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Advantages and disadvantages of playing      

mobile phones !
Mobile phones are an invention that has changed the way people communicate. Mobile phones have helped
us to improve the way we communicate remotely. But using a cell phone has many advantages and

These devices allow us to quickly retrieve the information we need. In addition they give us the opportunity
to take pictures very easily, to play different games, they give us all the possibilities we want to do. The
advantages of the phone are many, but more important is the way each of us uses it in our daily lives.

On the other hand it creates a state of loss of concentration and laziness. Many accidents happen because of
them (because the driver is on the phone while driving). Also because of the excessive use of the phone, we can
lose our sight and let's not forget that they are very expensive.

To sum up we can say that the phone has many advantages and disadvantages and each has its own way of using

By Ionas Svetlana

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