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ee eee ee BY AUTHORITY OF CONGRESS. Public Statutes at Large UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, OROANIZATION OF THE GOVERNMENT IN 1189, TO MARCH 3, 158, ‘AnnawanD i ommomoroaroat ORDER. ‘REERENCES 10 THE MATTER OF RACH ACP AND 10 THR SUBBROUENT ACTS ON THR SAME SUBYECT, COPIOUS NOTES OF THE DECISIONS Courts of the United States CONSTRUING THOSE ACTS, AND UPON THE sUBIECTS OF THE LAWS. HIDEX 70 THE CONTENTS OF RAOK VOLTKE, ULL GENERAL INDEX To THE WHOLE WORK, IN THE CONCLUDING VOLUME. {Spe wectection ot Revependency, the sete of @anCeecation ax ‘he Constitution a the Salty Statens ‘latent emx Las YoLOM, conrAine Lune GP x AoTa RELATING To TE IUDICAEY, iors oxo Tomer, rae Poo nanDe re, EDITED ay RICHARD PETERS, ESQ, Lectin cet oregano weap ae ee neta ce pea VoL. VIII. BOSTON: LITTLE, BROWN AND COMPANY. 1867. 5 ee eee ee KF50 US ut 8 4% SF etre according to act of Congres, in thn year 1946, by (Chances C. Lives de Janse Brows, In tho Cher’ ace ofthe Distiet Court ofthe Disc of Marecheets Repliteses! ayy oissaso ee ee eee TREATIES UNITED STATES OF AMERICA FOREIGN NATIONS, ‘Mon Tun DECLARATION OF THE IXDEPEXDENCE OF THE UNITED STATES TO 188: WITH NOTES. RICHARD PETERS, ESQ. ee ee ee TREATIES. TREATY-MAKING POWER, ee peta Mreunge, Somenmur of 8.78 te cer ae i are afr tn cot oe et Siler ir yy cel Spel Set ezrin one fr cna apenas See oad Fe ta al pre ing eset Sn ene a Sane SL ete acl oe See pie = frce anne led ro ere yeh, lay cag Wal sei ao herb eos Sepa STE cee aed tog ea Some, “Th Und Se in Gps meal ad waters 1 ia tnt tte Orgs motel apts nd eta ahd pore of ergo sie ope ees sie ceotad ot ‘eee cen oer ef so lee at sat ta ocr hl te mde wey ei poe allt cn en on gel ek craenen tek om felon cn Foe Gc wpe Leta tT ee ey toe fg i ce Reclay tit aceon acta eile fe yer mr eed ele pn tea ot tin Eee re sees nn io gs ping tt ces hacen ho heh edcttingenrebe eg seer nly pt in ce can eve eae erp Seta th terkeoe oer ea a ree saa feu les puer nt enn es ise iy Se oy a pret ete Sl a sored fe te gen ae a Rey rena eeairee eee nes Ser iereiet cats tae siete Si fe ny ne Se iene range Se hrc ee saa eee le are paca ene eae oS Se cea wi ai rae see Renee eee ee) ol Fea (2014009391 pea eee ‘TREATIES. ofthe Senators present cons rice and eonsnt of tho Bena Publi ministers and consuls, judges ofthe Sopreme Cour, [tiers of te United Sates whose appointments ste aot herein otherwise “Article 6: which shall be made in pursuance thereof, and all treaties made Thich shall be made under the authority of the United States, shall bo the sopreme Tew ofthe land; and tho jadges in’ every state shall be bound thereby, en thing inthe consitation ar laws of any state to the contrary notwititanding?” Vol. 1.19. ‘The obligation of reay, the supreme aw of th nd, mast be ae sided," 'The encoun of th contact betwee B Sanded fom xe of ach mon ste ight part gating in ect the testy howe rights nd et ch regarded by the’ Supreme Court ‘of Congres. "Unied Staten ». The Schooner Beqy, 1 Cranchy 1 Cond Rep. 258. Th, inti of «ey, wt, don atv igo gr gery and ocd we Ba be Propagat ot Fels. Tho Town of Now Haven, 8 Whest, 464; 2 Cond. Rep. 450. ‘Nor do wenden in general, became extoguinied, ign fc, by War tetween ihe ive gorciameita Mow alpulating er + permacat wn aFteriora! tnd. othr nations igh, ae at moat, devi at the pene, unless they are Yatved by the pares, or new aid