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Calameo bb5ia] ieee iS e ame empire state ov morocco united states for america moorishe nanonall republic federall governmente @ =sonctas repubiae ¢a af mauranos— we ‘maori Digpne ane nationall wubenente ob the eatthe north iweate amnexeat + north west afta + northe ammeriea + the nrtbe gate 2 B00 4@ =teonpel ob the moon ane sue we nde De jure naturall peeples + hes ob the Lande eisai the tewe empire state ov morocco tunmibersall sobereigne origencall mndigencous naturall Diypne affba all ize ande stande ande remain standing innto perpenitee this is a sovercigne feinge ancient arte ii ‘moorishe amerikan al moroccan kourte acctione. we are the sovereigne Ininge justise in capitis diminutio nolo, in red ink, in propria persona sui juris, in proprio solo, ande in proprio heredes all moors are the corigeneall inndigeneous sovereigne annciente al moroccan moorishe amerikan ascendents ov the sreate pharoahs ov kemet ande ov the annciente moabites onde canaanites our fille fsithe ande tuste, our alepianse, our kreddit ande our innergy are herebye vested in oursellves for we are the peepel who are the origeneall inndigencous natural dvyne annciente empize state ov morocco ande the de jure moorishe nationall republic federall governmente, the unniversall moorishe amerikan konsulate ande the article ii rmoorishe amerikan konsular kourte we are peace. we are won natione, won state, won empire ande won god we herebye exxercise all sovereigne rights at this time ande at all pointes in time nq pro tung michigan const 1835/1443 in convention, begun athe city ov detroit, on the second moonday ov may, in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty five: preamble, wwe. the people ov the territory ov michigan, as established by the act ov congress ov the eleventh day ov january, in the year one thousand eight hundred andl five, in conformity to the fifth article ov the ordinance providing for the governmente ov the territory av the united states, north west ov the river ohio, betieving that the time has arrived ‘when our present political condition ought to cease, and the right ov self-governmente be asserted; and availin ‘ourselves ov that provision ov the aforesaid ordinance ov the congress ov the united states ov the thirteenth day ov july, one thousand seven hundred ancl eixhty-seven, and the aets ov congress passed in accordance therewith, which tetitle us to admission in the union, upon a condition which has been fulfilled, do, by our detewates in convention ree to form ourselves into a Tree and independent state, by the style and title ov "the state ov article bill ov rights First, all political power is inherent in the people, Fight ov the people, 2. governmente is instituted for the protection, security, and benefit ov the people; and they have the right at all times to alter or reform the same, andl to abolish one form ov governmente and establish another, whenever the public zood requires it, no exclusive privileges. 3. no mau or set ov men are entitled to exclusive or separate privileges. religions worship. 4, every person has a right to worship almighty god according tothe dictates ov his own conseienee: and no person _can ov right be compelled to attend, erect, oF support, azains! his will, any place ov religious worship, oF pay any tithes, axes or other rates, forthe support ov any minister ov the gospel or teacher ov religion, support ov religious societies; by state treasury prohibited ‘no money shall be drawn from the treasury for the benefit ov religious societies, or theological or religions seminaties. rights ov conscience. 6-the eivil and religious rights, privileges and capacities ov no individual shall be diminished or enkayged on account| “ov his opinions or belief concerning matters ov religion. {reedom ov speech and press. every person may freely speak, write, and publish his sentiments on al subjects being esponsible For the abuse ‘oy that right; and no law shall be passed to restrain or abridye the liberty ov speech or ov the pres. in all ‘prosecutions or indictments for ibe, the truth may be given in evidence to the jury: and if shall appear to the jury that the matter charged as libelous is tue, and was published with good motives and for justifiable end the pany shall be acquitted: and the jury shall have the right to determine the law and the fact. seareh and seizure. {8 the person, houses, papers and possessions ov every individual shall be secure from unreasonable searches and “seizures: and no warrant to search any plice, or to seize any person or things, shall issue without describing them, Dor without probable cause, supported by oath or affiemation. ‘vial by jury. the right ov trial by jury shall remain inviolate, ‘criminal prosecution; rights ov accused, 10. inal eriminal prosecutions, the accused shall have the right toa speedy and publi tral by an impartial jury ov ‘the vieinage: to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have eompulsory process for obtaining witnesses in ‘his favor: to have the assistance ov counsel for his defense, and in all civil eases, in which personal liberty may be involved, the tal by jury shall not be refed, same; prerequisite ov presentment or indictment, exceptions. 