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Harmony in Homan Being (Unit-2) % UNIT 2 Harmony in Human Being 2.1. UNDERSTANDING HUMAN BEING 2.1.1. Intreduction Every man, woman and child known as human beings belong (o the species of “Homo Sapiens”. Human beings are different from all other animals due to their higher mental growth, posture of standing on two legs and ability to communicate According to Albert Einstein, “A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts a 1g as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires anditp affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty. In the ecosystem of the Earth, humans are most advanced inhabitants. Human beings, similar to all the other things present on earth are the result of evolution and survival in the changing times. Only their fully developed brain distinguishes human from all other living organisms. There are numerous characteristics that a human represents in both physical as well as metaphysical form. They also possess variou tendencies which consist of feeling and emotions as well as lifelessness. Numerous such activities and characteristics can be noticed just with a mere observation, whereas others need a longer and more concentrated effort to be justified. Human beings are biosocial beings and signify the maximum level of progress when compared to all the living creatures on the planet by focussing on, social form of existence, awareness, communication and hard work The current situation of understanding in human beings is the kind that has been given by the money-oriented reductionist perception of the current science and technology. People usually believe that human body is only a complex machine, possessing a number of intangible features such as feeling, thinking, emotions, attitudes. imagination, morals, etc., which are just the outcome of physio-chemical activities occurring inside the human body. 2.1.2. Nature of Human Being ‘The foundation of sense of humour, personality and character is the human nature. It is an everlasting atmosphere on which the development of character takes place and the shape of which should be taken as well as retained in entire life. These make up the nature of a person. ‘A human being’s fundamental nature remains the same and it is only the factors of the human nature which have possibility of refinement, modification, and improvement. One can make changes only in the conducts, traditions, habits and dressing sense of people. History suggests that individuals who existed on Earth during the ancient times possessed the same aspirations, passions and morals us the people of today. Even today humans all across the globe strive towards happiness. Each human being shows a unique character on which education and situations hold very litle or no control at all. Two different people will never conclude the same experience from a similar situation. However both will summarise it as per their perception and apply them into their own life's pattern. 4 MBA Third Semester (HVD & TR) KG Nature of human beings is true to itself only and not to any sort of education or belief. Every human nature fs shaped during indivialisation through Specific pater. Qualities with which a human being is born rem with him forever, even if he does not get an opportunity to cultivate them. They can only disappear for a certain time due to pressure or due to change in interest but cannot be permanently eliminated or modified 2.1.3. Aspects of Human Being Human beings ate the intricate creations of nature's essentials. Human nature can be known by cla 8 it into different aspects that holds importance. Every aspect denotes a separate component of nature. All the important aspects need to be collected in order to understand human beings. Figure 2.1 explains the different features of human beings a te cea at several levels. They are explained below: ‘The Soul Higher Spiritual ‘The Spiritual Aspect Consciousness ¥ Tear Consciousness, Tecate Sensitivity and Emotions ¥ ‘The Mind Intelligence, ‘The Intellectual Aspect Sub-consciousness = ‘The Body Impalsive, Unconscious ‘The Physical Aspect Figure 2.1: Aspects of Human Being 1) Impulsive, Unconscious: The fundamental physical components of a human body such as water and minerals are covered under this level. 2) Intelligence, Sub-Consciousness: All the intellectual aspects are covered under this level. When human beings reach this level, they achieve the ability to move and respond to stimulus, 9) Consciousness, Sensitivity and Emotions: The emotional aspects are covered under this level, This level freats human beings as thinkers who possess emotions and intellect. ‘) Higher Spiritual Consciousness: The spiritual aspects are covered under this level. When human beings teach this level they seek spirituality. 