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Chapter 1 Chapter 1

The sunlight peeks into my bedroom as I hear someone knocking on the door. Groaning, I cover my head
with a pillow, cursing whoever is behind it. It’s too early in the morning. Who, in their right mind, would
wake me up at this hour?

“Scarlet?” I hear my mother's voice calling me on the other side of the door.

“Go away,” I grunt, my voice muffled by the pillow. A few seconds pass by and I sigh, thinking she already
left. Then, I hear the door knob turning and my mother comes in, staring down at me with a displeased
look on her face.

“You should be up by now, young lady. Today’s a big day.”

“Mother, please... Let me sleep.”

“No,” she answers firmly. “Get up. We need to get you a fine dress. You should be prepared beautifully
for tonight.”


“Have you forgotten?”


“The Shadow Pack is visiting. Alpha Blake is coming tonight.”

The moment I heard it; I grimace in discontent. I almost forgot. My father invited Alpha Blake to visit our
pack a long time ago to offer a truce. For a time, the Alpha hasn’t answered to our request. But when he
did, the letter said he wants something in return.
My father thinks it’s gold he wants. But I hardly believe that the infamous Alpha Blake, who can have
anything he wants, kill whoever he likes, will ask for a pile of coins in exchange for peace.

I despise him. For everything he’s done to our pack. And my father is a fool for trusting him.

“The pack needs to be presentable tonight,” my mother continues, “and you, young lady, need to be on
your best behavior. I don’t want you doing anything that will get on the bad side of the Alpha.”

Sitting up, I look up at my mother and nod my head bluntly. “Yes, mother.”

She sighs when she notices my sad expression. “I understand how you feel, sweetheart, but you have to
understand this is the only way we can make peace with our enemy. Alpha Blake has a strong pack and
we are helpless against his warriors. You have to understand… your father and I are only doing what's
best for the pack.”

“I understand.”

“Good.” With that, she tucks away my hair behind my ear, kissing my forehead. “I've prepared your
breakfast in the kitchen.”

She walks across my room, opening my curtains and letting the sun shine through the darkness. Her red
hair shines bright as the sunlight touches it. My mother is a redhead, just like me. Some said I look a lot
like her when she was younger. With my long red hair and deep blue eyes, our similarities are uncanny.

“You look exhausted, sweetheart,” I hear her say. “Did you sleep well last night?”

“No,” I answer truthfully.

“Is it those dreams again? About seeing a big black wolf?”

I nod. “I usually dream about chasing the wolf. But this time... he's the one chasing me.”

“And did he catch you?”


“Hmm... Perhaps you should let it catch you this time and see what it all means.” She smirks. “You might
be surprised.”

“It was just a dream, Mother. I don't think it means anything.”

“You’ll never know,” she shrugs. “Come on, sweetheart. It’s time you eat your breakfast.”


“You look like a fat guy with a long hair,” my friend, Janna, comments as she looks over my baggy dress
in the mirror with a laugh.

“Do I really look that bad?” I sigh.

“No, but your dress does,” she says while taking another dress from my closet. “Try this one.”

I finally remove my dress, trying on the new one she just gave me. “Well, this looks nice.”

“Yeah, better,” she agrees. “Why are you even dressing up like a pretty Barbie for the Alpha? He’s a
savage. I don't think he’ll care about a pretty-looking girl wearing a pretty dress.”
“I know, but my mother insists I should look pretty and presentable tonight.”

“Just wear a hoodie and a skirt, that looks presentable enough.”

I chuckle. “I don’t think so.”

“Who cares what Alpha Blake thinks anyway?”

“Don’t say that. If my father hears you, you'll be in big trouble.”

She pouts. “Why so? He knows everyone hates Alpha Blake. We’re just inviting him over for a truce and
nothing else. We don’t owe him any favor.”

“I hear he wants something in return,” I say with a low whisper.

“What is it?”

“I don't know. But my father thinks he wants gold.”

“We have a lot of gold.”

“Alpha Blake is not known for stealing gold, mainly because he doesn’t need more than he already does.
He likes to kill, he wants victory, and I think that’s what he’s after.”

