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Cesar Alvarez

EAD 513:
Shaping School Culture
Dr. Justin Greathouse
March 22, 2022
Student Code of Conduct Values Statement
Students at Lathrop Intermediate School will help to maintain a positive learning

environment for all staff and students by making sure that they are following the policies and

expectations when they are on campus. These will help maintain the learning environment to

help promote academic success and help to protect all students and school personnel.

Lathrop Intermediate is a school with 948 students, and

1. Students will be respectful to all staff, peers, and school property.
2. Students will be prepared for school every day.
3. Students will be on time to every class, every day.
4. Students will do their own work and turn it in on time.
5. Students will keep their hands and feet to themselves
6. Students will follow directions the first time they are given.
7. Students will enter and exit classrooms in a safe manner.
8. Students will use appropriate language and voice level in the classroom.

The reason why I selected the policies for my school’s Code of Conduct, is because these

are policies that will help maintain and safe learning environment for all students and will

help them to be successful in school. These policies are some of the most important policies

that will help maintain positive learning environment because they will keep students safe,

and will help them be prepared for school, and it will keep them accountable to so that they

are successful in their classes. These policies also support the school’s mission and vision

which is to provide a positive and meaningful learning experience that will help students to

be prepared for high school, college, career, and life.

There are other rules and policies that students need to follow, but these are some

of the most important because these help students to be better learners in school, and also it
helps them to positive behaviors that will benefit them when they go to college, or when they

have a career. These policies are also topics that are helpful to students, and they are fair,

equitable, respectful to them, and helps promote integrity, because these will make them

better students and better members of society. These are fair because asking students to be

respectful is something that applies not only in school, but also at home and outside of the

classroom. This is something that should also be done outside of school, but it’s especially

important to do it in school because they will have a lot more interaction with other students

and staff, than they will outside. And learning these behaviors will help them as they get


As students get older, they will know that these rules will be beneficial to them

because some of these expectations and rules are given in jobs, in high schools, in other

important places like courts, the library, government building, offices, places of worship, and

there is always a code of conduct of how they should be behaving. The code of conduct will

help prepare them for life as they get older and go to new places. They will see that some of

these rules also apply there, and they need to be followed for their safety and the safety of

others, and so that there is order and so that the goals are accomplished.

As the principal, I will make sure that my all the members of my staff know what

those expectations are so that we work together as a team and give this message to all

students and to parents so that they know what the rules and expectations are, and we can all

work together to keep students accountable and help them be the best students that they can


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