repogoant ipulaions are ade rh hr ni nw of he dad ach ft th ie es gating i cour tha Wet aac binds hove rg, ig much ta be feud By the cour ansy at of Congres coe deri veel, therefor the revtraton of which is Svected by the law ofthe aid thoagh restrain ‘be on executive st, would bo ¢ tet infact of tat Taw, andy of connequene, improper, United Sats», The Sebooner Peygy, | Canc, 100; 1 Cond: ep, 250" ondutea ane i tice, ein, the Gon, ing he mpreme law of the land the reny of peace, ed at ‘repeal of all sate lave previusy endciedy inconsistent wih hs prov see Ware onl 0 Cad Rap sagan il vy, or deenons othe Court o ‘dates and who rer may have the tight under tho treaty, is protect But, ifthe erons tle i not aeced bythe treaty, if he claims nothing Under the eay, his itl cannot be protected by it. Ibid atte otis ns ten, en hip ll make ie gods” ‘not imply the converse proposition, chat enemy's ships sll make enemy's goods. ‘The Nereide, Beant, Naster, 9 Cranch, B83; 3 Cond, gemyagoo ‘9 Cranch, 388; 3 Cond ‘Tet in it matare, cotraet between tno ations, st ee tive act” Hi doe nt generally ett of tel the oj oe aceb lad expec o farsa operation sneer at eed Jo xeon ye snr power af he ret pai the tument. Pater etl. Neon, 2 Peter 4; United States Arredondo, 6 Peters, 35. In th United Sse a iron principe is established, Our Cum station dlrs west oe te fo he na It ws sonsensonty (2014009391 pee ee ‘TREATIES. red in cours of jase a equivalent to an act ofthe one gern of ul at hl oy frovision. But, wien the tena of the wiplaion import «cena, When ether ofthe parties engages to perform @ particule at, the rot? {res tself tothe police, not be jadi deprtment, and the Hegre must execute the contact before it cat become le for aye spel 7th stipulations of weaty, are wo be understood it language and sppertat intention, manifesied fa ihe inctrument, ithe roleros to {he contacting patie the sabjet mater, and ths pemote on Whom isto operate, “United Sater Arredondo © Peter, 710, ‘8 Genty of csi t+ deed ofthe coed tera, ane soere fn the ratios the att hin fat as velees 6 he ceoen Atty hs ct and deed, and courts mast so conser and deeds ‘re connried in equy bythe roles of aw. Thid. 73" oo en i gg cre beg f erpecltecontetiog paren, both pra of heel te sith need cane fhe sae mening To” et treaty has hoe rated acre tte provisions ofthe Contain, it tacomes the law ofthe and ands perf fous terial whether of not the pertone who signed it dd or dd oe trkocend ‘Serio. Han w Eaten, North Cuains Cu, 77 tray done not nocnay anna prior sates ther inno ime tees ih hen, Cie aoe he pation in a teny between the Und Sates and «fre pores pron othe pron o econ of «pre erste, of the onteeracy. Lanne of Harty Gordons: Ker eal Tat cia Treaty between the United Sats and one baligernt, doe not act qutation of rie, a between to beligeretn where te prize (Crptared fom the beligeret making the testy) Ts broogh by the tobe ‘ther eligeon ita the forts of the Uriod Staten) non impotent that he caring nel was commended by a9 Ameroan eae "The vod whatever pert im ete her le cone sean a he ein sae pete dnc ie Are m,n ue tet gr pier eon ee pe Pcpageel a ate Ue apts ae SEAS Patna tigers Voagh Rn SE 7 2 wel 00h emer f oer of ai ole seagate Sere Gat of New Terk dre sepa te id eo hn ope of pee Fee ee eae ee ae ISS AS Sate hati one tine COGS ty heen cnn, esi seen Penpeere ensign wey a ean the wn fhe oh cvs out of or is protected by a treaty, it