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Course Information

Title: CLIL The Best of Both Worlds Duration: 8 weeks

Course Objectives: CLIL
• To understand the impact of CLIL (Content Language and
Integrated Learning) in the current education demands
• To get familiar with the CLIL program theoretical
framework and tools.

Tutor information: Name: ADRIANA SANCHEZ BELTRAN

Adjunct professor at ÚNICA University program of Specialization
and Continuous Education programs, also a faculty member of
Colegio Nueva Granada at the World languages department as a
teacher for PS and Coordinator for Es and PS. Currently member
of the Board of Directors for ASOCOPI. Cambridge Examiner YLE-
MS and Certified ELE teacher.
Holds a BA in English and Spanish teaching from Universidad
Pedagógica Nacional and MA in Education with an Emphasis on
English Didactics. Her research interests span areas of CLIL and
bilingualism, materials design, visible thinking, and the thinking

Prerequisites: English level: B1 – B2 Time: 4 - 5 hours Internet connection

Copyright Richmond 2022

Course Policies
Attendance and participation:
Participation in forums and assignment completion will be considered for your
100%-70% Certificate
69%- les: NO Certificate
**There is no grade for each assignment. Completion each week refers to:
100% if you complete all assignments and forums of the week.
50% if you complete only a part of the tasks or forums.
0% if you did not complete tasks and forums

Feedback: Feedback will be provided directly on the platform.

You will receive general feedback related to the tasks assigned or homework the
week after a session is closed.
You must go back to the previous topic to see your tutor’s comments.
Although forums constitute an open space for discussion and opinion, the tutor
may comment on your posts.

Late work:
If your assignment is not uploaded by Sunday 11:55pm, the website will be closed,
and it will not be any other way possible for the participants to send it to the tutor.
Participation in Forums after Sunday 11:55pm are also considered late work

Plagiarism: Plagiarism includes the intentional or unintentional use of another’s

words, ideas, or any other type of intellectual property as if they were one’s own. Any
work produced for this online course must be properly cited according to the APA
(American Psychological Association) Style Guide.

Course Structure
The CLIL Course is divided in 8 sessions. Each session will guide you step by step into
understanding CLIL and implementing some useful strategies in your current teaching
In this course you will acquire basic information about the theoretical content about
the CLIL (Content Language and Integrated Learning) Program, as well as some tools
to implement in the classroom and thus improve your teaching experience responding
to the current needs in Education.

Copyright Richmond 2022

The course is delivered online but there are 2 synchronous session that will be used to
clarify doubts, share products and experiences, and deepen comprehension on the

Session Week Topic Areas of knowledge

Become familiar with the
1 April 4th-April 10th What is CLIL? term CLIL and learn about its
April11th to 17th
Semana Santa --------------------- ---------------------

Connecting Content Theoretical background: How

2 Learning and Language to integrate language and
April 18th-24th Learning content in the classroom
Examples of Curricular
3 April 25th-May 1st CLIL Methodology Models
Supporting Language Learning
in Content Classes - Linking outcomes and
4 May 2nd - 8th
Supporting Content Classes in strategies for scaffolding.
Language Learning
Synchronous session: Zoom (Link will be sent in News Forum)
Date: May 11th (Wednesday) Time: 7pm
Transforming Theory into
5 May 9th - 15th Planning and Preparing a Unit
Practice -
Creating Materials and Tasks Materials design, curation,
6 May 16th - 22nd
for CLIL Lessons and adaptation.
7 May 23rd - 29th Assessment Principles Evaluating and assessing.
Synchronous session: Zoom (Link will be sent in News Forum)
Date: June 1st (Wednesday) Time: 7pm
Lessons, models, and
8 May 30th - June 5th Examples of CLIL Classrooms practice.

Copyright Richmond 2022


- Balwin,C.(2010). CLIL Art: Dali. Retrieved from:
- Coyle, D. (2006). Content and language integrated learning: Motivating
learners and teachers.
Scottish Languages Review, 13, 1-18. Retrieved from
- Darn, S. (2006). CLIL: A Lesson Framework. Izmir University of Economics,
Turkey Retrieved from:
- Graddol, D. (2006). English next: Why global English may mean the end of
“English as a foreign language.” London: The British Council. Retrieved from
- Marenzi, I, D. (2009). Supporting active learning in CLIL through Collaborative
Retrieved from
- Marsh, D. (2003). The relevance and potential of content and language integrated
(CLIL) for achieving MT+2 in Europe. ELC Information Bulletin, 9.
Retrieved from4http://userpage.fu-
- Macdougald. J (2018). Getting your students to communicate in a
CLIL class. Retrieved from:

Copyright Richmond 2022

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