are
having influence on to the performance of cognitive tasks.


To study the impact of colour and fashion on individuals.


 To know about fashion in detail and what are the preferences of the people regarding
their fashion according to their personality.

 To know about the preferences of colours of the people In accordance to their

personality as well as psychology.

 To know about how colours influence the people into different aspects and


H1: there is no impact of colour and fashion on individuals.

H2: there is no impact of fashion as well as colour on psychology of the people in there
personality as well as the designing trends.


200 people have been selected for getting the idea regarding the colour psychology as well as
fashion designing and trends.Questionnaires that has been comprised with the open ended
and close ended questions has been used for the instalment of data gathering. The data that
has been gathered would be analysed as well as presented in the form of tables and figures
along with the dependency and the values of percentage and also in the descriptive forms,
where it has been necessary. The research technique which is descriptive research technique
has been used especially for the completion of this study

The variables will see that has been selected for The completion of study and filling of
questionnaires were age, gender, marital status, education.


Sample size

150 People have been selected and plated with the open ended and close ended questions on
fashion as well as colour psychology of the people.

The study period

This study was carried out for approximately 30 days all the aspects regarding the fashion
designing and trends and the psychology of people to words preference of colours.


This study has been adopted the qualitative research design. Qualitative research in
accordance to build, has been more concern to words understanding the individual
perceptions in regards to the world. It has been doubting, whether the social facts exist as
well as the question whether a scientific approach it can also be used at the time of dealing
with human beings. She further stated that there are so many occasions when the qualitative
researchers have drawn the quantitative techniques and vice versa. It also depends on the kind
of data which is required. Some arguments have been added into this and that the qualitative
research not only make use of non-numerical and unstructured data but it also typically have
the research questions and methods that are more general at the start as well as become more
focused as The study will be progressing.

Purposive sampling technique has been used for sample of 140 fashion design students and
10 fashion designing lecturers from three type of public territory institutions. In total 150
responses has been used for the analysis.

Analytical Tool

 Simple type of calculationin terms of the percentage frequency has been adopted for
the calculation of percentages. Already data from the side of respondents have been
stored in tables and graphs had been used for the representation of collected data.


Preparation of data

200 people have been selected for getting the idea regarding the colour psychology as well as
fashion designing and trends.Questionnaires that has been comprised with the open ended
and close ended questions has been used for the instalment of data gathering. The data that
has been gathered would be analysed as well as presented in the form of tables and figures
along with the dependency and the values of percentage and also in the descriptive forms,
where it has been necessary.


Options No. of respondents percentage
18-24 years 21 14
25-34 years 116 77.33333333
35-44 years 11 7.333333333
Above 45 years 2 1.333333333
Total 150 100




60 No. of respondents


18-24 years 25-34 years 35-44 years Above 45

Options No. of respondents percentage

Male 69 46

Female 81 54

Total 150 100

No. of respondents
Male Female Total

Marital Status

Options No. of respondents percentage


Single 127 84.66666667

Married 12 8

Divorced 11 7.333333333

Widowed 0 0

Total 150 100

Chart Title
100 No. of respondents
80 percentage

Single Married Divorced Widowed

Ranking of knowledge on colours in fashion

Options No. of respondents percentage

Low 11 7.333333333

Moderate 46 30.66666667

High 93 62

Total 150 100

100 Ranking of knowledge on colours
80 in fashion No. of respondents
Ranking of knowledge on colours
60 in fashion percentage
Low Moderate High Total

Colour must be considered when making decision on fashion?

Options No. of respondents percentage
Strongly agree 94 62.66666667
Agree 45 30
Neither agree nor disagree 11 7.333333333
Disagree 0 0
Strongly Disagree 0 0
Total 150 100


Colour must be considered when
50 making decision on fashion? No.
of respondents
0 Colour must be considered when
making decision on fashion?

How colours are used in fashion

Options No. of respondents percentage

For beautification 82 54.66666667

For identification 45 30

For therapy 12 8

For communication 8 5.333333333

For protection 3 2

Total 150 100

How colours are used in fashion No. of
For beautification
For identification
For therapy
For communication
For protection


In regards for achieving this, the researcher have been identified the respondents knowledge
in terms of the colours. It has been found that out of the most 76.7% of the respondents have
been already considering colours for their selection of clothes, 23.3% of the respondents
occasionally considered the colours. In addition to this, Hundred percent respondents showed
that they are having understanding in regards to the meanings as well as impact of the colours
in fashion.

In terms of knowledge ranking on colour, report have been showing that proximately 62% of
the total respondents were ranked high, 30.7% of them were on moderate position, and 7.3%
of the total respondents were ranked low.

The analysis of the statements that are responsible for the negative affect on the colours on
the personalities in fashion have been showing that the respondents were indicating that the
highest ranking effect in amongst the statement of colours can be causing a person to have a
negative mood yes hundred percent and some of the colours absorbs more heat into various
body and call the person to grow weaker.