2.1.4, Understanding Harmony in the Human Being God's creation of the universe and all living organism in the universe is for the Purpose of love, affection, mutual respect, independence, life, value experiences, etc., without negative aspects like rivalry, greediness and self centeredness. Every living organism is formed to live harmoniously with each other, al ie a part of reation to balance each other and work collectively for the benefit of the entire universe Harmony” stands for a condition of equality and balance, where everything present in & particular area comes together to develop a situation of Peace and unity for the whole area. A place where harmony prevails; discord, conflict, disease, or disharmonies have no presence. As Per the law of harmony, every part of creation should be in complete balance and harmony with other Parts of the universe, If a particular part of creation lacks harmony or balance, it impacts other parts, On the other hand building up of balance or harmony in a person’s life is an extremely personal issue which needs customisation of tasks such as disharmony, conflict and problems according to the comfort of individuals, Harmony in Human Being (Unit-2) The foremost step towards accomplishin Os sees © ing this is developing an understanding of one’s own intentions objectives, and after that expanding these until harmony is created For example, if a woman is dissatisfied with her love life, she will feel that all eligible men are already committed and it is not possible to find any man ideal enough to suit her. As she has made the issue related to her love life the sole interest of her life and spends much of her energy and time pondering over it, itis creating more conflict A person needs to avoid all kinds of negative situations and start thinking of all the positive aspects that life presents and the way they are linked to each other. This will help the person in establishing harmony in his/her life. After this, person must develop additional “faith filled” resources that would be supporting in reducing all unexpected problems. A person should be confident of being able to fine tune himself as and when changes occur and adjust with situation without any criticism. When a person possesses inner harmony, he would have more choices and hence no single area of his life would need to bear the impact of the added pressure during the unexpected problems of life. If people think harmoniously they would realise how the selections that they make are influenced by their attitude. It must always be remembered that consistency and harmony go hand in hand in bringing peace, happiness, and satisfaction. The below mentioned points explain harmony in humans: 1) Foundation of harmony in society is made from the harmony in family which reflects from harmony in human being. 2) The meaning of harmony is looking for peace and living a life free from hatred. 3) It is a balance in opinion or feeling and forms a pleasant blend of all the elements as one. 4) It is the scenario where individuals work and live with others in such a manner that things surrounding them are not disturbed. 5) It stands for being in serenity with our own self and also with all other humans, animals, plants, mother Earth, and every type of energy. Further, harmony denotes happiness, joy, and freedom, taking pleasure in the gifts of nature, and fulfilling all material, emotional, spiritual, as well as social needs like education, health, work, accommodation, and a pollution-free environment. 6) In our cultural environment we are continuously seeking this for all the humans, nations, and for the entire humanity. Eventually the human beings wish to live harmoniously with nature. This means that harmony already exists; no one needs to generate it; it is present as co-existential harmony. All one requires is to realize its presence and come in line with it. 7) Discovering harmony means interacting with people just like another human and not like producers, ‘consumers or other general economic ranks. There will be no existence of people and land unless until they are given proper attention, affection, love and care required by them to survive, grow and prosper. These above given positive aspects of life can only be gained by people when they will live their life in harmony with other people as well as nature. 8) There is a deep relation of harmony with the balance of a person’s body, mind and soul. Harmony is completely a different thing which is in the form of fulfillment, completeness, happiness, acceptance, satisfaction, awareness, and peace. If people want to be in harmony then they need to go through several actions. Most of the things are totally Known to them but still they tend to ignore them. It seems like persons might be afraid of becoming the best forms of themselves and attaining success. Fear is the biggest enemy of a human being and never allows him/her to grow. ‘Therefore, it is much required for a person to conquer his/her fear and begin his/her journey by achieving harmony in order to get success. 