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Better for heath

- Plant based diet can reduce the chances of getting many other diseases like type two diabetes,
high blood and cancer
- shifting to a plant-based diet is linked to increasing the body’s metabolism->
+ maintaining body weight
+ enhance exercise performance
- The nutrients, minerals and proteins found in vegetables and fruits support collagen production-
> enhance skin,nail, hair health
2. Better for environment
- Reduce green house effect: If more people chose plant based foods, green house emissions
would reduce by 70% and help 8 million people stay alive in 30 years (Susan Levin- a reseacher
on the impact of veganism on the environment)
- lessen N20 emission: The food industry contributes nitrous oxide emission -> chosing plant
based foods helps lessen this production to save environment
- Save land: Nearly 30% of the Earth's land mass is being used for raising different animals for
food and also for growing feed crops -> if we would stop consuming such a big quantity of food,
we would save lots of land, which will definitely be a great thing for this planet
- Save water: the amount of water needed to supply a person on a plant-based diet is three times
less than the amout it takes to produce food from an animal-> this helps save water.
3. Save animals live
- By eating plants and avoid eating animals, the number of animals killed will decrease-> save
billions of animals a year and prevent their pain

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