“Wait, are you telling me that he’s coming tonight... so he can kill everyone?”
“I don’t know... but I’m scared for my father’s safety. He’s blinded by his grief. We lost a lot of warriors
from the last war and innocent lives are at stake. He wants to do something to save the pack.”

“If something bad is about to happen tonight, we have to tell the others.”

“I will tell my father about it. I just hope he will listen.”

“Of course, he will. You’re his daughter.”

I nod my head but, in all honesty, I don't know if my father will listen to me. Being a girl, I am not trusted
for having the right opinions. He says I'm easily angered and good at keeping grudges. But it's just who I
am. I don't trust everyone. Is that such a bad thing?

“Have you ever seen Alpha Blake, the destroyer?” Janna wonders out loud.

I look at her with the same curiosity in our eyes. “I’ve never seen his face but my father told me certain
things about him. How his wolf is big and his stature is physically stronger. He fought on the battlefield
with unbelievable strength. They said he’s a monster, one that no one would dare to face.”

“I bet he has an old ugly face,” Janna replies, making me laugh out loud.

“For your information, he’s not that old,” I retort, amused. “Beta Leo said Alpha Blake is the youngest
and strongest werewolf he’s ever encountered.”

Janna’s face defines interest. “I can't wait to see this Alpha. There must be a good reason behind all this
strength and intelligence he has. He’s never been defeated — a prodigy.”

“We’ll find that out soon enough,” I say as I look through my closet. “For now, I need to find a good outfit
for tonight.”
“How about this one?” Janna asks, showing me a black sexy short dress that reached just around my
thighs. With an evil smirk, she gazed at me and I knew exactly what she was thinking.

I put on the dress in a matter of seconds and when I’m finally done, I take a look at the mirror. My sexy
black dress hugs my hourglass figure perfectly. Janna and I exchange evil looks. This will drive my parents
crazy mad at me. Turning around, I looked at my bum almost popping out.

“Perfect,” I whisper to myself.

Chapter 2 Chapter 2

“Scarlet?” my mother calls from outside my room. “Are you ready?”

“Not yet!” I yell back, fixing my hair with clips right at the top of my head.

“Be ready in 5 minutes. The Shadow Pack is arriving shortly.”

Tonight will be the night that everyone’s been preparing for. My father even hired a bunch of caterers.
He claimed we don’t know what savages like to eat so he ordered everything. All kinds of food are
cooked and prepared. Alpha Blake will surely have a lot to choose from and, hopefully, he’ll like at least

“Scarlet!” my mother yells once again.

“I’ll be there in a sec!” Quickly, I put on my mascara and lip balm. Taking one look at the mirror, I wrap
my black coat around myself so my mother won’t see what’s beneath it until it’s time for her to see it.
Opening the door, I see my mother pacing back and forth impatiently.

“Finally,” she sighs in relief. “You look beautiful, sweetheart. But why are you wearing this coat?”
“I’m cold. I’ll remove it later.”

She gives me a look before turning around and leading me outside my bedroom. The whole mansion is
big so it took us some time to get outside. From down the stairs, I can already see my father in front of
the mansion with Beta Leo and his warriors. They stand in line to welcome the arrival of the Shadow

I got to give my father some credit. Everything looks perfect. The golden lights made the place look
beautiful and serene. I’m a little busy, mesmerized by the star lights when my mother suddenly pulls me
forward, taking me where my father is standing. Silently, she tells me to behave.

Feeling hot, I finally remove my coat and everyone’s eyes quickly focus on me. Perhaps my dress is a little
too sexy. With the heavy attention I’m receiving, my parents eventually notice. Hot glares are shot right
at my face, causing me to smile awkwardly.

“Scarlet,” my mother begins, “I said nice and presentable. Not slutty like a hooker.”

I chuckle at her face. “Relax, mother. Alpha Blake wouldn’t care. Who knows? He might even like it.”

She shakes her head with disapproval. “You’ll never listen.”

“She’s just like you when you were younger,” my father mutter, amused.

“She’s more like you,” my mother bite back. “A rebel in your younger years.”

My father laughs it out. “She is, isn’t she? But thank God she has your looks!”

“Well, she is pretty.”