5b MBA Third Semester (HVD & TR) IKGPty 2.2. UNDERSTANDING HUMAN BEING AS A CO-EXISTENCE OF THE SENTIENT ‘I’ AND THE MATERIAL ‘BODY’ ye an accustomed structure and shape of body that is instantly noticeable to people. This puts SE i teatioa of thinking of other people who are having similar features. However, in addition to the fans ody ies there is one more important feature of human being called aliveness of a person which Keeps the body ‘alive’ and operative as per the requirement " s functions like talking, seeing, listening, eating, walking, etc., his aliveness can be Drei aise caed “Fivana’. Hence, humans are a result of co-existence of jiyana and body. Jivana i. referred to as I (self). Therefore, a person can introduce himself as “I am this and this”. He can also say “I am happy” or “Iam tired” rather than saying “my body is tired”. This self or ‘I’ can also be termed se “consciousness” and it is a human being's sentient establishment, Human beings are a combination of physical aspect and sentient, i.e. the body and I, between whom information is exchanged, such that body and I are related and exist together. Information flows from I to body and vice versa. There are three ways in which distinction between I and body can be made which are in terms of activities, needs and types of these tno entities. The intangible needs of ‘I’ like trust, respect, etc., can be termed as happiness (sukh), whereas all the tangible needs that the body requires are termed as physical facilities (suvidha) such as food, cloth, sheltet, etc. These two things ‘I’ and body are qualitatively diverse. Quantity has no significance in case of need of ‘I’ because of its qualitative nature, whereas the needs of body are limited and are quantitative. Activities of self (I) are actions like thinking, desire, selection, while those of the body are actions like breathing, eating, etc. ‘T communicates through knowledge, assumption, recognition and fulfilment. The basis of fulfilment is recognition, whose basis is assumption. Assumption's basis is knowledge or belief. If the basis of assumption is knowledge then recognition and fulfilment will be automatically correct. Beliefs taken into consideration without knowledge results in fallacy. Body communicates only through identifying and satisfying. Self (I) is conscious in nature whereas body is a physical entity or has a physio-cher mical nature, Thus, people can conclude by saying that human beings are the outcome of a co-existence between entirely distinct entities, namely sentient ‘I’ and material body. Although these two components work together, their actions and desires are quite different and therefore must be taken into consideration. Human beings are referred to as a composite amalgamation of the sentient ‘I’ associating to feelings and material ‘body’ associating to physical abilities that they require. Below mentioned are the two levels of human beings co-existence: 1) At the Self (1) Level: Without having knowledge of self (I) and material body, it is difficult to understand the wants and satisfaction of human being who is a co-existence of self (I) and body. Among the two fundamental needs of happiness and physical facility, happiness is associated with self (I-consciousness) and physical facility is associated with material body. Physical facility is a nced that is temporary with espect fo time and limited on the basis of quantity. On the other hand, the need to be happy is permanent with respect to time and has a qualitative nature. 2) Atthe Body Level: As body is the Jarh (material) unit, it is a way to take care of body and being liable for its Poshan (nutrition), Sadupyog (proper utilisation) and Sanrakshan (Protection). Body and self (I) both are related to each other and human. being is created out of their co-existence. When one understands that humans are the co-existence of the body and self, he/she can make out that body is material or jarh and self iS consciousness of chaitanya, Self keeps on acting permanently whereas body acts temporarily. Self needs Permanent happiness, which it gets by living harmoniously with itself and with nature as well. A self that is undeveloped usually operates at Mana’s (taste and selection) and Vritti’s (comparison and analysis) level, and sensations and pr ughts, work and behaviour of a person reconditioning guide its actions. When the tho are filled with their natural acceptance, activation of superior dimensions take place and self grows continuously. 