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List the octal and hexadecimal numbers from 16 to 32.

Using A and B for the last two

digits, list the numbers from 8 to 28 in base 12.

Base octal Base hexadecimal Base 10

20 10 16
21 11 17
22 12 18
23 13 19
24 14 20
25 15 21
26 16 22
27 17 23
30 18 24
31 19 25
32 1A 26
33 1B 27
34 1C 28
35 1D 29
36 1E 30
37 1F 31
40 20 32

Decimal Base
8 8
9 9
10 A
11 B
12 10
13 11
14 12
15 13
16 14
17 15
18 16
19 17
20 18
21 19
22 1A
23 1B
24 20
25 21
26 22

* What is the exact number of bytes in a system that contains (a) 32K bytes, (b) 64M
bytes, and (c) 6.4G bytes?
A) 32 * 210 = 32768 bytes
B) 64 * 210 = 67108864 bytes
C) 6.4 * 210 = 6871947674 bytes

Convert the following numbers with the indicated bases to decimal: (a) * (4310) 5 (b)
* (198) 12 (c) (435) 8 (d) (345)6

(a) 4 * 53 + 3 * 52 + 1 * 51 + 0 * 50 = (580)10
(b) 1* 122 + 9 * 121 + 8 * 120 = (260)10
(c) 4 * 82 + 3 * 81 + 5 * 80 = (285)10
(d) 3 * 62 + 4 * 61 + 5 * 60 = (137)10.

1.10 Convert the following binary numbers to hexadecimal and to decimal: (a)
1.10010, (b) 110.010.
(a) (1.10010)2 = (0001.1001)2 = (1.9)16 = (1 + 9*16-1 ) = (1.563)10
(b) (110.010)2 = (0110.0100)2 = (6.4)16 = (6 + 4*16-1 ) = (6.25)10

* Decode the following ASCII code: 1010011 1110100 1100101 1110110 1100101
0100000 1001010 1101111 1100010 1110011.

- Steve Jobs

1.33* The state of a 12‐bit register is 100010010111. What is its content if it

(a) Three decimal digits in BCD?
(b) Three decimal digits in the excess‐3 code?
(c) Three decimal digits in the 84‐2‐1 code?
(d) A binary number?
(a) 897 (b) 564 (c) 871 (d) 2199

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