“You’ll always be handsome in my eyes, father,” I said with a teasing smile, hugging him.

“I’m so lucky to have two beautiful women in my life,” he sighs with pride. “Hopefully, Alpha Blake will
accept my truce. No more deaths and senseless killings. Peace is in order and I must concede.”

I frown at him. “But don’t you think Alpha Blake isn’t the type to accept a truce? You said so yourself. He
is merciless and a savage. Peace will never be an option for someone like him.”

My father pulls back, giving me a serious look. “He’s an Alpha, just like me. A good leader will do what is
best for his pack and he will understand where I’m coming from.”

“I don’t want you to be hurt, father. And I mean no disrespect but I think you made the wrong decision.”

“Don’t question me, child,” he says angrily.

“I’m just saying—”

“I don’t want to hear any more of this nonsense,” he warns with his deep voice of authority. “You will
learn to respect your Alpha, young lady.”

With teary eyes, I step back, hurt from his tone. I hug my coat, shaking my head in disbelief. I thought my
father will at least listen to me but he didn’t. In his eyes, I will still be a child, forever naive and innocent
in the ways of war.

Wiping away my tears, I walk off the alignment, heading back to the mansion. I just need to freshen up
before the night begins. I’m already on my way when someone suddenly tugs my arm, pulling me to the
crowd that has already gathered around my father and the warriors. The whole pack is here to witness
the welcoming of the enemy which is something I hope the Shadow pack will appreciate.

“Janna?” I gasp, glancing at my friend who’d already dressed up for tonight. “What are you doing?”
“Girl, you are on fire!” she gushes, looking down at my dress.

“So are you,” I reply with a grin.

“I just wanna tell you... I talked with my father and he doesn’t believe Alpha Blake will do something
horrible tonight. He says a strong Alpha does by his word.”

“My father doesn’t believe me either,” I say sadly.

“Maybe Alpha Blake really is an honorable werewolf… despite his reputation.”

“Or my father is just determined to save the pack so he’ll believe anything.”

“Oh. My. God,” Janna gasps suddenly.

I frown as I notice her looking at far behind me. Turning around, I see what everyone else is already
looking at. Old black trucks have arrived at the gates and a tall huge man is coming out of the driver’s
seat. The moment we see his face, silence eats the whole crowd. Even I am shocked and speechless.

Chapter 3 Chapter 3

Instead of an old man, it is a younger and more handsome man. His hair is a bit long, pulled back in a
bun. Normally it will look ugly on a male werewolf but this man... it makes him look handsome and

Wearing a black shirt, Alpha Blake stands out among his warriors. His large frame and tall height take him
to an advantage, making him look like a real leader. With his hair and tribal tattoos, I can see every girl in
our pack is captivated.
But not me.

“A pleasure to welcome you in our home, Alpha Blake,” my father approaches and welcomes with a

“You call for a truce, Alpha Robert?” he asks, straight to the point. His voice has an accent that sounds
deep and foreign, betraying his savage nature. But it is also attractive at the same time.

Strangely, it suits him.

“Yes, we are hoping you will accept our humble offers for peace,” my father explains, signaling others to
show Alpha Blake all the foods that have been prepared and all the golds he has gathered for this special

“Peace?” Alpha Blake questions and I feel my heart beating faster, hoping he will accept it and leave.

“Y-Yes, peace, Alpha Blake,” my father replies. “I humbly ask that you accept my proposal. This is
everything I can give you. Let’s forget the past and move on from the wars we’ve fought. It’s time for a
new era of peace and prosperity between us.”

There is silence for a moment and I can almost hear someone coughing on the other side of the crowd.
Out of nowhere, Alpha Blake grabs my father’s neck and the whole crowd gasps in shock.

The warriors quickly scatter around them, ready to strike. Just before Alpha Blake can make his move to
my father, the enemy warriors take aim as well. I can see my mother crying but I can’t do anything. I feel
like my body is frozen on the spot as everybody else around me goes in panic.

