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Note NO.

1 Claim Identification

Claim is of three Types.


Claim of Policy (P) Claim of Value(V) Claim of Fact(F)

For example:
Claim of Policy: We should fight against Corona Virus.
Using should, must, ought to, have to, need to in any sentence is
termed as claim of policy.
Claim of Value: BTV Channel is the best channel in Bangladesh.
When there is an argument on any issue. Some may believe and
some may not. Some may say BTV channel is the worst. Some
may say BTV channel has some good programs. Some may say
BTV channel is the best. Different people may have different
opinions. Then the sentence is termed as Claim of Value.
Claim of Fact:
1. In 2.3 billion years it will be too hot for life to exist on
2. Babies have around 100 more bones than adults.
-The above 2 sentences are scientific facts. The first
sentence shows a figure of billion years and the second
sentence doesn’t have a figure. But both the sentences are
claim of facts.
Now the question arises, how you will know that the
sentences are facts.
 The first thing to know is by looking at the figures,
you can guess these are facts though you don’t have
any pre knowledge of it.
 The second thing to say is that some of you may have
more world knowledge than others. You cannot gain
world knowledge in one day. So those who have less
world knowledge will always be confused and there
is no easy way to overcome it.
 Here are some more examples:
Can you say which sentence is F/ P or V?
1. Production and sales of tobacco must be made illegal. P
2. California experienced a very cold weather last year. F
3. Education is too commercialized nowadays. V
4. Swimming is really the best type of sport. V
5. People with physical disabilities have to be accepted by the
Government. P
6. Cross-cultural marriages add up to racial tolerance. V
7. The term “Astronaut” comes from Greek words that means
“star” and “sailor”. F

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