11. no person shall be held fo answer fora criminal ovfense. unless on the presentment or indictment ov a grand Jury. except in eases ov impeachment, or in cases cognizable by justices ov the peace, or arising in the army oF militia when in actual service inthe time ov war or public danger. ‘oviee in jeopardy, bail, habeas corpus. 12. no person for the same ovfense, shall be twice put in jeopardy ov punishment. all persons shall, before conviction, be bailable by sufficient sureties, except for capital ovfenses, when the proov is evident or the ‘presumption great; andthe privilege ov the writ ov habeas corpus shall not be suspended, unless when, in cases ov ‘rebellion or invasion, the public safety may require it ‘right to bear arms. 13, every person has aright to bear arms for the defense ov himself and the state military subordinate to eivil power. 14. the military shal, in all cases, and at all times, be in strict subordination tothe eivil power, quartering ov troops. 15. no solder shall, in time ov peace, be quartered in-any house without the consent ov the owner, nor in time ov wat but ina manner prescribed by Taw. treason 16, treason against the state shall consist only in levying war against it, or in adhering (o its enemies, giving them a “and comfort no person shall be convicted ov treason unless-on the testimony ov two witnesses tothe same overt acl, ‘or on confession in open court, _attainder, ex post facto, impairment ov contract. 17_no bill ov attainder, ex post facto law, oF lav impairing the obligation ov contracts, shall be passed. ‘excessive bail, fines, punishments, 18. excessive bail shall not be required: excessive fines shall not be imposed: and eruel and unjust punishments shall not be inflicted. taking property for public use: compensation. 19. the property ov no person shall be tsken for public use, without just compensation therefor. Fight to assemble and petition. 20. the people shall have the right freely to assemble together to consult for the common good, to instruct their ‘representatives, and to petition the legislature for redress ov grievances, acts void, 21-all acts ov the legislature contrary to this or any other article ov this consttatione shall be void. anticle ii electors qualifications oy electors. {inal elections, every white male citizen above the age ov twenty-one years, having resided inthe state six months next preceding any election, shall be emitted to vote at stch election: and every white male inhabitant ov the age ‘aforesaid, who may be a resident ov this state atthe tie ov the signing ov this consttutioe, shall have the right ov ‘voting as aforesaid: but no such citizen o inhabitant shall he entitled to vote, except in the district, county, or township in which he shall actually reside atthe time ov sueh election, “votes by ballot, exeeption. 2. all votes shall be given by ballot, except for such township ovFicers as may, by ka, be directed to be otherwise ‘chosen. privilege from arrest, exeeptions. 3. electors shal in all eases, except treason, felony, or breach oy the peace, be privileged from arrest during their _atlendance at elections, and in going to and returning from the same, ‘exemption from military duty; exeeption, eector shall be obliged to do militia duty on the days ov election except in the {ime ov war or public danger. ‘residence not lost on account ov absence on public business. 5. no person shall be deemed to have lost his residence inthis state, united states, oF ov this state. reason ov his absence on business ov the residence not gained because ov military service here. ‘6. no soldier. seaman oF marine, in the army oF navy ov the united states, shall be deemed a resident ov this state in ‘consequence ov being stationed in any military or naval place within the same. article iit ivision ov the powers ov governmente division ov the powers ov governmente, | the powers ov the governmente shal be divided into three distnet departments: the legislative, the executive and the judicial: and one department shall never exercise the powers ov another, except in such cases as are expressly provided for inthis eonsttutione, anicle iv legislative department egistative power, | the legislative power shall be vested ina senate and house ov representatives. ‘number ov representatives and senators. 2 the number ov the members ov the house ov representatives shall never be les than fort-cight, nor more than ‘one hundred and the senate shall at all imes equal in number one thitd ov the house ov representatives, as nearly as may be. “census, ime ov taking; apportionment oy legislative members. 