Alpha Blake grins, as if delighted by the commotion he just caused among our pack. His fangs show off
and his eyes are darkening, claiming victory.
“My pack doesn’t forget, Alpha Robert. You called us savages. You belittled my warriors. Started fire in
my territory. And now, you call for a truce?” He laughs evilly, so much hate written across his face. “You
will die tonight, Alpha Robert,” he promises, “and your pack will be mine.”

Just before he can do something that would seal the fate of my life and my pack forever, I run to them in
a haste, screaming at the top of my lungs, “No! Stop! Please!”

With my short dress, I know my panties are already showing, revealing my fair legs. My heels are making
it even harder to run. Alpha Blake instantly removes his hand around my father’s neck, only noticing my
sudden presence.

Whether it is because of his curiosity of who I am or his uncontrolled surprise, I’ll never know. I approach
him with deep reddened cheeks and he stares at me, speechless, waiting for me to say something.


Breathless, I fall down on my knees in front of him. “Please, don’t kill my father, Alpha Blake,” I beg. “If
it’s gold you want, you can have it. If it’s territories you desire, we will give as much as you need. But
please don’t kill my father. We only want peace.”

I look down at the ground, tears falling from my cheeks. Anyone knows that I’d be dead any moment
now. I sealed my fate when I screamed at him at the top of my lungs. If one dares to disrespect an Alpha,
one deserves a punishment as severe as death.

But instead, I feel a warm hand grabbing my chin and urging me to look up. My eyes stare back at the
dark eyes of the Alpha. The moment he touched me, tingles shoot right through my whole body and I
feel my skin burning on fire.

My eyes widen as soon as I realize it. I can’t believe it. He’s my—

“Your father is weak,” he snarls. “He surrendered to a half-baked war and you call him your Alpha?” he
snickers with disgust. “An Alpha never backs down from a fight. An Alpha fights alongside his warriors,
and dies on the battlefield, like a true warrior.”

Then, he looks at someone behind me who I assume is my scared father. “You don’t deserve your title,
Alpha Robert. And you don’t deserve your daughter...”

Right then, I feel it, his fingers sliding up from my chin to touch my cheek. I close my eyes, savoring his
touch. I can’t help it.

“A brave girl with a precious beauty like yours don’t deserve to stay in this place forever,” he growls, his
dark words holding so much meaning.

But I open my eyes with anger, slapping away his hand from my face. I glare up at him, embracing my
pride. “This is my home. This is where I belong and I won’t let you insult it.”

His shock is sudden but it is quickly washed away by his deep low chuckle. Perhaps it is safe to say that
I’m not the only one shocked by my sudden outburst. But I can’t help the attraction I felt when I saw his
smile. How can a dangerous Alpha look so much like an angel?

Even Lucifer was once an angel.

“If peace is all you ask, then you shall have it,” he finally speaks, his dark eyes flaring. “But I ask for one
thing in return.”

My own eyes flutter with joy. I’m even crying with tears of joy. “Ask anything you want… and you will
have it,” I mutter under my breath.

His gaze flickers with interest as he stares down at me with a look I don’t recognize. “I want your hand in
Chapter 4 Chapter 4

Why is the moon goddess so cruel? All my life, I thought having a mate would be a blessing. That
meeting him for the first time would be like a dream come true. I thought it would be all butterflies and
rainbows, but it isn’t at all.

Instead, I come face to face with my greatest enemy, who had destroyed a lot of packs, killed hundreds
of warriors with his bare hands, and just insulted my father and my home.

How come I, a gentle loving kind daughter

if I say so myself

have the most dangerous Alpha for a mate? It really makes me wonder. The moon goddess must be
having a laugh, watching us meet for the first time.

I watch as my mate retreats his hand, a small smirk still plastered all over his face. Confused, I stand up,
firing a glare at him. “What are you saying?”

“I’m saying all I want… is you,” he states as if it’s that simple, “in exchange for peace. No harm will ever
come to your pack as long as you’re mine.”

To be his… my wolf whispers with excitement. I shake my head, brushing away her thoughts. “I don’t
trust you, Alpha. I know your reputation and just now, you didn’t keep your word.”

“What word exactly did I not keep?”

