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Summary About Language Learning Theories

The discussion of Dr. Nellie Deutsch focuses on the different theories about language learning. It
emphasizes how these theories work and can be applied for educational practices. We all know
that language is very important and by knowing the different approaches about language
learning, we could be able to have an in depth understanding about how people learn, determine
what they know, and how we could help them to learn. Dr. Nellie Deutsch said the learning is
about change and that change happened when we learn. She also discussed the science of
learning which has three (3) aspects which are instruction, learning, and assessment. Through an
instruction, people learn and acquire something then to measure what people know we use
assessment to determine learning. The topic of the discussion falls under the different approaches
on language learning where Dr. Nellie Deutsch introduces six (6) Theories of Language Learning
and that includes the following; Behaviorist, Universal Grammar, Krashen’s Monitor,
Cognitive, Conversation, and Schumann’s Acculturation. All of these theories have different
ideas and approaches about language learning and every individual has their own take or beliefs
on what approach applies them. One can say that an approach is effective or suits for him/her but
the other may not accept.
The behaviorist approach emphasizes that learning a language is based on behavior and that
includes how we behave as humans. We alter the behavior and make them automatic repetitions
until we master and learn something. Universal grammar theory simply implies that we have an
innate or in born ability to learn or acquire a language. It also emphasizes that there is a universal
grammar. Krashen’s Monitor on the other hand, explains that we all can learn a second or
multiple languages the same way as we learn our native or first language. The cognitive
approach determines the knowledge that we have or it measures our understanding and mastery
of our environment. It is simply based on change in knowledge from nothing until we know
something. Next approach is the conversation, I think this approach suits me better or other
words I also prefer it because as an individual and based on experiences, conversation is a great
foundation and way for learning a language. I myself learn a language through an interaction
with the people that speak a specific language. Through conversations we get to know something
and learn from it not just by listening but also by participating with the conversation. The last
one that was been discussed is the Schumman’s acculturation model which focuses on the role of
a culture for language learning. This approach emphasizes that we learn a language for us to be
part and consider ourselves as people of an another culture. Schumman’s theory adopts the idea
of social interactions in which people strive for belongingness into a particular culture where
they migrate.
All in all this different approaches and theories of language learning are essential not just for the
future teachers but also to parents because this will help them to arrive at an idea on how do
people learn and facilitate learning. I do believe that all of these mentioned theories are of a great
help for teachers since it contributes different ideas that will aid teachers for teaching. The
discussion gives me an opportunity to reflect, to sustain learning, and determine which theories
suits me the best as a future teacher.

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