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Fran: Welcome to the drilling company interview, My name is Francisca Cáceres and I am an

accounting manager.

Yis: Hello good morning, I come to the accountant interview.

Fran: ¿What is your personal information?

Yis: My name is Yislaine Mendez, I am twenty-one years old, I live in Talagante.

Fran: ¿What is your academic background?

Yis: I finished secondary education and finished my higher education more than four years ago

Fran: ¿Do you have work experience?

Yis: Yes, I have more than 5 years of work experience in the accounting area.

Fran: The requirements for the position of senior accountant are:

- Hold accounting certificate.

- At least 5 year experience in foreign owned petroleum company.
- Bachelor degree in commerce
- Good at speaking and writing in english

Yis: I chose to apply for this company because it has a good work environment, a good salary, and

yis: when it starts?

Fran: Start date april 18

Yis: What time do I start and what time do I finish?

Fran: working hours are from 7 in the morning until 3 in the afternoon

Yis: What benefits have?

Fran: The company offers some benefits

- Special health insurance

- Dental
- Free lunch

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