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Is your marriage threatened by divorce or separation? Have you been asking yourself ´What does
the Bible say about marriage?µ so that you can know how to resolve your marital conflicts?

If so, the following are the top 6 Scriptures that will answer the question, ´What does the Bible say
about marriage?µ
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Therefore, both parties in a marriage should understand that they have to be more tightly connected
to each other than to in-laws, exes and workmates.

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Therefore, both parties in a marriage should take the responsibility of ensuring that nothing and no
one comes between them by ensuring that they remain tightly connected spiritually, physically,
mentally and emotionally so that they can face the potential separator as a united front.

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Therefore, both parties in a marriage should ensure that they resolve the minor marital conflicts
while they are still minor instead of waiting for them to explode into divorce inducing disasters since
God hates divorce.

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Therefore, wives are to submit to their husband·s leadership in the home.

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Therefore, husbands should take the time (usually a lifetime) to understand their wives.

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Therefore, husbands are to demonstrate their love for their wives in words and deed. And, this leads
us to to the question, ´What does the Bible say about love?µ The answer to this question which is
found in 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 is that love:
O suffers long which means that true love is patient
O is kind
O does not envy
O does not parade itself
O is not puffed up or conceited
O does not behave rudely as it respects the object of its affection
O does not seek its own as it seeks the good of all concerned parties in the marriage
O is not provoked
O thinks no evil
O does not rejoice in iniquity as it wants to do the right thing in the sight of God
O rejoices in the truth
O bears all things
O believes all things
O hopes all things
O endures all things as it perseveres through the hard times in the marriage.
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