is ‘all Ge laws and judicial decisions of the state; and whoever may have this right protected. But if the perso fot afented by the treaty, if he claims aoshing’ under the 3 the. een forwood cp often ihe sao of which he provisions (2014009391 fuel tea eats ‘of a sate law are inconsistent, is eee of Fisher ¢, Harnden, 1 Pain, C. C.R 65. . “realy goss into operation from the dato of the signature, if na cobber pert in agreed pon between the parties, Lex of Hylton» Brown, 1 Wash C. C. R249. "Fhe Consution of the United Staves confers absolutely on the go- erent of the United States the power of making wer and of making ‘WeuleCoosoquetl that goverament ponesss the power of ecquiing terry, eer by tng or byway. The Amarican Tasbranee ‘Spay. ia be Guo, Fea "The daage of the world i, fx sation be not entirely subdued, to cenit ing of coed aon at mee malty Ssh ‘eon is fal be determiod atthe treaty be coded by treuy, th acquisition is confirmed, on Seoomee a pert the natin to which ics annexed either on the terme ‘ipuleted fn the tout of ceaion, or on such a8 pa a ‘Qo such transfer of territory it has never been held, that the Feline ofthe inbabtente wth each otber are changed.‘Their relations ith thie former sovereign are ciaslved, and new feltions are created between them aod the goverament which has acqsired their territory, ‘The eam act which transfers thelr country transfers the allegiance of thoee whe remain int andthe lew which may be denominated political Snecessrilyobuoged although that which rogolato the intercourse and Gevcral confact cf individunle remains in force unt altered by the Sewly crete power ofthe wate, 201d ee ee eee TREATY OF PEACE AND FRIENDSHIP Between the United States of America, and His Imperias ‘Majesty the Emperor of Morocco. (a) coun or be meds nor, demenon, Bal pan Soar : ng ree como Ada, se a re Tees th Miniter Plena: sree peace a Sooowe hes Ministers Pesipoea- A sary wring ander their hands ad ves the dbp ety ight ie ep, aly ell te dec sd oui of tw Tue S'esalance and greece in mid negocios and conferences Hse cad eeu provided thm the si res sboald be signed by the Bid daieess ALG whereas we, the sud John Adams sil ‘Thomas Sa Meio o the said Mint Ploipotetery (tho ed Benen Hele ag eet) by wrtng ser tbo band nd teal ofthe id John Adams at London, ‘the fifth, one thousand seven hundred set, at Th fer Fu se ‘pron non ek, et Terre en ehh Uh a “3 gies ad the said Thomat “sles or wenty of seizandcepnee tren ae rcl, iter e hrbe ‘ force, which acts, writen inthe Ar ‘hi sad Mapai ho Baperr of Morgen end road ito the engage of th ud inte eto arto ecard, United Stats of Amercg so inthe following words (0 wit: Inthe Nase of Autre Goo, ‘This is a Treay of Peace and Friendship enablabed betwoon os aol the Unied Sea of Ameria, nish i conmed, and which we Hive erdred to bo writes in taboo, and aid with ovr roel sel, a rf Maan ot wet th yo he owed mnt 3 thoyear toe Gnuand ewe bused taming in Go sr remit perma elem aed ARTICLE ‘We declare that both pros ave agreed tht hi tray, consining ea Gi pape ea mel” ped Mo Sy Sid Ee PCE i Pa te leah fe Wi Mec, Betenbr Ty 16, pot, 00, (2014009391 ibs tea eae TREATY WITH MOROCCO. 1767. 