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Part 1. For questions 1-5, listen to a talk about five key global issues. What does the speaker say
about each of the issues? Choose five answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-J, in
the corresponding numbered boxes provided.

A. Clashes between forces within a newly-formed country cause heavy death toll and looming
B. Under a new zero-tolerance policy, children were forced to work in cages
C. A peace agreement was signed, ending years of civil war
D. The authority is reportedly detaining populations of an ethnic group in a bid to re-educate
E. World powers help to resolve a civil conflict by backing Saudi Arabia’s campaign
F. An inhumane policy faced immense public opposition and political pressure
G. Military forces commit atrocities against a minority group, resulting in mass migration.
H. The government attacks a religious minority group in an effort to crack down on freedom of
I. Some countries place travel restrictions on civilians to prevent them from fleeing across
J. A civil conflict broke out, followed by military intervention from neighbouring countries.

Global issues
1. China’s internment camps
2. Rohingya crisis
3. South Sudan’s civil war
4. Conflict in Yemen
5. U.S. family separation

Your answers
1. F 2. H 3. I 4. A 5. G

Part 2. For questions 6-10, listen to a talk about America’s most promising artificial intelligence
companies and answer the questions. Write NO MORE THAN FIVE WORDS taken from the
recording for each answer in the corresponding numbered boxes provided.
6. Which technique is implemented by Sequoia to single out the top 100 best AI manufacturers?
7. According to the expert, what is the real definition of AI?
8. What is the prediction of optimum or correctness level mentioned to illustrate?
9. Which line of product does the company Nuro zero in on this year?
10. Besides customer satisfaction, what aspect of businesses would benefit from the widely selected
development scheme?

Your answers
6. agonism 7. decate long 8. data profit 9. vehicles for 10. help people
continuation delivering do their jobs
competitional goods

Part 3. For questions 11-15, listen to part of an interview with Miriam Baker, a psychologist,
about how social media has changed self-expression and choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which
fits best according to what you hear. Write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes

11. According to Miriam, what is the main reason people feel the need to create perfect images
of their lives on social media?
A They are hoping to attract more friends.
B They want their lives to seem more exciting.
C They are in need of validation.
D They have very unhappy lives.

12. In Miriam's view, the average user of social media is

A driven and only interested in self-gratification.
B lonely and looking for meaningful connections.
C curious and concerned with their surroundings.
D volatile and confused about what they want.

13. When discussing her own experience with social media, Miriam reveals
A her unexpected pleasure at the response.
B her desire to engage with it more.
C her worry of becoming addicted.
D her anxiety of not being accepted.

14. Miriam compares media in the past with social media today to
A highlight the reduction in consumption.
B focus on the differing subject matter.
C explain the difference in the audience.
D illustrate the variety of content.

15. What advice does Miriam give about combating `Digital Narcissism'?
A Be true to who you really are.
B Try to post more meaningful content.
C Focus on others and not yourself.
D Do things that increase your self-esteem

Your answers
11. C 12. D 13. A 14. B 15. A
Part 4. For questions 16-25, listen to a talk about déjà vu and supply the blanks with the missing
information. Write NO MORE THAN FOUR WORDS taken from the recording for each answer
in the space provided.

The feeling of living through the present situation once before is described as
Besides youngsters and movie fans, 17.__________eclochotic____________ are more likely to
experience déjà vu than others.
For a long time, this occurrence had been attributed to 18.___________psychologic___________
disturbances before a 19.______________________ coined the French word déjà vu, literally
meaning “already seen”.
The first possible explanation for this illusion is 20._________divided perception_____________
where a person experiences the current sensory twice successively.
Another theory on the cause of déjà vu, dual processing, mentions a 21.____moment of delay _____
when two cognitive processes are uncoupled.
There are also some speculations that déjà vu results from errors around a major component of the
brain called 22.__________a memory phenomenon____________. However, this is refuted by
further research which claims that déjà vu involves the 23.__________fatal area____________ of
the brain.
One suggested method of studying déjà vu is examining those suffering from
Another approach is looking at 25.______________________ as the origin of déjà vu could lie in
the mysterious universe.

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