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Final workshop

This is the final activity of the semester. The objective of this activity is that pre-service teachers develop
a one hour class in which they can teach one of the following topics. This class should follow these

1) In groups ( 3-4 max) you must select one of the following topics.

“Gerunds and infinitives ”

“Use to- get used to – be used to”

“Modal verbs : Must, might / may , should , can’t , couldn’t + have, rather”

“Report speech”

2) Once you have selected a topic, it is time to research.

What Is the topic about? How do I presented? Which activities am I going to use with the audicence?
How would I focus my teaching? Which skills would I work on (speaking, listening , grammar, etc)

3) Look and prepare your material ( videos, sounds, music, images , slides, books )you can use any

3) complete the lesson plan template.

4) previously, this class must be recorded and uploded as a google drive link, youtube video, or anyother
video publisher app.

Deadline: Friday 12-2 pm

Lesson Plan Template THEME:

SESSION N° Language objective:

What is the reason of

teaching that topic?
Aim of the session: Material:
TIMING: 20 max
1. First Moment (sharing background on
the issue)

Warming up: It is an activity design to

introduce the topic and catch the
attention, attitude, and energies of your
2. Second moment (Unveiling the truth)
Here you are going to develop the whole class-
Pre – activity:
Post - activity:

Follow the example: LESSON PLAN


Critical Media Literacy: Teaching pre-service English teachers to Critically Read and
Create Media- How Cartoons Influence people about Race.
SESSION N°: 1 Language objective: Critical Media literacy
Identifying people’s objective: To spot and
nationalities and cultural analyze cultural aspects and
features stereotypes in cartoons that
elicit racism and segregation
Aim of the session: To analyze and Materials:
understand the power structures of race and American English File 2, Unit 1
racism that are framed in cartoons and the South park excerpt
ways in which audiences work to make Christian rocks hard (ninth episode, season
meaning of stereotypes. 7)
Mystery of the Urinal Deuce (ninth
episode, season 10)
The Simpsons excerpt
The Burns and the bees (eighth episode,
season 20)
Miro team App.
1. First Moment (sharing background on TIMING : 20m
the issue)
Warming up (Break the ice activity)
The lesson is going to start by the activation
of prior knowledge about Racist acts around
the world. For doing so, a world map will
be used for brainstorming participant’s
ideas. They will be divided in two groups;
the first group is going to be in charge of
racism and the second one in charge of
stereotypes. Both will place sticky notes
over the country they want to remark with
an act of racism over the MIRO TEAM app.
Then, some direct questions will be made.
Such questions will be designed based on
the lower and higher order thinking skills,
such as:
1. What do you know about racism and
stereotypes in general terms?
Can you describe the difference between
racism and stereotypes?
3. Could you give an example of a situation
where we appreciate the difference between
a stereotype and a racist act?
4. Could you classify racism and
stereotypes according to their
5. What might happen if you combined
racism and stereotypes?
6. What do you think about the stereotypes
and racist behaviors shown in tv shows and

Bloom’s Taxonomy question.

2. Second moment (Unveiling the truth) Timing: 40m

For the development of this moment, we
will use a Pre- during - Post activity
structure as follows:
Pre activity: They will be asked some
questions to predict the content of each one,
such as: Have you ever seen these tv
programs before? Do you like them? Can
you talk a little bit about them? After that,
the cartoon clips will be shown to the
participants in order to introduce the media
literacy that will be examined in this lesson.
(Think about a way of introducing the
topic and at the same time engaging your

During: Participants will watch the cartoon

episodes. They will be prompted to write
and share their impressions about them in
terms of physical appearance, accents,
nationalities, and way of clothing per

Post activity: A discussion of power

relations will be cue (Who controls the
speech? Who targets whom? Whose people
play the role of top dogs and underdogs?
What do you think is the author's

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