101 of twenty-five article, shell be insert in thin book, and dslivered to Emer {he Honorable Thomes Burlay, the agent of the United States, now at. comet he ‘our court, with whose approbation it has been made, and who is duly Sberied on ir pert went wih us concerning al the mates com ‘Sine hari ARTICLE I rete ofthe pre sal bea war with ay ain wht, ete rey cl its Shite dake x cmon fom he yaa gh ener ther eta pats ARTICLE IL, ee iter of th peion hl ba wr with any ain whatever, and 2 tals a prize belonging to tht nan, and there shal be found on Board. mt ee a le of ie par he sje al SEES red re cpr odio Nes sgt any sn, ci : Fea ea ongng to eee ary, ey shell sa ene, ha nftaenpt Heng mae to he ARTICLE IV. Sete of war eter pet Hal Bie it Shon of tu ctander bu ene be feat Ee Sip! ya em fo ean. ARTICLE V. 11 either oft pates shal beat war, and sll meta reel ewok ree Sere i apes in examinaion i fo be ST, 08 San hy noni a bon wih wo or tree en only; Sete rude i ota abl BS fred, sud injry dos wiht rue, SEadiog pal al mao gota damngen ARTICLE Vi Af any Moor at bing cian ofthe United Steet fics, Cian of ee eS a hed beset a bry, od tbe eee Mase See mans my Moor ot weber of tse °* =e cel mee yeah ne ag tif ny ofthe pots a hin fy, fy ad gt i be amr oe ede hs Biajiyprowetion ARTICLE VI. amy vente pty nl pines oho Te wt psa Sanger tale re es eee ion eny interruption or malestaton. ARTICLE VII. 1f any vena ofthe United Staten shall moet with a dimaser at ea; Proynts ack pints one of our ports to repair, she abll be at Iiberty to land gw lar 2nd Food ber cargo, winout paying any duty whatever, ARTICLE 1X. I any ven ofthe Urite Staten sbi boca on shore on any pert of bor Coasts, she shall remain at the disposition of the owners, and no Shoham going nets Ber witht their approbation ae x (2014009391 spike asta 109 ‘TREATY WITH MOROCCO. 1767. ee opsg’ Sr geaeelassct laa mane ny ale ‘red ARTICLE X. ewe of ether ofthe partie shll bee an engagement with « ene! elonging to any of tho Cran powers within gun abt of the ofthe er, the Yael ao engeged sal be defended nd protected ch let nw ty en any Area nl ie curt onshore onthe cout of Wanon, ot any court thresbon, {Se peopl belonging to her thal be preeted mad ied ently by the Rife od, oy hl bo set w er cou. ARTIOLE XI. wth any Chistian power, and any of oar vasa the United States, no vesel belonging to. the ntl ours afr the departure of oor ARTICLE XL fae _M ny ip of yr bugig tthe Usted Sata sall pot it PEEESCT occur probe hal no caine ca sy pretence miner, er rea on boards nor shall the gorernor hat ina ear Preteat, nor require any payment for them. ‘ARTIOLE XI, ther party shall pot into a port of the other and xed fom the fort with an eual nuunbor of guns, ARTICLE XIV. Crema za The commerce wit te Und State allt onthe ane oting sins comma th Sa, tn wh ot orl ai ith fhe them being; snd ther Stfaens sal be rayected vod termed, ta have libri Yo pan td ropnn on county aad sspors thea rer ty pou, who ARTICLE XY. Merchants of both contre shall employ only sch interpreters, and srt gach ther pronto si tom i hitb as tho al ta rope. Ne commander oft vel shal tnmor hs ergo onboard rena ial not einen gr get iu be may rm yobs barre le pl a Ge nae a orn Printers, be cz ot ocean nt ea Lament ARTICLE xVL lasmetee, In cm os vt bernie pr te pina nto ES sada dvs at ab ethnge coef tel Cp ee FeRSS tcer for een, and ene pevss nen for sneer and if that ol Pree donc om eter fide sal bade op bythe papa i exchange may be effected tmerchant or say thar poron authored by eifer ofthe partion (2014009391 38 of 83 ‘TREATY WITH MOROCCO. 