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Name: Valeria Reyes Date: Feb 18, 2022

Working with Peer Feedback

Directions: In the space provided below respond to these questions.
What are the three things you’ll change based upon your peers’ responses? Why will you change each one?
1.) The first thing I would change would be my thesis statement because I think that I need to add more information.

2.) I think I would also change some grammatical errors that I have in my essay.

3.) I would also change some transitions that don’t make sense with the paragraphs.

What are three things you’ll keep despite your peers’ responses? Why will you keep each one?

1. ) Some of the things I would keep would be some of the examples I listed in my essay.

2.) Another thing I would keep would be some sentences that I think make sense with my essay.

3.) Another thing I would keep in my essay would be my body paragraphs.

What work do you have left to do after today to successfully complete the project?

1. I think I will fix some things in my introduction.

2. I also would like to do some research on my experiment to support my information.

3. I also want to fix some sentences that don’t make sense with my experiment.

4. I will work on my conclusion because I was confused on what to write ,but I received some advice from the writing

center and I feel more confident.

5. I would also like to add a hypothesis statement on my thesis.

6. I would also like to fix and reword some of my essay words.

7. N/A

8. N/A

9. N/A
10. N/A

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