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The Last of the Mohicans

James Fenimore Cooper
Copyright Helbling Languages 2008.


1 a) 5, b) 3, c) 1, d) 2, e) 4

2 a) He told him that the French commander Montcalm was coming.

b) Because he was not with the rest of the group when they captured them.
c) Because he wanted to have revenge on her father, Colonel Munro.
d) He told Heyward that Cora’s mother was from the West Indies and that her
ancestors were slaves.
e) He gave him a letter from General Webb.
f) He agreed to surrender to Montcalm.
g) Uncas found a piece of Cora’s veil, then Heyward found their tracks.
h) They disguised themselves: Heyward as an Indian and Hawkeye as a bear.
i) Because when he saw Uncas’ tattoo of a blue turtle he realised that he was a chief.
j) Uncas was the last of the Mohicans. When he died the race died with him.

3 a) 4, b) 5, c) 1, d) 2, e) 3

4 a) T, b) T, c) T, d) F, e) F, f) F, g) T, h) T, i) F, j) T

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