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Valeria Reyes

English 1302

Judith McCann

25, January 2022

Peer Reviewed Homework

I really enjoyed reading this Peer Reviewed Websites. I think that this Journals where

really informative and that they can help me in this course. According to the website “What is a

Peer Reviewed Article?”, the goal for peer review is to collect or get good quality of information

that was meant to be published in the Scholarly journal. In fact, this can help people have the

correct information when doing research. As a read these websites I learned some characteristics of

peer reviewed articles. The first characteristic you have to check to identify if the Article is peer-

reviewed is to verify if the article is been posted in a scholarly journal. Another characteristic a

peer reviewed article has a serious and thoughtful tone. This characteristic is really important

because a peer- review article should always have a formal tone. The last characteristic that I think

it is very important is that a peer- reviewed article should always have citation thoughts and

reference at the back of the page. It is very important that the article has citations because that

means that they have proof of what they are mentioning in their article and people could always go

to those websites to double check if the information is true. (Lloyd Sealy Library).

In fact, the website (Anglo state university) mentioned that they are three categories of

information resources that people have to learn about peer reviewed. To begin with, the first

category talks about how sometimes many Magazines and newspapers that contain news or

Articles written by reporters they might not always be true. This will make the article have
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incorrect information about a certain topic and that could lead people write some false information

in a research paper. The second category the website talks about is that some journals have articles

that are written by apparently professionals and also some by academics (Anglo state university).

The website also mentions that even though the articles might be written professionals sometimes

they can write what they think about and not the actual information about a certain topic and that is

why it very important to first check if the article you are reading is peer- reviewed to make sure

you are reading the correct information. The last category this website talks about is that peer-

reviewed means that the articles are written by many professionals in the field and they do this

before they publish it in journals or articles to make sure the information, they are writing is

accurate. In fact, the (Anglo state university) mentioned that sometimes articles that are not peer

reviewed don’t have a name because the person who wrote the article does not want to take the

“blame” just in case there is some incorrect information in the article.

Reading these two websites was very helpful for me because it explained how to identify a

peer- reviewed article or journal. These two websites also mentioned some of the things a peer-

reviewed journal has. I think that I will apply all of this advice when I am looking for a peer-

reviewed article. I think that there are four things I will look for when I am doing a peer- reviewed

essay will be to check if it has a credential author. This will let the reader know who are some of

the authors of the article. Another thing I will look for is it has an abstract in the first page of the

article. An abstract means a small summary of the article that will give people a brief information

of what the article contains. The third thing I will look for is to check if the article has good

information and talks in depth about the topic. This will help the reader know if the author has a lot

of acknowledge in that topic. The last thing I think it is very important to look for when searching

for peer- reviewed articles is to check if the author of the article had done a original research on
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that topic or its only on personal information. This will let the reader know if the information that

is in the article is accurate (Lloyd Sealy Library). I think that these four things that I mentioned are

very important to check when looking for a peer- reviewed article because that will help you make

sure you have the correct information.

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