1787. ARTICLE XVII. a ee er ian it somata ny oly Md we eh wa aE sa ee i HL et i i ARTICLE XIX. [No veal shall be detsind in port on any prten chlgel to take on board soy aces wien the coment ofthe com> bead” fen howl be ta ery to ars rte igh of my onde ARTICLE XX. If any of the citizens ofthe Unita Sates, any persone unde thet pe apie ett, aa er ey veh eceh ale the cone shall silos. ide beboen the pry aol wheaerer the cout sell equ ‘tbe enistnce om cur goverment, to ence his decision, i ‘elimmedinely granted to fa ARTICLE XI. I ctizeo ofthe United Staten shoal Kill or wound a Meo, of 08 ew i ah tye Mor sh io woud Shen of i Ua. tame a erecta aE ts nd ny dalgnat stale i owe, te al al nt ‘exh in ty manner whatere- ARTICLE XXIL If an American citizen shall dio in our country, and no will shall ew eee appear, cho coual shall take ponent of his eets; and if hee aball odemey 2?uo neo, the eft sal te deposited in the hands of some erion Sapo ae ap spat hl gene es sight fo demmod Seay SPTPet PSY Tce be pe he ey aterm iat Reaopan eel Sl shal nr td reo awl hore at reat Tele waly cret, ATICLE XXII ‘Te son ofthe Und Sa of Aeris, sal rie or tifa tht ny hl a ropes echt er SEES at nd yo ces : pen ang di 27 hcl sal ob ney me I i ae are ger poms a Weng scam. Senet e vibes Sch pom i rng eS eke thal mda (2014009391 fee ite eat 104 ‘TREATY WITH MOROCCO. 1787. ARTICLE XXIV. Agate Ie ay dicnen shal wi yh prt ininging om ay of he = anes ett peace and burmony shal rome sth, {n't este epi i be malo fe 2a shgemet, nd tl that spliation sal be rejected, no apes! hal ee andi eral bres ot brew teste, Pe Tada Sab granted all he mbjecta of ath pate, to die Wier eats Eeze with th propery. And itis farber Eade oF ours, ll be ected, thet whatever mu ny fae Chistian Power the csem the Und State Sia be equal ended tothe. ARTICLE XXV Dine cf ‘This testy shall contaae in fll ree, withthe help of God or iy wo sete ‘We hare dalivered this book nt the hand of the befrementoned ‘rises Busly, on th fist day ofthe Mewse ment of Ramede, in the year one thasand two handed. cory thatthe annexod isa true copy ofthe translation made by Freee Cages Nunen, interpreter Moreco, ofthe, Wey bor {ween the Emperor of Morocco andthe United States of America, ‘THOMAS BARCLAY. ADDITIONAL ARTICLE. ‘race othe only Goo. Ihe underorien, the servant of God, Taher Bon Abdelkack Pen- nish do cert hat its Epil Majesty, my master, (Whom God pre- terre) having eoncld ok ps an camer wit Tauted Staten of Ameren, haw ordered mo, the better to comple it tod in den of the tomar of he tety, to declare," That if tay eel negig to the Une Site, lS in any fh ora ‘Thin Majeays dotinons, or win gua-sot of his fort, ee shall bo Protected‘ tach eapornble; and no reel whatever, belonging etbor {o Moorish or Chistian Powers, with whom tho United Stato nay be 1 war, hal be permitiod to fillow or engage ber, ws we now deem the shlzate af Ametica out god finds’ style He Mojo command T ety thin dca tion, by poting my band and alto ion tbe eghceath day of Ranae ene) Erte bet ene tend eo Banded. ” ‘The servant of the King, my maser, whom God presere, ‘TTAHER BEN ABDELKACK FENNISH. de corify thatthe abore is «true copy of the translation mado at ‘Moroeeo, by Issue. Cordora Nunez, tnterprter, of a docaration smade and aygaod by Sidi Hage Taher Fentish, in addition to the treaty boveen tho Bmperor of Morocco and the United Stats of ‘Ameica, which declaration the anid Taber Fennish made by the ‘express directions of his Majo. ‘THOMAS BARCLAY. a The Remadan af be yor ant Pi og 1000, canines (2014009391 fuel tea asta ‘TREATY WITH MOROCCO. 