Finally in according to the survey some of the suggestions that have been stated from the side
of respondents were helping people to choose the right colour fashion products are use are;
customer shall be communicating with the designers for helping to choose Appropriate
colours for use; I need is there for teaching more about colours in this world; the religious
bodies shall be teaching more in regard three colours that has been used in their work ship for
the positive impact which is more effective then on to the personalities.


Colour has been a part of our daily lives. People are using colours for expressing their views
as well as their emotions, for adapting the conditions of weather such as dark colours have
been used in winter for absorbing the heat in a better way wild light colours are used in the
summer days for steam fresh, and also for simplifying as well as helping themselves for
feeling confident along with their respective bodies as well as the appearance that they are
having. Researchers have been indicating that more than approximately 80% in regards to
visual information is having relation to the colours that is, the colour have been conveying the
information. It has been identifying a product or any company, and also the quality in regards
to the merchandise as well as much more regarding that particular product.

The colour psychology can be defined as very important aspect in regards to our efforts for
the creation of personal environment which we live. Surprisingly very less number of studies
are there in terms of investigation in regards to the relationship in between individual
preference of colour as well as the fashion. The studies in regards to the effect of colour
psychology on to the excitement have been showing that there is a type of correlation in
between the preferences of colour as well as the traits of personality.The history in regards to
the psychological studies on to the relationship in between personality as well as colour has
been partially reviewed.

The correlation in regards to violet colour as well as concern and detention is being supported
from the findings in regards to a great number of psychopathology equal groups. It has been
also reported that an association in between the warm colours as well as energetic and also
the moods that are excited and in between the cool colours as well as passive and in the calm

The judgements towards the colour are very frequent into the market place. The consumers
commonly buy the products in that colours which are more pleasant to them at that particular
time of the purchase as well as knowing the fact that firms commonly relies on to the colours
for appealing emotionally as well as aesthetically towards the consumers. The colours can be
defined as the powerful signal, in part, because of their readily accessible tones
emotionally.In spite of this, researchers has been showing that the colours that are associated
with and inducers in regards to specific type of emotional states. Colour has been signalling a
type of emotional tone.

The way that the colour has been affecting the psychological processing has not been
explained fully. In specifically, the past studies on to the effect that colour is having on
psychological aspects has been presented contradicting results. The results from the studies
that have been performed his earnings with some of the studies which has been showing red
for enhancing the cognitive performance of the task over blue or any other colour as green
and the other studies have been showing the opposite effect it has been explained that these
types of results through the theory of achievement motivation.


On the basis of the findings as well as the results of the research, it can be recommended that
the makers of the policies in terms of the fashion shall be making good use of this report of
the research for aiding n the design in regards to the good interventions measures as well as
the policies which could be enhancing the colour choices as well as the selections in the
industry of fashion. The research documents shall be also serving in the form of manual for
the individual as well as the resources persons in regards to the special apprenticeship units as
well as the other sectors in terms of the education for adapting and implementing good
practices that must be used from the side of the teachers as well as the fashion designers in
order for improving upon the choices in terms of the colours for more positive effects.

1. Baldwin, M. W. & Meunier, J. (1999). The cued activation of attachment rational schemas.
Social cognition, 17. 209-227.
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Profile of the Respondents
1. Name _____________________________________

2. Gender

 Male

 Female

3. Age in years

 Below 18-24 years

 25-34 years

 34-45 years

 Above 45 years

4. Marital Status

 Married \

 Single

 Divorced

 Widowed

5. Occupation

 Student

 Employed

 Un-employed

 Self Employed

6. Education
 Graduate
 Post Graduate
 Other
7. Ranking of knowledge on colours in fashion?

 Low

 Moderate

 High

8. Colour must be considered when making a decision on fashion?

 Strongly Agree

 Agree

 Neither Agree nor disagree

 Disagree

 Strongly Disagree

9. How colours are used in fashion?

 For beautification

 For identification

 For therapy

 For communication

 For protection

10. Which type of colour you prefer the most in clothing?

 Subtle

 Nude

 Bold

 Pastel
11. Which type of clothing you prefer more?

