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Sexual propagation is propagation by seed or spores.  The plants will become

fertilized and produce the seed that will grow into a new with both of the
characteristics of the parent plants.

Asexual reproduction produces new individuals without a mixture of sex cells, so

that the new individuals produced will be genetically identical to their parents

Sexual reproduction is also known as sexual reproduction. Sexual reproduction

generally occurs in seed plants (Spermatophyta), both with closed seeds
(Angiospermae) and open seeds (Gymnosperms).

Example plants in seed plants (Spermatophyta): Penus Merkusi

Example plats closed seeds (Angiospermae): Watemelon and apel
Exampe open seeds(Gymnospermae):Pinus and melinjo

Sexual propagation offers these advantages/Keuntungan perbanyakan seksual:

The only method when creating new varieties or cultivars.
2. It is the easiest and cheapest way of growing plants.
3. A way of getting rid of diseases

Disadvantages: Sexual method of propagation has some disadvantages:

Seedling plants usually produce fruits of inferior quality.

SEED, In plant cultivation, seeds can be seeds or small plants resulting from
germination, nursery, or asexual propagation and are also called planting

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