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Valeria Reyes

English 1301- 213

Judith McCann

7 March 2022

Annotated Bibliography #1

Grappe,Cindy et al.“Not tested on animals”: How consumers react to cruelty- free cosmetics

proposed by manufacturers and retailers? Hal open science, 2021.


This article talks about the reactions of the customers towards the cruelty- free makeup products.

What this means is that this article is based on the opinions of other customers and what they think

on cosmetics tested on animals. It also mentions that some people prefer cosmetics that are not

tested on animals because they feel that it can be really harmful to the animals. According to the

authors in this article they mentioned how sometimes the attitude of the consumers can be positive

when they see a product that is not tested on animals. One of the reasons why some consumers

prefer cosmetics that are not tested on animals is because they see it as organic cosmetics. In other

words, these customers that prefer cruelty- free cosmetics are people that are eco- friendly. This

means that they prefer products that do not damage the environment, or animals. This article also

demonstrated some studies of some percentages of different types of consumers. As a matter of

fact, the authors mentioned in their article that some customers had to check the products that they

mentioned that they did not test on animals. To conclude with, this article was very informative
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because it talked about how many customers react towards the cosmetics tested on animals. This

article also contains some results, and discussions towards what the people think about Animal


Annotated Bibliography #2

Chowchuvech, Endeliam et al. Effect of various Microorganisms found in cosmetics on the normal

and injured eye of the rabbit. American Journal of Ophthalmology. Vol. 75, no.6, 1973.


To start off, this article talks about how some cosmetics can be very harmful for the people. Since

they wanted to know how dangerous it could be for people, researchers decided to try experiments

on animals. One special species that the researchers decided to choose was the rabbits because they

did not want to risk any humans. In fact, in this article it mentioned how many researchers did

many experiments with the animals to test out things. According to the article, they decided to

make experiments on white rabbits. These rabbits were tested in different types of really harsh

experiments. This article mentioned that the researchers decided to wait for 11 days to wait for the

results of the experiments. The authors in the article also mentioned that aeruginosa is a common

cause of an eye infection. This article also had a diagram where it included the information of what

happened to the rabbits each day of the experiments. According to the researchers one of the

rabbits died on the second day of the experiment due to harsh conditions. Another thing that it

mentioned in the diagram was that many of these rabbits had some health issues such as corneal

ulcers. This makes the readers conclude that testing cosmetics on animals can be really harmful to

the animals and that it can be really inhumane. In conclusion, this article was one of my favorite
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articles because it explained how they tested the rabbits and the results of the experiments they did.

This article also had different types of diagrams where it explained everything about the rabbits.

Annotated Bibliography # 3

Kim, Kyu-Bong et al. Current opinion on risk assessment of cosmetics. Journal of Toxicology and

Environmental Health, Part B. Vol. 24, no.4, 2021.

According to the article I read it mentions how researchers use animals to test the toxicity of

cosmetics. Since researchers think that the animals can be easily tested and used in any kind of

experiment. As it mentioned in the article there are many opinions towards the risk of testing

cosmetics. The authors mentioned in the article that there are two major problems that affect the

animals when they practice the toxicity test on them. The first problem is that the researchers are

risking the animals' lives every time they use them to test cosmetics. The second problem is that

according to the article, some of the animals that are used in the experiments are not similar to

humans. In other words, this means that it can cause different reactions to humans than the animals

that were used to test that kind of product. The authors mentioned how they can be new forms of

toxicity testing without harming animals and could have better results. This new type of toxicity

testing has to do with technology and it can better protect humans. Another method of predicting

the toxicity of cosmetics could be the red cross. This means that the red cross checks the toxicity

and also the types of chemicals the products have. In conclusion. This article is very helpful

because it shows many examples on how researchers can test the toxicity of cosmetics without

using animals. It also mentioned many diagrams and percentages that helped the reader understand

the article better.

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Annotated Bibliography # 4

Springer, J.A. et al. Number of animals for sequential testing. Food and Chemical Toxicology. Vol.

31, No. 2. pp 105-109,



The article mentioned that there are many types of animals that are used for different kinds of

testing. In fact, the authors added some percentages on their article to prove to the reader that there

are different numbers of animals that are used for different experiments. For instance, they

mentioned that they use 6 rabbits to do different experiments and they can divide them into groups.

The article stated that they did an experiment where there were two types of cosmetics and it

showed the results. In this article is included a diagram where it showed the results of the

experiment that they did on the two types of cosmetics. It also talked about how they used the six

rabbits for an eye irritation test and showed the percentages of the results of the experiments. They

also mentioned that some of the animals got affected more by some chemicals than others. In fact,

this made some animals be at risk of losing their life. This article also mentioned different types of

diagrams where they explain each experiment they did and the results. In conclusion, This article

contains really good information about animal testing because it explains how they put different

types of animals in groups to make experiments and see if they get affected.

Annotated Bibliography #5

McLain,Valerie. Final Report on the Safety Assessment of Polyethene.International Journal of

Toxicology.vol.26, pp.115-127,2007.
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To start with, the article was very informative because it explains how polyethylene is used in

cosmetics and how it relates to animals. In fact, it mentions how it may not be that effective. It also

explains how many animals get poisoned because of this chemical and it explains how many types

of rats get harmed because of polythene. The author also mentioned some percentages of how

many rats get affected because of this type of chemical. According to the article it mentioned that

this chemical causes irritation and it can be very harmful. In fact, it mentions how polythene can

affect people’s skin when they add cosmetics. The article also stated that about 5- 49 animals were

killed in about 100 days. In conclusion, this article is very effective because it mentions the

different ways on how polythene can affect animals and people. It also explains how polythene is

used in cosmetics and even shows different types of diagrams.