2.2.1. Understanding Self (1), Myself and Yourself Seif stands for the fundamental being of the person which separates him from the others; it is particularly believed as an object of automatic action or self-examination. It is crucial to analyse the belief of self if one wants to know the meaning of self, According to RJ. Crisp and R.N. Turner, “The individual self consists of attributes and personality traits that differentiate us from other individuals (c.g.,‘introverted’). The relational self is defined by our relationships with significant others (c.g, ‘sistr’), Finally, the collective self reflects our membership in social groups (e-g., ‘British’ Self can be understood as the entire well-being of a person concerning his/her capabilities and mental nature. In the modem philosophical conversations self in its simplest concept is defined as an awakened mind which is conscious of its existence, on which a person can have minimum reflective independence. It can also be explained as an “organised cognitive structure in long-term memory that might include both general characters like detail about the self along with specific behaviours”. Self can be seen as vibrantly managing and incorporating information on a temporary basis throughout life includes: [ 1) Experience (Anubhay, If we work at this level, there is 2) Understanding (Bodh) Certainty 3)_Desiring (Chitran) Changes, re. | 4) Thinking (Vishleshan) If we work at this level, there is 5)_ Selecting (Chayan) —__[Wacertainty rca alain ts Vi} Characteristics of ‘I’ Self (1) has three distinct characteristics which are: 1) Self (1) can be perceived and recognised by the individuals, 2) Self (I) can be easily separated from other individuals, 3) A person can be involved in self (1). Activities of 7 ‘There are a variety of activities that a person is usually engaged in which can be categorised into: 1) Activities taking place inside self (1). 2) Activities related to both the body and self (I). 3) Activities taking place inside the body. ‘All our acviies 53) Activities going on in he Body Activites that are going ‘on only inthe Body, but withthe consent of Activities tha are happening es hae a ‘with the involvement ofboth happening in‘ ceality that i responsible fora these activities is the Self ot and ay i) Breathing Digesting Blood flow Analysing Heartbeat Understanding “Those activities do not ‘These ae ‘my’ These activites require require my active sctivites, they, ae in ‘my active panicipation ‘artiipation a —— ——— = ‘activites are happening by ‘These activities are not happening ‘by themselves'. The sihemuelves'; but with "my" consent, withthe consent of “1 do not need 10 pay_panicula| ‘tention to these activities for them to take place igure 22 a) MBA Third Semester (HVD & TR) IKGPTy 1) Activities in the Self: Activities taking place in self are; i) Thinking, ii) Believing, iii) Speaking, iv) Understanding, v) Feeling, vi) Dreaming, vii) Analysing, vi ix) Imagining ) Desiring, and These activities take place inside the individuals throughout day and night, and usually a person is ot aware of them. A person can become aware of them if he/she pays attention to them, Itcan also be obsercag that these activities occur without considering the state of body The self is conscious in nature while the body is physico-chemical in nature. ‘The interaction between the ‘| and the body is in the form of exchange of information. So the focus of attention is on two categories of autributes of the self, namely, the powers of the self and the corresponding activities as the manifen ‘outcomes of these powers: ') Power: This means the basic capacity in the self ("I"), They are ~ desires, thoughts and expectations, ii) Activities: The activities are — imaging, analysing, and selectin means breaking down the image into various parts or to open it up. Selecting/tasting is with the expectation of fulfilling our desires with the expectation of happiness. The aotivity of selecting/tasting is the basic level via which the self-interacts with the body. wwhtasting. The activity of analysing An example to understand these activities is as follows: 1) We may have desire to have respect by being the owner of a big house. This isin the form of imaging — We have an image in us of fulfilment of this need for respect via a house. i) Based on this desire, we start working out the details of the house. For example, no. of rooms, storeys, ‘on which floor in will stay. The image of wanting respect from the house is split into many parts — this is called analysing. The activity of analysing means breaking down the image into various parts. i) Now that we have worked out the details of the house, we go about choosing the size, colour, ete, of the room. This is called selecting/tasting. Activity » » eee 2) Self 3) Imaging 4) Thought 4) Analysing 5) Expectation 5) Slecting/Tasting y Information ‘ Body -” Exchange Figure 23 2) Activities Involving both the Self (I) and the Body: ‘Some of the activities that happen inside us involve ‘both body and Self (I). ‘I’ makes the selection and decisions and the body executes them. They are. i) Eating, ii) Walking, ii) Talking, iv) Listening, and Y). Seeing. For an illustration, one can take the example of eating where ‘I’ first decides the food that is supposed to be ¢aten, and then ‘I’ makes a choice to put the food in the body with the help of hands and takes the food towards the mouth, for chewing and swallowing it. Hence, the