 Casual

 Streetstyle

 Formal



Colour Which types

must be of colour
Ranking considered your prefer
of when How in clothing?
knowledge making a colours
on colours decision are used
Marital Occupatio in on in
Name Age Status n fashion? fashion? fashion?
For Subtle
Sparsh Strongly beautific
Singh 24 Single Employed Moderate Agree ation
For Pastel
Pratyush Self identifica
shukla 23 Single Employed Moderate Agree tion
Prajjwal For Subtle
Srivastava 31 Married Employed Moderate Agree therapy
For Subtle
Muktida Un- Strongly communi
singh 28 Married Employed High Agree cation
Neither For Nude
Muskan Agree nor protectio
singh 25 Single Student High disagree n
For Subtle
Aishwarya Strongly beautific
Rai 30 Married Employed High Agree ation
Ashutosh 28 Married Employed Moderate Neither For Pastel
Agree nor communi
Yadav disagree cation
Shyammani Strongly For Bold
Shukla 24 Single Employed Low Agree therapy
Sukhwinder For Subtle
Singh 24 Single Employed Moderate Agree therapy
For Bold
Ayushi Strongly beautific
singh 21 Single Student High Agree ation
For Nude
Strongly communi
Hrithik sahu 28 Married Employed Moderate Agree cation
For Bold
Prashant Strongly beautific
Kumar 29 Married Employed High Agree ation
Neither For Bold
Agree nor beautific
Rinu raj 45 Married Employed Low disagree ation
For Pastel
Strongly communi
Aditi Mishra 28 Married Employed High Agree cation
For Subtle
Rananjay identifica
singh 32 Divorced Employed Moderate Agree tion
For Bold
Ramesh 20 Married Employed Moderate Agree tion
For Nude
Un- Strongly beautific
Mahesh 35 Divorced Employed High Agree ation
Neither For Subtle
Self Agree nor communi
Suresh 35 Married Employed Moderate disagree cation
For Nude
Shruti 26 Single Employed High Agree ation
Sanskriti Un- For Pastel
Kesarwani 39 Divorced Employed Low Disagree therapy
For Bold
Self Strongly beautific
Rocky 33 Married Employed Moderate Agree ation
Kritika 23 Single Student Moderate Agree For Bold
singh identifica
For Subtle
Un- protectio
Sparsh 38 Divorced Employed Low Disagree n
For Pastel
Vanshika communi
kaushik 32 Widowed Employed Moderate Agree cation
Neither For Subtle
Aman Agree nor identifica
sharma 29 Married Employed Low disagree tion
For Pastel
Shreya Un- Strongly protectio
Sharma 31 Married Employed Moderate Agree n
For Bold
Sanskar Strongly identifica
singh 28 Married Employed High Agree tion
For Pastel
Sukriti singh 28 Married Employed Moderate Agree ation
For Pastel
Sukanya 24 Single Employed Moderate Agree n
For Subtle
Strongly beautific
Sudha singh 28 Married Employed High Agree ation
For Bold
Raksha Un- communi
Nishad 32 Married Employed Moderate Agree cation
Neither For Subtle
Hritik Agree nor identifica
Nishad 32 Divorced Employed Moderate disagree tion
For Nude
Prachi 21 Single Student Moderate Agree ation
For Bold
Shubhanshu Strongly communi
Swami 28 Single Employed High Agree cation
For Subtle
Pragati Strongly identifica
singh 23 Single Student Low Agree tion
For Pastel
Ashutosh communi
thute 26 Married Employed Moderate Agree cation
For Subtle
Amisha beautific
chauhan 21 Single Student Moderate Agree ation
Neither For
Self Agree nor protectio
Devika 40 Divorced Employed High disagree n
For Pastel
Rachna Strongly beautific
Yadav 23 Single Student High Agree ation
Riya For Pastel
Srivastava 28 Married Employed Moderate Agree therapy
For Subtle
Surbhi Strongly beautific
Aggarwal 25 Single Employed High Agree ation
Neither Subtle
Self Agree nor For
Samyukta 30 Married Employed High disagree therapy
For Subtle
Sadhna Un- beautific
singh 42 Married Employed Moderate Disagree ation
For Subtle
Surabhi 32 Married Employed Moderate Disagree n
For Subtle
Suhani identifica
singh 24 Single Student Moderate Agree tion
For Bold
Shaurya Strongly identifica
Chauhan 23 Single Student Moderate Agree tion
Smreeti For Nude
Nandkeolya beautific
r 24 Single Employed Moderate Agree ation
For Subtle
Pushpendra beautific
Singh 41 Married Employed Low Disagree ation
Neither For Bold
Santosh Self Agree nor identifica
singh 38 Married Employed Low disagree tion
For Nude
Un- beautific
Neetu Singh 38 Married Employed Moderate Agree ation
Sanjana 32 Divorced Employed High Agree For Subtle
sanghi identifica
Neither For Pastel
Agree nor identifica
Sanjali 28 Single Employed Low disagree tion
For Bold
Sambhavi Un- Strongly identifica
Chauhan 28 Married Employed High Agree tion
For Subtle
Prianka communi
singh 34 Married Employed Moderate Agree cation
For Bold
Dharvi beautific
dubey 24 Single Employed Moderate Agree ation
Neither For Pastel
Agree nor identifica
Samna singh 24 Single Employed Moderate disagree tion
Shrutii Un- Strongly For Subtle
biswas 28 Married Employed Moderate Agree therapy
For Nude
Suraj Singh 20 Single Student Moderate Agree ation
For Pastel
Akash Strongly beautific
Kashyap 24 Single Student High Agree ation
Yudhister For Subtle
singh Self Strongly beautific
Chauhan 32 Divorced Employed High Agree ation
For Pastel
Vipin identifica
Bhadana 24 Single Student Moderate Agree tion
For Subtle
Pritam identifica
kumar 35 Married Employed High Agree tion

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