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(ACV-S08) Tarea – Conversation

Talking about our plans:

 Write a conversation between two friends talking about what they are going
to do next week.

Jimmy: Hi Cindy. How’s it going?

Cindy: Great, Jimmy. How are you?

Jimmy: Fine, thanks! Do you have any plans for Holy Week?

Cindy: Yes, I’m going to London. I’m quite excited!

Jimmy: Oh, that’s interesting! Where are you going to stay?

Cindy: I’m going to stay in a hotel close to Piccadilly Circus.

Jimmy: Cool. Is it your first time in London?

Cindy: No, it isn’t. I’ve been there twice before.

Jimmy: Oh, you must like it a lot. How long are you going to stay?

Cindy: I’ll be there for 5 days.

Jimmy: And how are you going to get there?

Cindy: I got a cheap flight with RyanAir!

Jimmy: Oh, I’m sorry to hear that.

Cindy: Me, too. But it was a lot cheaper than other airlines.

Jimmy: RyanAir is the worst.

Cindy: Yeah, but I can’t exactly fly first class on my salary.

Jimmy: Are you going on your own?

Cindy: No, I’m going with my friend Sally.

Jimmy: Well, have a great time up there!

Cindy: Thanks! What are you up to?

Jimmy: Well, I’ve only got a few days off, so I figured I’d go to the beach.

Cindy: Oh, that’s nice.

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