activity of eating involves both self (1) and body in making the choice and carrying out the activity. Harmony in Homan Being (Unit-2) a 3) Activities in the Body — but Only with the . janised activities keep 0° i approval of ‘I’: A set of self-org: c happen ing inside the body which happen with the approval of Self (1) but without I's active involvement. ey are: i) Blood flow, ii) Digesting, ii) Nourishment, iv) Heartbeat, and )_ Breathing. Assuming, Knowing, Fulfilling and Recognising in ‘I’ and Recognising and Fulfilting in Body Following are the activities of assuming, knowing, fulfilling, and recognising in ‘I’ and recognising and fulfilling in body: " 1) Activities Related to Recognising and Fulfilling in the Body: It is clear that activities such as heartbeat, breathing and digestion etc. take place in the body. Further, activities like recognition and fulfillment can also be considered as activities of the body. When two material bodies interact with one another mutually, it is seen as recognition and fulfillment of the relation they share. Hence, two material entities have a certain ‘manner of interaction with each other. 2) Activities related to Assuming, Knowing, Recognizing and Fulfilling in the Self (1): Talking about self (D or Jivan, which is a sentient or a conscious entity; it is observed that along with recognizing and fulfilling, the activities of knowing and assuming are also present. Recognizing and fulfilling are activities dependent on knowing or assuming. Below mentioned are the activities of Self (I i) We Assume: Making assumptions is a common human trait. At some point of time every one assumes and speaks phrases like “I assumed this to be true, but I was wrong”. For Example, when a person notices a snake but assumes it to be a rope then he/she would respond in a different manner which would be considered as recognition and fulfillment and if he/she would have considered it to be a snake then such activity should have been called as ‘assuming or manana’ ii) We Recognise: We recognise numerous things on a daily basis. They may be our parents or siblings, friends, water, etc. and we term this activity as ‘recognizing or pehchaananna’. This activity in “I” depends upon assuming. iii) We Fulfill: Once water has been recognized by us, we drink it. We greet a friend when we recognize him. When we see an injured dog, we try to help him. The responses after recognition are termed as activity of “fulfilling or nirvah karma’. The activity of fulfilling in ‘I’ depends upon the recognition. ‘On combining all of these (in I) one can illustrate it as: Assuming —® Recognising —® Fulfilling Apart from this there is another activity called ‘knowing’ present in an individual (in ‘T’) which people are not much aware of or have not discovered properly. It means that people have an accurate understanding of harmony at every level of their lives. With the right understanding and knowledge of reality, people assume in accordance with knowing and thus recognising and fulfilling become definite. Till that time, it depends on assumptions and beliefs that keep on changing. Knowing 2 Assuming “2S Recognising “> Putting 2.2.13. Harmony in ‘I’ Ensuring harmony in ‘T’ is a process consisting of four steps as mentioned below: 1) Developing awareness that a human being is the co-existence of self ({) and the body. 2) Developing awareness that the body is merely an instrument of the Self (I). The Self sees, does, and enjoys. 3) Developing awareness of the activities of thoughts, desires and expectations and to naturally accept each of the three activities. 4) Understanding harmony at the level of our existence which can be done by validating the proposals that have been placed at our natural acceptance level. This results in realisation and understanding that consecutively becomes the reason for thoughts, desire, and expectations and ends up creating harmony in Self (1) with continuity. MBA Third Semester (HYD & TR) IKGPTU 40, Myself , pene Ene with himself in order to spread harmony in ne veel Easleeaes vet A requirement for understanding ‘Myself’, Who am 1? Am I a soul residing Be eyelet) itself? This is an unanswered question that exists in every mind. I is like an endless Ieee ery person. It increases the anxiety of a person to understand ‘Myself’ in many folds. “Mysel 4 called the co-existence of Self (I) and material body Harmony is developed in myself and in relationships withthe help of 1". While listening to a chorus, 1 ge inspired by the hamiony in voice of chorus singing. In an attractive room, I" gets inspired By the way complementary textures and colours unite to create the ambience that is desired, In considering nature, ‘T’ looks ava lively landscape made up of a harmonious combination of trees, flowers and grasses, When ‘I’ replicates on the above examples, ‘I? becomes the main constituent of harmony in the universe surrounding me. ‘T’ provides peaceful, positive, upli myself, When ‘I’ is honest, open and forgiving i then unity and harmony of spi ig energy by nurturing harmony inside my relations and relationship, and when ‘I’ centres in meditation and prayer, s cultivated by ‘I’ in the world. Harmony with Yourself Methods of being in harmony with yourself are given below: 1) Breathing Life into your Body with Just Love: Breathing life into your body can be done only with pure love and not with criticism, anger or self-judgment or with one’s desires or what one was made for. This dces not imply that good sense and discipline are totally discarded. It means that they are coveted in love rather than stress and tension every time one breathes. 