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The services of the painter and decorator are needed everywhere from homes to public

buildings, factories, and offices. A Painter is responsible for internal and external surface
appearance of a building. High level of technical expertise is required for smooth and
levelled surfaces. These surfaces also need protection from water, corrosion, mould and
insect infestation. Painters and decorators can expect to offer professional advice on colours
and designs and employ a wide range of finishing skills.

This requires to offer a range of services, from interpreting client requirements to the
environmental and sustainability of materials/drawings, advising on designs/colours,
painting, spraying, decorative coatings, wallpapering, gilding, and sign writing to a high
standard. Work organization and self-management, communication and interpersonal skills,
problem solving, innovation, creativity, and the ability to prepare surfaces thoroughly with
meticulous care including hazardous surfaces such as lead and asbestos. Whatever the
structure of the work, the trained and experienced painter and decorator takes on a high
level of personal responsibility and autonomy. From carefully determining the requirements
of the client, working safely and tidily, exceptional planning and scheduling, precision and
attention to detail to the fine gilding of objects and finishing of furniture, every process
matters and mistakes are largely irreversible and costly.

In a mobile labour market, the painter and decorator may work in teams, or alone, or in
both from time to time. With the international mobility of people, the painter and decorator
faces rapidly expanding opportunities and challenges. For the talented painter and
decorator there are many commercial and international opportunities. This carries with
them the need to understand and work with diverse cultures, trends, and fashions. The
diversity of skills associated with painting and decorating is therefore likely to expand.

Sometimes the work is to be done for important events, the practitioner must understand
the needs of the client and be able to offer appropriate expert advice whilst interpreting the
vision for the finished project. Painting and decorating is a creative job that requires a sense
of design as well as the core skills of painting, decorative coatings, and gilding and
management at site.

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