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General Vocabulary Changes


to become or to make something become smaller in size, amount, degree,

importance,to heat a liquid until it becomes thicker and less in quantity; to become
thicker and less in quantity in this way
réduire (en/à),maigrir

to increase the life of or replace something old ,to begin doing something again
to begin doing something again or with increased strength, to replace something old
renouveler , renouer avec, remplacer

to repair and improve something, especially a building ,to repair and improve
something, esp. a building ,to repair and improve a building so that it is in good
condition again

to take the place of something, or to put something or someone in the place of
something or someone else,If you replace something broken, damaged, or lost, you
provide a new one , to put something back where it was before
remplacer , remettre en place,replacer

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