1787. Nox. enow hat wth id Jo Adame td ‘Thoa Jf son, Ministers Plenipotentiary serostd do epproe and concl ‘eid treaty, and evry uncle snd clauno thersin contained, reserving the same Aeverteless the United Sats in Congress sete, fe {heir fou ation, In tostimony whereof, we have signed the sane with our names and ‘seals, atthe places of our respective residence, and at the dales fenpremed under our signatures reepecively. JOHN ADAMS, (ua) London, January 25th, 1787, ‘THOMAS JEFFERSON, (1.8) Pors, January Yst, 1187 vou vm 14 105, ee ee ee Bagh. 16, 1896, TREATY WITH MOROCCO.(@) ——s Eira {a name of God tn meri wa coment es ee 3] Errahman 4H mackie, |B J seaaet ait Paatan at 70 Gop! ‘Thin is tho copy of tho Treaty of Peace which we have made with the Armricans und written in tia books afiing thereto oor blested toa, that, with the help of God, it may remain fm forere “Writuen nt Mescanex, the eity of Olives,on the 3d day of the month ‘Famed el labhar nthe year of the Hogira 1252. (Corresponding to opt 16. A.D. 1896.) Me ‘Ae, 1 We dco tat tlh prt are aged hat i wet, AMUSE coating of twenty-five ticles, sal be iaseel in this book, snd Tose freed te James B, Lob, agent ofthe United Sat ™ resident conmul at Tangier, ho Tewho ie delytatonzed on ther pero teat wih wo, concerning A the mater Sontained therein, 9, Tether of the pate shall boat war with any nation wie cvot tg ober all not take # commison from the enemy, nor ght meet elo. ‘Ans 3. f ether ofthe parties hall bo at war with any nation what ver tad tae prize ie ‘aia, aod there sal be and =) comets lng tote we wewnatercitisy eidyfassrncade So ict i Fo oe Firat eee en ea LES ee ail enn ee es Syme ne oo eee eee Home tt tess ieee aa arent eh nh a ee own a sei ited of fate el i ro Serena Be comers lean of sotsteah Aan Ht oo pee nk be aro hala Titman 8 ies fe pan hl beh rane ngage hae ere li nein Epes ped eee Ey is eee ant et ea gn“ tg fg mg of ‘eens an their ots, to sjesty, the citizens shall immediately be set at SERS eee Mee Sry lee gy tie ieee en shall lone (Forte ety wih Moose of Tear HE, wo wate pgs 100. “wo (2014009391 fee tea eet ‘TREATY WITH MOROCCO, 1996. of America or thet ett, and bring tem ito any ofthe pore of is Msjeny hay shall bo inmednalyrelewed, ea they wl en be cone ‘dered a andor hi Majesty's protecen, ‘Awe. 7, If any veel of either party, shall put into « port of the ster, and have Socaion for provisos or eter exppie, hey shall be anihed withot ny ieteropton of maletaton, ‘Anz. 8, If any vise of the United Stat, ball moet wth dnster st es, and put into one of ovr ports o real, ah abal be at liberty to Hand end elo het cargo, withot eying tny daty whtoer ‘Aas. 9. 1f any vena of the United Bates, abl be cut on shore on ‘ay part of our cous, he abl remaia athe dipoiin ofthe owners, do ooo shall atept. going eer her without thir spprobaton, as the is then ‘considered perteusry under oor protons endif any ‘ral of the United State shall be forced to pat into oar pots by tens ‘of wenter, or oervse, sho shall not be eopaled lo and ber cargo, tht abl remain in tranllity ntl the commander abl think proper to proceed on his voyage ‘Anz. 10, 1f any veal of either of the parties shall hve ane ino witha sud bgig io ey of he Crt Pore fh to th the th reels waged ll ed ed much ax poweble, enti he 1 she: tay American ves sll bo enon abre, on the coast of