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Write an exercise program that meets the ACSM physical activity guidelines based on

everyone goals, needs, and recommendations. 

Physical Fit Frequency Intensity Time

Cardio- Mon, Wed, 85% HRmax 30 min/3 miles

respiratory Fri

Muscular Strength Tues, Thurs 85% 1RM 4 sets of 10 reps, 2 min rest between set

Muscular Mon, Wed, body weight 1 set of 175 lunges, 1 set of 100 crunche
Endurance Fri 60 sec. plank, 3 sets of 10 push-ups

Flexibility Mon-Fri hold 20 seconds, 2 sets to  5 min

slight discomfort

Warm-up Mon-Fri light-moderate 5 min/0.5 mi

Cool-down Mon-Fri light 5 min/0.5 mi

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