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Every person has a creative side, and it can be expressed in many ways: problem

solving, original and innovative thinking, and artistically, to name a few. describe how
you express your creative side.

When it comes to me and my creative side I always express myself and my emotions through
art, I create digital art, traditional art and even animations to express my emotions or what I’m
feeling in the given moment. When creating an art piece I will give it a certain color palette to
compliment what emotion I'm feeling in that moment, for example if I use the color red I am
going to portray that as an angry drawing or blue as a sad vent piece. When I want to express
my emotions better I will always portray it through animations, I will pick a song of choice and
give it life with exaggerated emotions, colors, and movements all in one to tell a story, to tell
what I’m feeling or to express how that song makes me feel. When I’m creating an animation
vent piece I try to give each one its own unique color palette I think best suits the song and
emotion I’m trying to convey. When it comes to traditional art I tend to limit myself on what colors
I use and will normally just stick to the sketchy pencil style or add ink, asides from that I tend to
keep my traditional art very minimalistic yet I attempt to display as many emotions as I can. I
also like for my clothing style to express myself a bit, I will wear outfits I think express my best,
for example I am a very laid back person so I will wear more comfortable clothing such as baggy
pants and hoodies to show my style and what I’m trying to reflect about myself to everyone. Art
will always be the most creative way I can express myself, almost if not all of my drawings will
attempt to express a deeper meaning behind them whether it be emotions or a larger story.

What would you say is your greatest talent or skill? How have you developed and
demonstrated that talent over time?

One of my biggest talents I would say I have is my ability to create art both traditional and digital
alongside my skill to create animations. I have used this skill many times in my life when it came
to projects regarding art and have displayed my skills in front of many. This talent also means
alot to me because I use my art as a way to earn money and is my art time job alongside
school. I am a freelance artist and take commissions online that pay really well. Art also has
helped me express myself during hard times fighting with my mental health and rather talk about
how I was feeling I would either draw out the feelings in the moment to help relieve myself from
any sort of violent or hard emotion I was dealing with or I would create animations to songs that
expressed how I was feeling. I’m really proud of this skill overall because not many people can
learn from a young age such as myself, I was self taught and began to take my skill more
seriously the older I grew and have now created a part time career with this skill which is very
beneficial for me financially. I was also given the opportunity to use my art skills inside and
outside of school within art classes and activities that involve school, such as doing face paint
for my art class during a halloween event. One thing I am very glad to have alongside this skill is
that it is a very time manageable skill that can be time consuming but is easy to do during break
periods or when I have any free time. Overall this talent is very meaningful to me because I can
use it to display my creativity and emotions through almost anything that I draw and also
continue to be able to tell stories through my art, giving everyone a bigger look into what art can
be and give everyone a chance to use their imagination.
Describe the most significant challenge you have faced and the steps you have taken to
overcome this challenge. How has this challenge affected your academic achievement?

One hard challenge I still struggle to fully overcome is my battle with a hard mental health such
as with depression, anxiety and overall overcoming dark intrusive thoughts. But I’ve managed to
somehow overcome them and now sustain some of my best grades I've ever maintained. But it
wasn’t always so easy, I’ve always struggled with poor mental health and coming up with it was
harder with having to overcome some hard things of the past. Coming up with maintaining
school work and a good mental state was really hard, it had always felt like one had to be cared
for rather than the other. Once schools began to get more serious my mental health had
plummeted to an all time low and I was then diagnosed with depression, social anxiety and
panic disorder. I was luckily being treated with medication and some part time therapy and some
counseling at school, despite all that given help I still suffered with a bad mental state and my
grades grew low. Things grew more severe when covid hit and my grades have been at their
worst, I also had to deal with my physical health doing physical therapy part time so grades then
became my second priority. But my final school year is now here to come and my grades started
off rough due to being away from school for therapy but quickly I dedicated my free days
became dedicated to making up work and I fought through my hard time with my grades finally
being at their all best with a good mental health, I do experience burnout and stress but seeing
my grades brings me relief and helps my mental state to be a lot more stable and calm. Despite
my hardships and challenges thrown my way the moment I finally dedicated my time and
determination to school work and raising my grades they are now at the best they’ve ever been
no matter how hard it got I pushed through and did it.

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