2) Deciding your Own Self-Worth prior to anyone else does: It is now the time to decide that you are worth and then observe that nobody should contradict it once you have established it yourself. Uncertainties do ‘not have a single possibility to come in front of positive minds. 3) Accepting your Loved Ones the way they are: We are born among certain people and we do not come with an option to switch. It is the truth of our being. Those people are who they are. They might be much better than what we consider them to be. Hence, stop trying to change them and accept them the way they are. Change yourself first. 4) Not permitting anyone to make you feel Guilty, Small, Insecure or Ashamed: There is no one allowed to muike you feel anything unless and until you allow them to do so. You say, “Sure, come and make me feel like a fool, permit you, Ihave no problem”. Then only they can do it. So, whatever you choose, choose sensibly Developing your Heart and Mind with Education, Books and Continuous Learning: You learn only ‘when you desire and not necessarily at work or in school. A mind that leams stays sharp, active and young. ‘Thus educate yourself by reading books. Stop Collecting Material and Start Collecting Experience: A path that leads to simplicity is covered with harmony and peace. It is beautiful, pure and the kind that anyone can pass through consisting of the joy that Comes with the belief that less is more, by showing that one has all that he/she needs. All one needs is more ‘harmony and peace of mind which cannot be bought. Life must be enriched with experiences instead of material Permitting yourself to be Human, to be who you are and Just as you are: For just a change, one should Rot be so tough on himself/herself because being tough serves no purpose. It merely crushes the spirit so it 1s better to be the normal human. Sleep as much as you want, Eat as much as you fee! like, even more than ‘your share if you are craving for it or are hungry. Let the body heal from any sort of physical or emotional injury or pain and permit yourself to be a human being. When you have healed, recovered, and feel strengthened, start your journey again. If you are gentle to yourself, you will move at a better pace 2.2.2. Material Body The working of human body is very com, plex and it is a self-organised entity. Human body comprises of numerous organs and glands and various When human body is observed closely, 6) n body parts work and respond in close coordination with each other. y a it discloses that every cell is sclf-organised and has an active involvement in the self-organisation of human body. Further, ‘self is not a ‘body’, If it gets reduced to the body, then it would be difficult for people to gain awareness of what they perceive about the outer world. Harmooy in Homan Being (Unit-2) al According to Graham, “Bod bodily a ly can be consi logical or genetic influences, functioning and overt behav; considered in terms of biologic: a our as extensively studied by behaviourists”. It is understood that every person is aware of ‘I? from starting of the day to end involve a c: understanding the involvement of ‘I’ which cannot select, decide, and execute any activi between body and ‘I is that the bod; way to execute such activity is made by (ivana) and the body both. An individual's various activities areful selection, decision, and carrying out of an activity by performs various actions. It is important to consider that body ity without our involvement or permission. The main difference s merely used to perform the activities whereas selection, decision, and ‘T also known as ‘Jivana’. For example, one cannot say that his hands started moving by themselves. Rather he can say that he himself decided to move his hands. Hence, the decision is taken by ‘I’ and not the hands. Understanding the Body as an Instrument of As already stated, body and ‘I’ are the two different entities. ‘I’ needs to take decisions and the body acts according to it, ¢.g., need for food is basically the need of ‘I’ who takes decision to cat and this information is then sent to the body. The body eats. chews and swallows the food. The body is also directed by ‘I’ on what to eat and the amount that is to be eaten. Body thus acts like an instrument that does things for self. (I