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(short description of what you video is all about)

With the advancement of technology, we had long since abandoned the usual
way of doing things. Especially now with the pandemic, where many people are staying
at home in order to flatten the curve, technology plays a vital role in our lives. Now that
we have advanced technology, we can meet online using different social media or video
conferencing platforms, and more importantly, it keeps us connected with each other.
Being connected with one another is important especially when it comes to
communicating with our friends and families around the world. The ability to keep up to
date with significant people in our lives, not to mention the importance of being able to
contact someone in a time of need, is one of the greatest things that have come out of
technology’s progression. In a society where loneliness is at its peak, instant
communication offers those battling with mental health struggles an opportunity to
contact someone easily if urgent help is needed; From a business perspective,
productivity is at an all-time high thanks to improved communication technologies; and
there are eliminated barriers when it comes to international communication because it
allows companies to seek overseas employees,
In today’s connected world, it’s important to remain on top of things, whether it’s
daily news, family updates, or work, and all of this is accessible online and it is what
keeps us connected.

● Give examples of Internet of Things

Here are some examples of Internet of Things:

•Smart Home Appliances

•Industrial Sensors (that can monitor a range of factors including temperature, pressure,
and many more.)
•Fitness Wearables

•Home Security Systems

•Automated Farming Equipment

•Wireless Inventory Trackers

● How to protect your identity on the internet
However, the more we develop technology, the more we are prone to hackers.
Here are some important things you should remember to protect yourself from
malicious intent:
● Always remember that digital is forever. Limit the personal information you
share on social media
● Be skeptical. Be careful with what you click as they may lead you to
malicious sites and only use well known sites when making purchases.
● Use or keep your antivirus up to date

● How to be responsible internet users

With that being said, we should also learn how to be a responsible user. Being a
responsible digital citizen means having the online social skills to take part in online
community life in an ethical and respectful way.
○ Follow the guidelines of the social media you are using
○ Do not believe whatever you see on the internet, because not all of them
are true. Always fact check, to prevent spreading of fake news.
○ Be respectful towards others
○ Watch your tone, because it’s hard to read and understand the true
meaning of a statement which we make online.

Conclusion (End your video by stating your sources


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