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Stress is a state of mental tension and worry cause by problem in life, work and

etc. Stress and overtime can cause headaches, migraines or musculoskeletal problems.

Stress can also help you rise to meet a challenge that keep an individual on toe during a

presentation at work, improve concentration when attempting the game winning free

throw, or drives to study for an exam when rather be watching TV. But beyond a certain

point, stress stop being helpful and starts causing major damage to your health, mood,

productivity, relationship, and quality life. Studying stress is important in order to avoid

bad doings such as suicidal and etc. By studying, this it may able to help how to fight

stress or having a solution for it. We always carry stress in our daily life especially to

students and people who lack in financial. Stress may lead to depression which controls

the mind of the person leading them to decide to end their life. Some of the physical signs

that your stress level is too high includes; pain or tension in your head, chest, stomach, or

muscles. The muscles tend to tense up when your stress and overtime, this can cause

headaches, migraines or musculoskeletal problem. Stress isn’t always bad. In small

doses, it can help perform under pressure and motivate you to do best. But when

constantly running in emergency mode, the mind and body pay the price. If the person

frequently find their selves frazzled and overwhelmed, it’s time to take action to bring

their nervous system back to balance. It can protect our self and improve how you think

and feel-by learning how to recognize the sign and symptoms of chronic stress and taking

steps to reduce its harmful effects.


The word “stress” brings thoughts such as increased rate of depression, anxiety,

cardiovascular disease, and other potentially life-threatening issue to one’s mind.

Oftentimes, a student rushes from one end of campus to the other, trying to make their

next class on time. Since classes are scheduled back to back, there is less or no time to

even eat. Take, for instance, it is three o’clock and student is extremely hungry. This

week, they have got three mid-semester examinations to study for, and backlog of 300

pages to read. They are meeting with the study group tonight to finish studies on a rushed

research presentation. Too bad they have also got three other assignments due tomorrow,

so it looks like they will not be getting much sleep tonight. Physical sign that your stress

level is high includes: pain or tension in your head, chest, stomach or muscles. Mental

and emotional sign includes: using too much alcohol, drug and tobacco, or other harmful

substances to cope with their feelings. Students get stress because of financial problems

and lack of family support.



This study is based on the theory of Khan, Lanin & Ahmad. Khan, Lanin and

Ahmad believes that stress is always in our daily life, everybody experience stress. Stress

could be negative or positive. It came from our different situation that causes one fell

frustrated, angry or anxious. It could be negative or positive. Positive stress or eustress,

means when individual is doing his/her work properly and systemically well. Negative

stress or distress is when you lose rhythm for same work (Khan, Lanin & Ahmad, 2015,

166). Stress level can be high or low. It is good to have a low stress level. Stress

motivates and helps one to become productive. However, responding too much stress can

be harmful and may cause negative effect on the functioning mind, behavior and learning

of students. It can also affect student’s grades, health and personal adjustment (Akande,

Olowonirejuano & Okwar-Kalu, 2014, 24).

Laurisse has also the same study as mine which she will able to discover what are

the sources of stress gain by the students in Ghana. This descriptive cross-sectional study

aimed to investigate the sources of stress, the stress management strategies, and the

resilience among junior and senior students at different nursing schools in Ghana. The

finding shows that the students have the highest source of stress but the fear of their

performance in the clinical setting is the greatest source of stress management and

resilience. Laurisse Sossah, November 2, 2015.



This is a schematic diagram showing the relationship between the independent

variable and dependent variable.

Independent variable Dependent variable Output

Senior High
Stress level Comparison
School students


 Male
 Female

Figure 1: The Conceptual Paradigm of the study in the determining the “A Comparative

Study: Level of Stress between Male and Female among the Senior High Students of

Sibugay Technical Institute Incorporated”

Figure 1 described in the study that if Technology Materials is integrated in the

teaching process, we can determine if the students learn better than the traditional way of

teaching. If it is effective and students learn better, therefore, we are become aware on the

effectiveness of Technology Material in the teaching process.


This study sought to determine the level of Stress among the Senior High School

students of Sibugay Technical Institute Incorporated. Specifically, it sought to answer the

following questions:

1. What was the level of Stress among the Senior High School students of Sibugay
Technical Institute Incorporated?

2. Was there a significant difference between male and female in the level of Stress
among the Senior High School students of Sibugay Technical Institute

3. What were the sources of Stress as perceived by the Senior High School students
of Sibugay Technical Institute Incorporated?

4. What were the possible effects of stress among the Senior High School students
of Sibugay Technical Institute Incorporated?


This study posits only one hypothesis:

Null Hypothesis

1. There is no significant difference between male and female in the level of Stress

among the Senior High School students of Sibugay Technical Institute



The results of this study benefited and helped the following persons:
Students. This study would help the students be aware for the stressor that they
would encounter and be able them to avoid and relieve stress.

Teachers. The result of the study may benefit the teacher that would be able to
help the students how to relieve their stress.

Parents. The outcome of the study would help the parents to know what the
stressor their children encountered.


Content Delimitation. This study focused only in determining the level of stress

among male and female in the senior high school students of Sibugay Technical Institute

Incorporated as perceived.

Subject Delimitation. The respondents of the study were fifty (50) students of

whom twenty-five (25) male students and twenty-five (25) female senior High School


Place Delimitation. The study was conducted at Sibugay Technical Institute

Incorporated, Lower Taway, Ipil, Zamboanga Sibugay.


Time Delimitation. The time frame of this study was from October – February



For a clearer understanding of the terms used in the study the following terms

were operationally defined.

Depression – feeling of severe despondency and dejection.

Disrupt – is to interrupt or throw something into disorder.

Frazzled – cause to fell completely exhausted.

Likert’s Method/Scale – is a type of rating scale used to measure attitudes or

opinions. With this scale, respondents are asked to rate items on a level of agreement. For

example, strongly agree.

Mental Tension – mental stress in the pressure to bear on the existing mental

balance or emotional equilibrium of any person; the symptoms of mental stress will most

commonly type exhibited hen the demands of the situation are seen as exceeding the

personal resources that the individual can bring to bear on them at that moment.

Musculoskeletal – symptoms are very common and may arise from joints, bones,

muscles, ligaments, tendons, or bursas. Common symptoms of musculoskeletal disorders

include pain, weakness, stiffness, joint noises, and decreased range of motion.

Perceive – is defined as to see, hear or feel something or to have an understanding

of something.

Psychological Distress – is a general term that is used to describe unpleasant

feelings or emotions that impact your level of functioning.

School – is used in the study an organization that provides knowledge as an

institution for the teaching of students.

Stress – is a state of mental tension and worry cause by problem in your life


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