Wada, F307 cont theeabon, the peopl Delong to her, shall be protested fd thied, ual bythe belp of God, they shall be vat to their coune ty ‘Anr. 11, If we shall be at war with any Christian Power, and any ‘of our verses suls ftom the ports ofthe United States, no vexed ng to the enemy sll fellow, unt tweaty-our hours after the depar- eof cnr veesla: and the samo regulations shall bo obaerved towards ‘Be Aericn res ing fom cr prs b hi nein Moor er nip rg niet a Ae any ai ol egg Ud St, stl Be eh het fae des eae in te en dae SRS rere mant of ftp ee ‘Aus. 18. I hp of war ofeiher pay shal pt it port of the cine sly, be rtrd hos the fo ih angel Ram Bergan, not more ot eu "Axe 14 ‘Te conmace wth he Unlad Stay shal be on the sume ‘eg mh Smt yy a oh mo eed tied or the tte beng aod ther ins shal be respected and Dice an hte al Mey to pone andreas out county and Soe Fecu eherer ny pen, whoo itrapon ‘Aer 15, Merchants of bth cousin shall employ ely such ne press tp mck lige poten os them intel bites ey MaTUink paper Ne coumande sy shal anor hg eage Se EET sea; b call nt bo Sed por eager than Be Sint trper and ul prow euploped tn load of teloating eMah ety cee hbo what Sal be ped ae costar? Rios ht mee nd ote Ari Ec rr ben hein hp et to Al debate be exchanged naar ater capi op tin oie fr fe, acne pate an Yor another) end if thre i h zits Pup I i Bacangs voor (2014009391 Be ee eee ‘TREATY WITH MOROCCO. 1836, stall prote a daficeney on either io, it shal be made up by the py, sh pore ele can nsf ac fron wating nd tof OS cat all rioner shal be exchanged in twelve moat from ect hee belog taken, and tat hi exchange may be eected Pre eS.chant ev eny oer person, authorized by ether of the parties, ‘Ans, 17. Merchants shall not be complied to bay or ell any Kind ‘ot Ata Yr sachs they shall hin proper: and may bay and sll ll geet rchandioe bu sch aa prombited to tho ober Christan atone. ‘Arr 18. All goods shall be weighed and exasinod before they eh, Al ea NN Bt fen of rene no examin Fah Sherwards be made, unless it shal rst be proved that conteeband unde have ben sent board; in which cas, he peona who took Se"conraband. goods on board, stall be: punished cording tothe “an can of the ont, andno other person whatever sal BevEGjreds or shall tho ship & cargo incur aby penly or damage whatever ‘Anz. 19, No resol sll bo detained in port on any pretence what erred bo ged vo keen ond ay ercle witout the coment of {hevdomender sro sal be a fill ery to agreo for the eight of ‘ny goed he takes on board “Anz. 20, If any ofthe ctisens of the United States, or any persone under bel proweton, shall have any dispute with each tie, the naa shel desdo between the prion? and whenerer the cons shall Squire any ad, or atistence from oar Goverament, to enforce his deck Whe, al be immodintely granted to him. "Ane. 21 If citizen ofthe United States shoold ill or wound cesta nr Me Sl ial rnd lan af ned Sates th aw of he conry sal ake place, and equ jatice He al wg th lao ty dog ‘all oe hs erape, te cons abl not bo anverale or hin i any tanner Winer. Ane 2, I,m ie sal i in or rst, will oll appear the conmal shall fake posession of his effec and if Tore shal ea consul the ets shall be depeited ia the hands of ‘ne perm worn of iat, nl tbe party call apeas wo a = fightto demand them; but hehe t dgcrased be preset, Te reperty shal be dalvred to him withootinterropton; and if & Irina pear he propery shall descend agrembly C0 