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1. a. Verb
b. zep all the guns, the Germans zepped radios as well
c. confiscation

2. a. verb
b. zop drivers about dangers or problems ahead, zopped about the condition of the road,
better to zop drivers.
c. inform

exercise 8
1. a. noun
b. large dreels, when the dreel arrived, jumped into the dreel.
c. ship

2. a. Noun
b. zeem for enemies, zeem practice, and they rarely missed their zeem.
c. target

exercise 9
A. 1. verb
2. unless it could be so thoroughly substantiated.
3. conclude, suspicion, to the proof of my contention, to prove that a diet of small rodents.
B. Proof
C. prove or give the truth.

Exercise 10
A. trust
B. Items
C. Grew up

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