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Valeria Reyes

English 1302

Judith McCann

21 February 2022

“Search mechanism and innovation: An analysis across multiple perspectives” Assignment

I really enjoyed reading this article because it informed me about multiple perspectives

and the search mechanism. Reading this article really helped me because I learned three search

mechanisms and perspectives which are the where, how, and loci (Appio et al. 2). According to

the article it mentioned that there are multiple perspectives which are the where and how

perspectives.In fact, the article mentioned that in order to come up with the four search paths an

effort goes into the directions to join both perspectives which are the where and how (Appio et

al. 2). The last perspective is called the “loci” dimension (Appio et al. 2). I also read that the

article stated that the studies integrate space and time to (where), modes (‘how’), and actors to

(loci) (Appio et al. 2). According to the article they wanted to blend together the where, how and

loci (Appio et al. 12).

In addition to this, As I read the article, I noticed that the authors had different

perspectives towards what they were mentioning which were the search mechanisms. In fact, the

perspectives relate a lot to the search mechanism which are the how, where, and loci. This

means that the authors were describing each of the perspectives and search mechanisms by

providing different examples ,so the audience could better understand what they were talking
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about. In other words, they stated how search mechanisms had to do with exploration-

exploitation, social media, and open innovation.

To start off, the article mentioned that the search mechanism had to do with

exploration-exploitation by explaining the four contributions of cluster.They also how they

defined the organizational memory as the stored information which are facts, events, and process

(Appio et al.4). In fact, the authors in the article stated that the how and where innovation search

could associate with what they were talking about.

The other search mechanism the article mentioned was the social media one. In the social

media and search mechanism section it stated that an analysis proposed that a formal use of the

social media in making new products can help the MNC’s in generating more insights ( Appio et

al. 6). It also talked about “ how the literature focuses a lot on the social media tools for

supporting collaboration in NPD” (Appio et al. 5). Another important thing that they mentioned

in this section was that the authors find a “positive relationship between knowledge inflows and

outflows” (Appio et al. 6).

The last search mechanism the authors mentioned in their article was open innovation.

They mentioned that, “the open innovation had to do with cluster 3” ( Appio et al. 6). “It also

talked about how the authors move a step forward in assessing the interaction of internal and

external capabilities variables” (Appio et al. 6). The authors also talked about the results of the

employee involvement and also about the higher capability.

In conclusion, as I stated before I really enjoyed reading this article because it informed

me about the three perspectives and also about the search mechanism. I feel that the authors did a

great job explaining both the search mechanism and perspectives by giving certain examples.
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One of the ways that the authors provided evidence when they were describing something was

by providing the charts and explaining what each chart meant.

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Worked cited

Appio, Search mechanism and innovation: An analysis across multiple

perspectives.SienceDirect (2016)

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