tat wil eon ar the conealaball declare the vaiiy thereof. ‘Ans, 32, Th cool of the ie Sate of Ameri, sl se fn any seaport of our dominions that they shall hink proper: and she SM septa nd exjy al he pidge which de eons fay ‘thee mation enjoy: and if any ofthe eins ofthe United States sal Sentract any debs or engegeneats, the cool shall not bo ny Seamer accbuntable for them, anfen be sal ave giren promise in Ariing forthe payment or fling thereof; without which promise Triting, no appleation to him fr any redres shall be made, ‘Ane. 24, If any diferoncos shall arse by eter party ittinging on aay of the erie of this trey, pace and harny sell min ot Aristanding, inthe fils fc, ants enly application tall be trade for ‘and anil that application shall be rected, So appeal to arm And if awa ball br out between “are; nine monde shall be granted fo all the subjects of beth arta to apne of ete eft a rete wih their propery. And (2014009391 fuel tee eta CONVENTION WITH PERU-BOLIVIA. 1. ‘6 itis frter declared, that whstevr indulgence a trade of ctherwiae, thal bo. grened to tny ofthe Chien’ Ponty, te eioar of it United Ste abl be oly soiled to theme ‘Anz. 25. This treaty sl conve io foree, wth the elp of God, for ily yrs; afer the expraion of which rn the ety tl on. Sh the big oath puri nn ne sal ie te ‘monte noise to So other, of an Ttention to eben iy awh ‘tnt operon sl coe athe end of the twelve months GCinelate of the United States of America. “For the Empire of Morseo Bo it known. Wheceas the undersigned, Jame R, Leb, x eitizen of the United Stats of North Arti, ‘and ey thei resident conaal ‘st Tungir, having been duly sppoiated commintoner, by leer patent, Sher Seagate of the beten and se af the Uaod Sto af North Amertes, eating dato, at tho eay of Washington, he 4h day of July A.D. 1855, for negotisting and concluding 8 treaty of peace land ftendship batwoen the Unite State of North America td the Enpire of erocea; I, therebre, James R, Leib, Commision’ as Aforrad, do conclad the foregoing treaty and every aril and lense ‘herein contuined; reserving the ae, nevertelem, fr th foal ration, tion ofthe President ofthe Unit Stats of North. America, by and With th advice and consent of the Beast, unto afized my signature, and the at day of October, in the year of Tnundred and thtt-sx, and of the ‘Satan the sity frst. JAMES R. LEIB, (1.8) GENERAL CONVENTION OF PEACE, FRIENDSHIP, ‘COMMERCE, AND NAVIGATION, Between the United States of America and the Peru Bolivian Confederation, ‘Tax United States of America and the Pert-Bolivian Confederation, desing 19 make frm and permanent the peace and friendship which happily subsist Between them, hare resolved to fx, in a clear, istinet, and positive manner, the roles which shall, in fatore, be religions other, by means of ewreay, or gener commerce, and navigation. Venable purpose, the President of the United States of ax conferred fall powers on. Samuel Larned, Charge @ AC fof the said. States, near the Goverument of Peru; and the Sapresse Protestor of the north and south Peruvian States, President of tbe Republic of Bolivia, encharged with the diection of the fre {elatigns ef the PereeBaliren Confederation, hes conferred like fon John Garcia del Ri, Miniter of State inthe Department of Finance ‘hnctred between the ono end enreatin of pace, fiend For this ro Inca wr ‘pas pels Sin Trey ht jou, Se.

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