“We offered a truce and you accepted,” I accuse, choosing to stand my ground. “Why else would you be
“Truce?” he repeats, looking at me like I’m crazy. “Your father invited me to come tonight but I accepted
no truce. Do you seriously think I’m that stupid? That I’ll accept a draw to a game I knew I can win? Don’t
take me for a fool and a coward. I’m not like your father.”

I gaze up at him in disbelief. Whatever game he’s playing, I won’t play it. I won’t fall for his tricky words. I
finally take a deep breath, rethinking my thoughts. “Do you promise... that you won’t harm my pack?
That you won’t come near it nor hurt my family?”

He seems to agree. “Of course. I’ll respect your wishes. But tomorrow at sunset, I’ll be expecting your
presence. Come on time or I’ll destroy your pack and everything will be burned to ashes.”

His threat is nerve-wracking. I know he isn’t the kind to give empty threats. My luck and dream giver
must have really deserted me. Just when I need them the most, they hide with their tails between their
legs. I fear the day I’ll have to leave my home and live with a stranger. It’s all going too fast. Perhaps I
should’ve enjoyed my younger days with my family for as long as it lasted.

“But…” I began, breathing in deeply, “how will I know you won’t harm me?”

He smirked. “How can I ever harm my own mate?”

The moment he said it, I heard gasps echoing all around me. Everyone is shocked to know I’m his true
mate. What a terrible fate will I suffer in the hands of a dangerous Alpha? And it isn’t something I’m
proud of.

I try my best to remain strong but… just looking up at my mate makes me feel so weak. My wolf is telling
me to stop fighting it and just submit. But my pride is too tough to concede. I can slowly sense my wolf
surfacing and my fangs are sharpening with delight. I close my eyes by force, resisting her with all my

“You feel it too, don’t you?” I hear Alpha Blake’s deep voice coming up in my ears. “Fate has caused our
paths to collide. And look where we are! Already getting to know each other.”
I snarl, shooting him with a glare. His humor is not highly appreciated. I don’t care who he is or what he
can do. I won’t be bonded to someone like him! A cold heartless monster.

“Scarlet,” my father calls, his voice weak, stealing my attention. I turn around, seeing him coming up to
me. “Please, accept the Alpha’s offer.”

The look in his eyes says it all. He has completely surrendered me to the enemy. His own daughter. His
own blood and heir. Sometimes, I wonder if he really cares about me. But I guess duty is duty. And family
is just family.

“The pack needs you now more than ever,” he murmurs, sadness written in his hopeful eyes.

I know it hurts but… he’s right. Perhaps this is the only way I can make my father proud. Saving the pack
is all he cares about and if that means he’ll have to sacrifice his only daughter to the devil and bear him
little demon grandchildren, he will gladly give me away.

My pack has suffered more than enough. My father too... has sacrificed a lot to remain hopeful to this
day. It is my turn to carry hid heavy burden, in exchange for a long life of peace.

With a sigh, I finally nod my head, looking down at my hands while tears run down my cheeks
uncontrollably. After a moment, I feel a warm hand on my face, fingers wiping away my wet tears. I
glance up, getting lost in the Alpha’s obsidian eyes.

“Don’t cry, peach,” he murmurs ever so softly. “This is only the beginning.”

I slap his hand away with a glare. How dare he give me a nickname?! “Don’t touch me,” I sneer with

He chuckles, ridiculously amused. “We’ll see again soon. I’ll be waiting.”

And with that, he takes a few steps back before turning around and returning to his black truck. The rest
of his warriors follow after him. Then, they drive away as if nothing happened. It is at that moment I
realize… my good days are behind me and I’m about to be married to my greatest enemy.

Chapter 5 Chapter 5

“My god, you are the most beautiful bride I’ve ever seen,” Lena, my dressmaker comments as she looks
me up and down from head to toe.

“Cut the crap, Lena, I know you tell that to all of your customers,” I retort, giving her an amused face.

She shakes her head at me in disbelief. “I’m going to miss your witty remarks, child.” Fixing my dress, she
caresses my curly hair and pins them from the side of my head. “You look just like your mother when she
married Alpha Robert. I have no doubt you’ll have a wonderful marriage as well.”

“That was a different time,” I reply, my face looking grim. “My parents both love each other when they
married. But all I feel for Alpha Blake is hatred.”