Being Doer, Seer, and Enjoyer) For example, ‘I’ being a ‘Seer’ uses eyes as a tool to see. ‘I’ makes whatever the eyes see meaningful. Feet, hands and other body parts which perform activities are carried-out by ‘I’, also known as ‘Doer’. ‘I’ being an “Enjoyer’ sends information to the body to do any specific activity in order to get a sense of enjoyment. Body ~ An Instrument of ‘I’ The only relationship that can be formed between body and self is that the body acts as an instrument for self. ‘Body’ does not decide for itself due to lack of thinking ability. It physically performs activities thought by the “Self”. This fact is proved by the following explanation: 1) ‘I’ Being Doer: When self (1) sees and understands something, it will be ‘I’ who decides what is to be done and what is not to be done. Here, ‘I’ becomes the ‘Doer’, For Example, if I sees a beautiful scene, then, it is I who decides whether to take the photograph of the scene or not. And if ‘I’ decides to click the picture of that scene, then I would use the hands to take the photograph of that scene. The hands are thus used as tools and in this way I will employ the hands and feet. 2) ‘T Being Seer: People are involved in various activities like seeing and understanding while watching television, reading a book, thinking or listening to someone’s talks. For example, on seeing a scenery, we say “I am seeing this scene” which would imply that self or ‘I’ is seeing through the eyes which are merely used as tools. Viewing the outside world is not their task and responsibility. Numerous images are created in our eyes every time, but the meaning that is provided to those images is given by ‘I’. Similarly, one can also see within oneself without the aid of eyes. For example, ‘I’ can see the happiness within. This example illustrates that ‘I’ is aware of the happiness. When ‘I’ sees outside, the body acts as a tool 3) ‘I’ Being Enjoyer: While looking at a scene and capturing its image, ‘I’ is the only one at this point who sees and does it. ‘I’ appreciates and enjoys the picture when it sees it. Hence, a sequence of seeing, doing, and enjoying is followed. _ Relationship between ‘I’ and Body ‘The body is incapable of taking care of itself. This is only done by ‘I’. ‘I’ does not control activities such as gestion, breathing and other involuntary activities of the body, but they take place with its consent. However, ‘T decides activities like singing, dancing, etc. which are performed by the ‘body’. In another category, “I and ‘Body’ act collectively. For example, if the focus of a person is on pain, he would observe that ‘I’ will make him feel it more than what the body feels. If the person tolerates it through ‘I’ without responding to it, then it mostly gets recovered, And if it does not recover, then it is the job of ‘I’ to identify the external factors which cause the pain. Extemal medications would be required in such circumstances. MBA Third Semester (HYD & TR) IKGPT 2 rstal “1”) and “Body”: Sukh & Suvidha Needs of Self (“1”) an ft 2.2.3. Unde Se ae needs of self) are limitless. Sel () needs constant Llp whereg ai eaes physta fais (physio-chemical objects) to nurture, protect and utilise it appr body requires phy: S i Self (1), On the other hand, the needs of bod it c tanding fulfils the needs of § : : Accurate feelings and correct Sa rest of the nature to generate physical feetles ze peste ok se ‘ esis evenly in nature, whereas needs of body are quantifiable and limited inn th itati 1e" a Sa tbody ofeach individual can be easily fulfilled by nature Human needs self Needs of body roe i it ature whereas needs of body hav i , trust, happiness, etc., are intangible in nature = aly earn Bice tin a Reon elit work for ‘I’ and body both in order to make sure the Physica! ies ore eal ee happiness, trust for self (1), The body needs facilities which are tangible in natu ie oh Toud ae ett and which are temporary with time whereas self (I) rae on tatoos ike clothing, food, : : ereas self (Dn 5 are c h time. Happiness is attained by self (1) through a “h are intangible in nature and are continuous wit i nis atta Spiel fstnes and ene understanding whereas physical facilities fulfil the needs of body it tial to satisfy the needs of both Self (1) and body i.e. happiness or sukh and Peale ee opaaearas eee replaced by other Haman being is required to wok both happiness (Sukha) in self (I) and physical facilities (Suvidha) for the body. Being peat, 8 person's sl () requires continuous happiness and body needs certain fixed physical facilities. Both of them are important and need to be fulfilled. Happiness and respect cannot be guaranteed by just eating food and similarly food cannot be attained just by having respectfulness, Both are equally important with proper understanding, people ‘must take responsibility for themselves i.e, ‘Jivana’ as well as the body. Understanding the Self (‘I’ ) as the Conscious Entity, the Body as the Material Entity