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Company/Establishment Name: Snack Corner

Address: Maligaya homes Santa Cruz, Calape, Bohol

Nature of Business: Online Business

1. What are the different ways to costumer and/or suppliers to contact you?

> They can contact me thru the following: business gmail account, cellular phone, telephone,
social media icons on homepag, and blogpost page.

2. How often do you use a phone or cellular phone for business? Estimate only.

> 16 hours a day, 80 hours a week (Monday - Friday), 320 hours a Month.

3. Does your establishment have internet connection? If yes,what is its purpose? If no, would you
consider having it in the future? Why or why not?

> Yes, since some of my costumer/suppliers contact me thru online. In fact, its a must to an
establishment to have internet connection to have easier access to your work, etc.

4. Does your business have a website? If yes, how does it help the company? If no, would you consider
having one in the future? Why or why not?

> Yes, it helps established my business as a going concern, it also extent my reach to anyone in
the world. It helps build trust to my new costumers/clients that might want to know about my business
history, expertise, and specialization.

5. (If applicable) Would you consider giving free Wi-Fi access in the future? If you already have it, does it
help boost sales?

If I have the budget to have free Wi-Fi access to my costumers then, sure why not.

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