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Dear students and parents,

My name is Miss Pauli and I will be teaching freshman and junior English at Redfield
High School this fall. I am excited at the opportunity to be a Pheasant.
I am originally from Milbank, SD. After high school, I attended Augustana University
where I graduated in 2020 with a Bachelor of Arts in both English and journalism. After
working for a year, I decided to go back to school to obtain my teaching certificate.
I gained student teaching experience at Brookings High School this spring. In August
2022, I graduated from Dakota State University’s secondary certification program.
I decided to become a teacher because I love reading and writing. My time at
Augustana University led me to write—a lot. I spent the bulk of my time there writing for my
alma mater’s campus newspaper and tutoring students at the writing center.
My favorite part of teaching is developing strong relationships with students and
having high-level conversations about the texts we immerse ourselves in during class. I
believe that students need a reason to care about the material they’re studying, and that it’s
a teacher’s job to encourage and motivate them, as well as offer them the autonomy that
makes hard work possible.
This summer, I moved to Faulkton with my boyfriend and my cat, Basil. In my spare
time, I enjoy spending time with family and friends. I also like to exercise and spend time in
nature. You can probably find me listening to Fleetwood Mac with a coffee in hand.
I’m excited to get to know the students at RHS this semester. I am passionate about
critical thinking, effective communication, and empathy. I can’t wait to learn with you this
school year.

Miss Pauli

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