Distinction between the ‘I’ and the ‘body’ is represented in the table 2.1: Table 2.1: Distinction between the “I” and the “Body” 1 Needs Trust, Respect Food, Clothin, Needs are Happiness (Sukha) Physical f In time needs are | Continuous ‘Temporary sis | In quantity, needs are_| Quantitative (no quantity) Quantitative (Limited in quantity) Ness are fulfilled by | Right understandings and right feelings | Food, clothing, et. Activities | Activities are Desiring, thinking, etc. Breathing, heartbeat, etc Knowing assuming, Fectifying, fulfilling | Recognising, fulfilling ] Type | Itis of type Conscious (Chaitanya) Physio-chemical (Jarh) Knowing, Assuming (Accepting), Recognition & Fulfilment The basis of fulfilment is recognition. The basis of recognition is assum, OF not knowing (manyata — belief), tion. Assumption depends upon knowing accurate. On the other hand, if If the basis of acceptance is knowledge, then recognition and fulfilment will be “Se necessities of life, but more. Most of the people consider prosperity as wealth, or having more and more wealth. However, wealth is a physical quantity and prosperity is a feeling. Wealth means having more and more money ‘or possessing a large number of physical facilities or both. Nowadays, humans have the tendency to keep working only to acquire maximum wealth, no matter what path they choose This tendeney does not involve the accurate meaning of prosperity to possess feeling of having enough Prosperity is a wider concept that involves wealth, which makes wealth, a part of prosperity. Humans should know difference between wealth and prosperity, as they tend to acquire prosperity and happiness through ‘maximum accumulation and consumption of physical facilities. The difference between the two lies in the fact that if a wealthy person, who possesses a lot of wealth and Physical facilities does not want to share a bit of it with the needy ones, he/she is not considered prosperous. However, < Trinh necdy ones * Proserous person, possessing wealth and physical facilis, will readily share i Harmony in Human Being (Unit-2) ” = aa Table 2.2: Wealth versus Prosperity (ae Wealth T Prosperity 1) Wealth is a state of being rich and possexsing all) Prospa ly refers to the fecling of possessing 4) alongwith other factors such as health and happiness ees py Wealth is a type of prosperity, 2) Wealth us well as other factors are included in ja | __prosperiy 3)_Itisa quantitative f | |) tei qualitative factor RTI Emotional Self-Discipline Victor has not been satisfied with his earlier companies which failed to provide him enough growth ‘opportunities as per his expectations, Nevertheless, after thinking for three long months, he decided to switch over to a new company which promised him the growth opportunities he had been looking for Just before completing six months with the company, he was offered a transfer to another plant situated approximately 200 miles away from his current location. Victor perceived the transfer as a huge promotion and grabbed the opportunity very enthusiastically, It was just afier his joining at the new plant that he found out the responsibilities and tasks almost similar to the previous plant, Also, he w: as not communicated re salary hike. As Victor expected a promotion, he was disheartened rding any After the disheartening event, other negative aspects followed. His expenses in the new locations were higher and the schools in the area were not as good as the previous locations. All these factors led to Victor's discontentment and frustration. He decided to do something about it. After a fortnight, during his new projec Victor walked straight into the HR department in the afternoon and expressed his condition in a fier mat While he was bursting out his feelings, he was stopped by the HR Manager midway and w: slow down, and be patient. Soon after, he started reading a letter from head office which sta supposed to replace a newly promoted employee and it was a huge hike for Victor sked to relax. -d that Victor was Questions: 1) Was it right on Victor's part to put his feelings so explosively? 2) Did the outburst prove fatal for him even though he got promoted? 3) What steps or solutions could have been taken up by Victor to avoid such situation? 2.6.1. Fill in the Blanks 1) Human beings belong tothe species of “__ 2) The feeling of responsibility for proper nurturing, utilisation and protection of the body is known as 3) Harmony with ‘I’ is established through 4) The other name for self or 5) The famous principle “simple living high thinking” can be followed by practicing "_ 6) has limited needs while needs of ___are limitess 1) _Aecondition where each and every part of a human body executes its function a expected, is known as 8) Even today humans all across the globe strive towards 9) Proper care of the body begins with a 10) Humans should know the difference between wealth and

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