Annotated Bibliography # 6

Singh- Joy, Subhashni D., McLain, Valerie, C.Safety Assessment of Poloxamers 101, 105, 108,
122, 123, 124, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 188, 212, 215, 217, 231, 234, 235, 237, 238, 282,
284, 288, 331, 333, 334, 335, 338, 401, 402, 403, and 407, Poloxamer 105 Benzoate, and
Poloxamer 182 Dibenzoate as Used in Cosmetics. International Journal of Toxicology,
This article talks about the different types of chemicals and the testing the researchers do on the
Poloxamers. In fact, the researchers did different types of studies. In fact, the article mentioned that
the second study was about dividing the animals into three groups and giving them water with
Poloxamer. This means that the animals were tested because they wanted to know their reaction
towards the chemical. According to the authors they mentioned that Poloxamers are not toxic for
the animal. This means that the experiments that have to do with this chemical will not affect them.
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According to what I read in the article, it mentioned that in cosmetics the function of Poloxamers
function as cleansing agent and surfactants. As a matter of fact, In this article it shows a diagram
where it explains what kind of cosmetic products contain these types of chemicals. This can be
very helpful because it informs the reader what each cosmetic contains. In conclusion, This article
shows different types of diagrams where it explains how the chemical reacts and different types of
Annotated Bibliography #7
Jacques, Carine et al. Safety assessment of cosmetics by read across applied to metabolomics data
of in vitro skin and liver models. Archives of Toxicology, 2021.
To start off, the article talks about how the red cross helps the safety of cosmetic testing. In fact,
since the society does not like to use animal as animal testing they decided they decided to use
metabolics to understand the ingredients the cosmetics contain. This can be helpful because it can
inform people what kind of chemicals each product contains and they can know if they are
harmful. This method can be less harmful for animals because researchers don’t have to risk their
lives instead they use methods that are less toxic. This article also contains different types of
diagrams where it mentions the chemicals and methods. As a matter of fact, it also mentions how
the red cross came up with this idea. In conclusion, This article is very informative because it
mentions the different percentages on how different methods are very helpful without using
animals. This makes everything much easier because these methods are easier and less dangerous.
Annotated Bibliography # 8
Kabene, Stefane and Baadel Said. Bioethics: a look at animal testing in medicine and cosmetics in
the UK. Faculty of communication, Arts and Sciences, 2019.
This article talks about how animal testing in cosmetics has been baned in the United Kingdom. It
mentions how using animals for cosmetic testing can be really cruel and that it can also be harmful
for those animals. The article also talks about when it is safe to do animal testing and when it is not
safe to do it. According to the article, it mentioned how there are many people who disagree with
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animal testing. The authors mentioned in the article that instead researchers can use technology to
test cosmetics to better improve everything. This article also talks about how there are different
type of opinions towards animal testing. In fact, some people think it is okay to test on animals and
others think it is inhumane. According to the article about 80% of the people think it is
unacceptable to do cosmetic testing on animals. In conclusion, This article is very interesting
because it shows the opinions and percentages of what people think. It also explains why United
Kingdom decided to banned animal testing. Another important thing it mentioned in this article is
that it shows different types of methods.
Annotated Bibliography #9
Gustafson, Emma et al. Screening of repeated dose toxicity data in safety evaluation reports of
cosmetic ingredients issued by the Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety between 2009
and 2019. Archives of Toxicology,
To start off, This article talks about how some cosmetic ingredients can be toxic and that is why the
United States decided to ban the animal testing. Since animals can get hurt by doing these
experiments on them. In fact, the authors mentioned that there are different types of methods that
do not relate to the testing of the animals and that can be less harmful. The United States found out
new methods of how to test cosmetics and how it is more safe.It also mentioned how the animal
testing on cosmetics has impeded the marketing. This means that it can also affect the economy in
one way or another. This article also talks about how it affects the animals and the different
diagrams where it describes each method. It also explains how toxic it can be when researchers test
on animals. In conclusion, this article explains why the united states decided to banned the animal
testing on cosmetics and what are some solutions that researchers have.
Annotated Bibliography # 10
Adler, Sarah et al. Alternative (non-animal) methods for cosmetics testing: current status and future
prospects. Arch Toxicol. (2010).
The article it mentioned many types of alternatives that do not have to do with animal testing. It
explains how the seven amendment defends the animals. According to the article the 7th
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amendment prohibits the animal testing on cosmetics. They decided to find new ways on how to
test cosmetics without using any animals. Unfortunately, the article mentioned that it will take a lot
of time for animals to be replaced completely. One of the reasons why some prefer animal testing
on cosmetics it is because they are similiar to humans and researchers can closely know the
reaction towards some chemicals. This lets them know if the product is safe for humans or not. The
authors also mentioned that it is unfair for animals to risk their lives because sometimes they have
to be exposed to big challenges such as 24 hours of occlusion. This can be very harmful for all the
animals, that is why some researchers would like to avoid testing on animals. In conclusion, this
article was very helpful because it offers some advice on how to avoid animal testing and even
shows percentages.

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