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Getting Started with Neuro-ID’s 

JavaScript Integration 
nid.js v3.1.6 

The purpose of this document is to provide you a “Getting Started Guide” for Neuro-ID’s 
JavaScript Integration. We have broken this out into 2 parts:  
1. Requirements for a trial integration 
2. Follow along requirements for Post-Trial/MSA partnership 

Trial Integration 

1. Integration Scope and Targets 

An integration is scoped to a specific application type or product and its related HTML 
fields, referred to as targets. Please verify and confirm that all targets you would like 
behavioral analytics for, are targeted with a unique HTML ID or the HTML Data Attribute, 
data-neuro-attribute. Note, when integrating Neuro-ID's JavaScript library, behavioral 
interaction data will not be collected for custom instantiations of targets that do not 
propagate change events. We request that you follow web standards and best practices 
when creating custom components. 
2. JavaScript Snippets 
A Neuro-ID Solutions Architect will provide you with two custom JavaScript snippets to 
include on your website; one for your non-production instances (staging, UAT, dev, qa, 
etc.) and one for your production site. These snippets will be script tags similar to the 

<script type=​"text/javascript"​>
3. Start Collecting Behavioral Interaction Data 
To start collecting behavioral interaction data, the ​start​ command is called. The ​start 
command takes a ​page_identifier​ value as an optional parameter. This ​page_identifer 
value should uniquely identify the given page throughout the entire form. Neuro-ID 
requests that this value be representative of what you refer to the page as internally to 
assist in consistent uniform communication between you and Neuro-ID. Examples of 
pageId values are: step_1, personal_information, bank_info, loan_offers, etc. 

nid(​'start'​, [page_identifier]);
Neuro-ID's JavaScript library identifies the state of the application during interaction 
based on the URL or passed in ​page_identifier​. The library accomplishes this in two ways: 
1. Automatic State Identification (default for Single Page Applications) 
a. Nid.js by default tracks when the URL changes. This functionality is 
accomplished by polling the current window location to determine if a 
change has occurred every 200 milliseconds by default. If your Single 
Page Application does not change the URL when a new view is loaded, we 
strongly encourage you to call the ​start​ command with an associated 
page_identifier​ to inform us that a new view has been loaded. 
2. Manual State Identification (required for multi page applications) 
a. Due to page redirects and hard page reloads/refreshes of multi page 
applications, identifying state must be done manually. The Manual State 
Identification option requires the ​start​ command to be called on each 
page. As noted above the ​start​ command takes a ​page_identifier​ value as 
a parameter. 
4. Identifying the Application 
The ​user_id​ is an identifier, or a hash of an identifier, that already exists in your system, 
and is what you will use to retrieve predictive Neuro Confidence Scores and Neuro 
Attributes via Neuro-ID's API. The ​user_id​ can be a deferred ID that should be set as soon 
as your system identifies and stores information about the application being filled out. The 
user_id​ must be set as soon as it is available after the initial ​nid('start', '[page_identifer]') 
command is called. Use the ​setUserId​ command to set your unique identifier as the 

nid(​'setUserId'​, [value]); 
5. Identifying the Funnel 
To associate, identify, and segment your population by funnel, use the ​setVariable 
command. The ​setVariable​ command takes a key-value pair and associates it to the 
current session and ​user_id​. The ​setVariable​ command can be called anytime after the 
start​ command is called, just not before.  

nid(​'setVariable'​, [key], [value]);

nid(​'setVariable'​, ​'funnel'​, ​'organic'​); 
6. Application Submission 
When an application is considered complete by your system, we request you call the 
applicationSubmit​ command. The ​applicationSubmit​ command takes an optional page 
identifier as a parameter to explicitly tell the Neuro-ID system when and on what page the 
application was submitted on. 

nid(​'applicationSubmit'​, [page_identifier]); 



Once it is determined that we are ready to move to post Trial and into an MSA agreement, 
additional updates may be required to your integration. These additional updates could include 
the following: 
● JavaScript Library Version Update 
● Additional ​setVariable​ command calls to further segment the population 
● Addition of ​setCheckpoint​ command calls denote reached milestones and possible 
locations for API calls (for details on how to run this command see below) 
● Additional target configuration to provide more coverage of HTML form elements 
Identifying Checkpoints 
Checkpoints are instances along the application journey that signify when a certain milestone has 
been reached. These milestones represent points at which future developed Neuro Confidence 
Scores can be retrieved (to retrieve Neuro Confidence Scores, the Neuro-ID API must be 
integrated. This can occur after or simultaneous with the initial JavaScript integration.), as well as 
points that provide valuable metadata. The ​setCheckpoint​ command requires a string parameter 
that describes this point in time. Typically, customers set, at a minimum, the following 
● offerMade​ - Representing when the end user has been made an offer 
● offerSelected​ - Representing when the end user has selected an offer 
Neuro-ID will work with you to identify and set additional application-specific checkpoints. These 
will be documented in your customized Technical Implementation Guide. 

nid(​'setCheckpoint'​, [checkpointName]); 

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