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Valeria Reyes English 1302-213 February 3, 2022

Essay 1 Invention 1302

Topic What do you really What can you do to Who can you Where can you look to What do you need to What evidence do you
want to know about uncover answers to talk to about find out more know to engage in the think is credible to
this topic? what you want to this topic? information about this discussion about this debate this topic?
know? topic? issue?
1: I want to do this I think that I would I think that if I A perfect place to look One of the things I need I think that credible
Drink experiment because have to drink 4 want to do for this type of to know in order to evidence for this topic
1 liter of I think this would water bottles to this information can be in a engage in the discussion can be found in an
water per benefit my health a make it a liter. I experiment I library or online peer- about this issue is the article stating that
day lot. think that I would should ask a reviewed journals. I feel effects of this drinking a certain
need to make a doctor since that I would find this experiment. I would also amount of water can be
schedule to make he has more type of information like to know the pros healthy. Another
sure I meet my knowledge of under the health and cons of doing this evidence I can find is
goal. what might articles. experiment. using proofs when I am
happen if I doing my experiment.
drink 1 liter of
water per day.

2: Not Something I want to I think that in I think that if I I think that the perfect One of the things I need I think that credible
using know about this order to complete want to do place to look for to know in order to evidence that can help
Facebook topic is how I will this experiment I this information can be on engage in the discussion me in my experiment is
for 4-5 react to using would need to experiment I the internet. I think that can be by doing some to provide some
days facebook for 3 days. uninstall the should talk if I look for articles that research and finding surveys from people
I also want to know facebook app to about it with have to do with social information that can that feel that facebook
if my mood will make sure I don’t my friends. media addiction I will support my experiment. can be addicting. This
change or stay the use facebook. One of the find really good I also think I should write will help the reader
same. Another thing I reasons why I information. One of the how I feel when I use understand how there's
would need to do think I should reasons why I think that Facebook and how I feel many people with the
in order to talk about it I will find good when I don't use same problem. For
complete this with my information on online facebook. This will instance, many people
experiment is to friends is article is because there definitely help me can feel anxiety when
write down what I because I are many medical and understand the they don’t have access
feel when I use think I would health articles that talk experiment better and to facebook.
facebook and feel more about how facebook know what can be the
compare those comfortable can be so addicting. advantages and
feelings to how I telling them disadvantages.
react when I am how I feel
not using doing this
facebook. experiment
and they can
guide me.
3: This topic seems I think that in I think that If I I think that the perfect I think that one of the I think that a credible
Managing really interesting order to complete want to place to look for things I need to know in evidence I can use for
time for because I want to this experiment I manage my information related to order to engage in a this experiment is try to
4-5 days discover how I will would first explain time I should my topic can be in an discussion related to this look for surveys where
feel if I try to what I usually do talk about it online library. Usually if topic can be trying to it explains what people
manage my time for every day. After with my I search on google for find the benefits of time think of time
4-5 days. that I will need to teachers and information that relates management. What I management and what
write a schedule ask them for to my topic I can find mean by this can be that managing their time
and explain how I advice and good articles that there are many pros if means to them. This
plan to manage some tips on explain why managing you practice time could help me talk
my time. I think how I can time can be very management. more about this topic
this will be really manage my important and helpful. and explain what other
helpful because I time. I think people think about.
can kind of have that this could
an idea of how to be very helpful
start managing my since teachers
time. usually tend to
things so it is
easier for
them to
manage their
4: I think that this To do this I think that if I I think that the perfect I think that the best way I think that credible
topic seems really experiment I feel want to do place to find to engage in a good evidence I can use in
Not eating interesting because I that first I will have this information over this discussion that relates to my experiment can be
junk food really enjoy eating to explain how I experiment I experiment would be my experiment could be by providing
and candies, chips, and feel when I eat would have to on the online peer- the good benefits of percentages on how
instead bread. This junk food. This will talk to a reviewed journal eating healthy. many people have
eat more experiment would help me identify nutritionist article ,but something health issues because
healthy be kind of how I would feel if and see the that I have to make sure of their eating habits.
for 4-5 complicated for I don’t eat that benefits of this will looking for articles
days me ,but I feel that I kind of food. I experiment. is to make sure that the
will learn new things would also need to article has to do with a
if I choose this topic. weigh myself just medical field to get
in case I lose factual information.
weight or stay the

5: I think that this topic I think that before I think that for A perfect place to find The best way to engage I think that a credible
Not seems really I do this this good information would in a good discussion that evidence I can use to
hearing interesting because I experiment first I experiment I be on the online library relates to a good topic provide in my
music usually like to hear will have to would talk to and on google. I think would be providing experiment could be
while I do music while I do my explain how I feel my friends and that some perfect some opinions from that many experts
my homework. This when I hear music ask them for articles to look for experts on how music made surveys about
homewor means that I think I and do my any advice on would be on how music coils have its pros and how music can help the
k for 4-5 will feel way homework. This this topic. benefits students while cons. students when they do
days different doing my will help me doing their homework. their work.
work without understand if my
hearing any music. mood changes.

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