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For example, what are the things to make something happen:

 An idea
 People to work on it
 Place
 Raw materials
 Distribution
 Money
 Marketing

Those things teach you in all universities or business schools and you can take courses in all of
them or any of elements. BUT THERE IS SOMETHING MISSING, if no one say GO, the project
wont start. If no one inists, pushes, creates then there’s nothing, its all wasted.

The main word here is GO.


Most businesses experience the highest growth in the first five years and then it slows down.
Why? Because they stop trying new ideas and start looking at efficiency and hiring over market

Society rewards not the people who follow maps, but the ones who draw maps. Be a map

The original Starbucks didn’t sell coffee. They sold coffee beans and tea leaves, there was no
cup of coffee. Starbucks was wrong. They though the beans were the point, not the coffee.
They evolve including coffee and user experience in their places.

What would happen if the wrong Starbucks had never been built? Or if the funders ha said:
well, we’re not sure if this bean thing is going to work, so let’s do nothing.


Risk is avoided because we have been trained to avoid failures. The author says the anxiety as
experiencing failure in advance and if someone has anxiety about initiation a project, then of
course, you will associate risk with failure.

So, don’t fear the risk.

Fear to the failure

The person who fails the most usually wins

If you fail once and big, you don’t fail the most. Talk to any successful person. Hw will be happy
to fiil you in on his long string of failures.

Thw wining part? You will learn from each of those faulures.
Today, not starting is far fara worse than being wrong. If you start, you’ve got a shot at
evolving and adjusting to turn your wrong into a right. But if you don’t start, you never get a

Taking action, or as Godin says “poking the box,” doesn’t require you to be right, just that you
move forward.

“If you can’t fail, it doesn’t count.” This is in regards to starting a new project, it has to be one
where there’s risk and something real on the table or it won’t be worth your time.


If you had the chance to do a TED talk, what would it be about? What have you discovered,
what do you know, what can you teach? You should do one. Even if you don’t do one, you
should be prepared to do one.


Put the Bokx is the manifesto to push (not teach) people to act on all the information they’ve
been given over the last ten years.

“Poke the Box” es un manifiesto que básicamente tiene 1 premisa.

“Empieza a hacer algo

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