“You might loathe him now but you won’t be able to resist your wolf any longer.”

“He’s our enemy. I doubt he’ll fall for someone like me. I’m just another Alpha’s daughter who happens
to be his mate.”

“But you are different. Something tells me he can see that. Besides, it isn’t hard to love a beautiful girl
like you, dear Scarlet. You have a very pretty face and figure. Use it to your advantage. Make him beg for
it.” She winks.

I can’t help but chuckle at her. I take a look at myself in the mirror, thinking about her words. Wearing a
white wedding gown feels a bit overwhelming. I don’t think I’ve ever thought about wearing something
as fancy as this in the near future. I’ve wanted to meet young werewolves my age. But instead, I’m taken
away by my mate at first sight.
My long red hair flows down my back in waves and Lena starts braiding them from behind me. With my
blue eyes and fair skin, I can see the perfect resemblance between me and my mother. Despite our
similarities, we have a totally different personality.

She is righteously kind and perfectly decent. Meanwhile, I’m chaotic and what they usually call... a
beautiful mess. My father said I bloom like a red rose with thorns underneath me, untouched and
uncontrolled by anyone.

Honestly, I like the sound of that.

Just then, the door opens and my mother walks in with a smile on her face. “You look gorgeous,” she
greets with bright eyes. Lena bows down before her before finally leaving the room and closing the door
behind her.

I roll my eyes at my mother who’s now looking at me with close inspection. She is the judge of my dress
and my makeup and it feels like I’m being sold for an auction. In this case, however, I’ve already sold my
body and soul to the devil himself.

Alpha Blake has requested my presence today and I can’t be any sadder than I already am. Soon, I will be
traveling far north. I will be leaving my family. My pack. My home. If it isn’t for peace, I would’ve run
away. Far from here. But neither I nor my parents have a say in this. They are even willing to dress me up
nicely and make myself look pretty all in the Alpha’s favor.

I know everyone feels sorry for me. I feel sorry for myself too. But I don’t want to think being his mate is
the worst fate anyone can be destined to. I wonder what it’s like to be in his home. Some said he has
conquered big packs. That he owns a lot of gold and has thousands of werewolves under his leadership.
He must be such a busy Alpha with all those riches and territories.

“Scarlet, are you listening?” my mother’s voice comes chiming in inside my head.

“Y-Yes,” I answer, coming back to reality.

“Really? What did I say?” she asks, putting a hand on her hips with a raised eyebrow.


She sighs. “Can you please listen to me? You’ll be married today and I want this day to be special for

“How can it be special when I’m being married to him?” I retort.

“Don’t say that. He’s an Alpha. The strongest, richest Alpha there is. He can protect you more than

“But will he take care of me?”

“Of course, he will. He’s your mate.”

“I didn’t ask to be his mate,” I huff. Just because we’re mates, it doesn’t guarantee he will take care of
me. How can my parents trust me, their only daughter, to the likes of him?

“Neither did I,” my mother answers, deep in thought. “But the moon goddess has her own ways of
playing with our fates. Sometimes she sends troubles our way and sometimes we overcome them. But
you... You are very brave and courageous to speak up to Alpha Blake. We all saw it and because of that,
we are saved. You have a long way ahead of you, sweetheart, and I don’t want you to think this is the

I look at my mother and see her eyes are teary. She looks very happy for me despite her words of
wisdom that are filled with sadness. I take a deep breath, feeling my heaving chest. It feels like it’s
getting too much and I can barely even hold it all up. I finally break down crying and my mother hugs me,
giving me comfort.
“I-I don’t know what to do,” I sniff, hugging her back.

“I know, sweetheart,” she murmurs, kissing my hair. “I know.”

With teary eyes, I look up at her with wet cheeks. “Will it ever get better?” I ask weakly.

“Of course, sweetheart.”

“Do you promise?”

“I promise.”

A knock on the door interrupts our moment. My mother and I turn to see the door opening. Lena peeks
inside, giving us a worried look. “I’m sorry for interrupting, Luna and dear Scarlet, but Alpha Robert says
it’s time to go.”

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