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8th class holiday homework

Instructions: Holidays are starting from 2/1/22 onwards till the

further orders. Complete it till 9/1/22

1. You are Aanya/Abhay, the Head Girl/Boy of Modern Public
School, Bhubaneswar. Your school is organizing a Social Service
Camp in the first week of November. Write a notice to be put
up on the school notice board inviting the student volunteers
from classes VIII and IX to impart education to adults.
2. Read the play- *King Lear* and frame at least 20 short
questions & answers in your English Literature Notebook.
*Write about the central characters of the play and the values
you inculcate from the characters

1. परयोजना काय- विषय – ‘कोरोना िायरस’ से प्रभाित देश – दवु नया का जन जीिन
2. बढ़ती महगं ाई पर व ंता प्रकट करते हुए संपादक को पत्र विविए

1. ’Fun With Mathematical Patterns ‘Make any 5 interesting
mathematical patterns and explain each step properly.
2. Write and learn cubes of first 20 natural numbers.

2. Collect and paste related pictures about forces.

Social Science
1. “How to conserve water?” Prepare an oral account, (Of 3
minutes approx.) to bring out its importance, goals,
applications etc.
2. Prepare a vector image using Tools in Inkscape on Pollution
caused by Industries in India. Add appropriate Artistic Text for
adding Heading and Paragraph Text for writing ways of
Controlling Pollution caused by industries

1. Students need to describe a famous place of Paris with the help
of PPT. A short description in French and images of the place
chosen are to be incorporated in the PPT.
2. Make a French Magazine and choose any one of the topics
(a) French Fashion/Sports
(b) French Food/Festivals
(c) Make any French Monument on chart paper
(d) Make a world map on a chart paper and highlighted the
French Spoken countries on World Map

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