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1. The stories of Santa Maxima and San Minimo continue below. Fill each of
the numbered blanks with one of the words given:
 wine hard up untold full butter
 need overweight fleets brimming surfeit
 fraction surplus excessive unimaginable overdid

In Santa Maxima no one knew what it meant to be overweight (1). Santa

Maximans was full (2) of optimism and brimming (3) over with confidence. When
they hit the big time, their wealth became unimaginable (4) and they lived in a
surplus (5) of luxury and – often – with a surfeit (6) of fat. hard up (7) and over-
indulgent, with overdid (8) riches and excessive (9) wealth, they butter (10)
everything, with their fleets (11) of cars, their wine (12) mountains, untold (13)
lakes and overconsumption, desperately in need (14) of a modicum of self-control
to consume a fraction (15) of what was theirs to use. That was how life was in
Santa Maxima before the revolution.

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