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1. What would you say is your greatest talent or skill?

How have you developed and

demonstrated that talent over time?

I am an excellent fisherman, which is one of my many skills. My father used to take me

fishing all the time when I was a kid. Because my father is a skilled fisherman, he would
constantly offer me advice on what to do. Fishing with his father was one of his favorite
childhood pastimes. So Dad carried on the tradition with me, teaching me how to fish and
passing on his knowledge. I didn't like fishing when I was younger since I was a restless
youngster, but my parents seemed to enjoy it. I didn't fish as often throughout my adolescent
years because when my father asked whether I wanted to go fishing, I always said no. have
more patience and realized that fishing was an art and a beauty of a thing that not many people
know how to do. When I had moved from North Carolina to California fishing was a whole new
experience for me because the environment and the culture was completely different. Usually I
did not have people to fish with me but now I had people to fish with and talk with which made
my love for fishing grow. Over the last several years, I've grown to love and appreciate fishing,
and I've attended a number of fishing tournaments. Because I went fishing and chatted with
other people, I've gained a lot of friends and contacts. Because I went fishing because others
loved me, many chances have arisen. One of my most vivid fishing memories is of the first time
I went ocean fishing and nearly flipped in the middle of the ocean.

2. Describe an example of your leadership experience in which you have positively

influenced others, helped resolve disputes or contributed to group efforts over

During the 2019-2020 school year, I had a group of kids that I had to lead during an exercise
event for my class, and this was a perfect demonstration of my leadership. We were vying with
other classes to determine who had the greatest group. My team was competent, but we lacked
the top personnel. As the group's commander, I had to rally my troops and lead them to the
finish line. We participated in a variety of competitions, placing first and second in a number of
them. During the competition, one of them ran a five-kilometer race. I had to constantly motivate
my group mates while running in order for them to keep going. Our completion time was roughly
26 minutes, which put us in a strong second position. Another event was the rope bridge, in
which my team and others had to construct a rope bridge over two anchor points in the quickest
and most accurate time possible. My team finished in a respectable second place once again,
but I encouraged my teammates to keep their heads up and compete hard in the next
tournament. After that, we had a relay race with a variety of obstacles and goals to complete.
Each team battled against the other by pushing tires, crawling on the ground, and performing
other tasks. My team and I came in first place in the event and second overall in the tournament
because of my motivation. My squad was defeated by the fact that it did not win first place. But,
once everything was finished, I informed my team that we had to prepare for the next event and
that we could win it. As a result, we began our preparations for the following event with a heart
full of sad words and grief.
3. Describe how you have taken advantage of a significant educational opportunity
or worked to overcome an educational barrier you have faced.

I have taken advantage of a very good life. Everything started when I came to the United
States, that was the best thing I did because here I am going to have much more
success in my future, for example, going to college and working on what I want to do,
which is business. I am going to do business because I have a lot of talent in it and I
plan to graduate from a very good university with excellent grades. I have faith that I will
achieve it. And after starting my own business and opening a store, I would really like to
have a lot of business with other people so that my company can grow and have more
things to do. And another plan I got is My grades began to deteriorate, and by the
conclusion of my junior year, I had failed the year with numerous Fs. When senior year
rolled around, I had to make up many classes while also keeping up with my existing
ones. I had made up two classes in one semester and completed my first semester of
senior year with all A's thanks to a lot of hard work and determination. I am currently
passing all of my classes with honors and am on schedule to graduate. Senior activities
are ramping up right now, and senioritis is starting to set in. I am now prepared to
complete my education and begin my adult life. But, in order to get to the finish, I need to
climb over this hill. I've had to face several educational challenges throughout my life,
but I'm nearing the conclusion now.

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