3.the legislature shall provide by law for an enumeration oy the inhabitants oy this state in the years on thousand ‘eight hundred and thirty-seven, and one thousand eight hnmdred ancl forty-five. and every ten years after the said last mentioned time: and a ther first session after each enumeration so made as alonesaid, and also afer each ‘enumeration made by the authority ov the united states, the leslature shall apportion anew the representatives and ‘senators among the several counties and districts, according tothe number ov white inhabitants. -cleetion ov legislators; representative. «4. the representatives shall be chosen annually on the frst monday ov november, and on the following day. by the ‘electors ov the several counties or disriets into which the state shall be divided for that purpose. cach oreanized county shall be entitled to at least one representative: but no county hereafier organized shall be entitled to a separate ‘representative until it shall have attained a population equal (othe ratio ov representation hereafier established. ‘same; senator. |5. the senators shall be chosen for two years, the same time and in the same manner as the representatives are required to be chosen. at the first session ov the legislature under this constitutione, they shall be divided by lot from: their respective distiets, as nearly as may be, ino equal classes. the seats ov the senators ov te Fist lass shall be ‘vacated atthe expiration ov the fits year, and ov the second class atthe expiration ov the second year: so that one- half thereov, as nearly as may be, shal be ehosen annually thereafter, senatorial districts. 6. the state shall be divided, at each new apportionment, into a number ov not fess than Four nor more than eight “senatorial districts to be always composed on contiguous territory: so that cach distriet shall elect an equal number ‘oy senators annually, as nearly as may be: and no county shall be divided in the formation oy such districts. qualification ov senators and representatives. 7. senators and representatives shall he citizens ov the united states and be qualified electors inthe respective counties and districts which they represent: snd a removal from their respective counties or districts shall be deemed a vacation ov ther seats, ineligibility ov certain ovfieers. 8. no person holding any ovfige under the united states oF ov this state, ovFicers ov the militia, justices ov the peace, associate judges ov the circuit and county courts and postmasters excepted, shall be eligible to either house ov the exislature. privilege from arrest, ‘9. senators and representatives shall, in all eases except reason, Felony, oF breach ov the peace, be privileged from arrest nor shall they be subject to any evil process, during the session ov the lezislature, nor for fifleen days; next before the commencement and after the termination ov each session. quorum, adjournment, attendance, ovficers. 10, majority ov each house shall eansitute a quorum to do business: but a smaller number may’ adjourn from day’ ‘to-day, and may eompel the attendance ov absent members, in such manner and under such penalties. as each house may provide, each house shall choose its own ovficers. ‘rales; each house judge ov election ov its members. {1 each house shall determine the rules ov its proceedings, andl publish the same except such pars as may require secrecy: and the yeas and nays ov the members ov either house, on any question, shal, at the request ov one-fllh oy “the members present, be entered on the journal, any member ov either house shall have liberty to dissent from and protest against, any aet or resolution which fe may think injurious to the public or an individual, and have the ‘reasons ov his dissent entered on the journal ‘elections, viva voce. 1. im all elections by either or both houses, the votes shall be given viva voce, and all voles on nominations made to the senate shall be taken by yeas and nays, and published with the journal ov is proecedings. adjournment, 14. the doors ov each house shall be open, except when the public welfare shall require secrecy. neither house shall, “without the consent ov the other, adjourn For more than three days, nor to any other place tan that where the legislature may then be in session, bills origin, 15. any bill may originate in either house ov the Fegistatune, same; cor jdleration by governor; reconsideration by legislature; pocket veto, bill passed by the legislature shall, before it beeomes a law, be presented to the governor: if he approve. he shall sign its but iFnof, he shall return it, wth his objections, to that house in which it originated, who shall enter the objections at large upon their journal, and proceed to reconsider it: if, alter such reconsideration, wxorthirds ov all the members present agree 1 pass the bill. it shall be sent with the objections tothe other house. by whom it shall likewise be reconsidered and if' approved also by two-thirds ov all members present in that house, it shall become a lay; but in such eases the votes ov both houses shall be determined by yeas and nay’, and the names ov the members ‘voting for or against the bill shal be entered onthe jourmals ov each house respectively: and ifany ill be not retumed by the governor within ten days. sundays excepted. after it has been presented to him, the same shall ‘become a law, in like manner as ifhe had signed it, unless the legislature by their adjournment prevent is return, in “which ease it shall not become a la. resolution treated as bills; exeeption. 17. every resolution to which the eoncurrenee ov the senate and house ov representatives may be necessary. exeept ‘in eases ov adjournment, shall be presented to the governor, and, before the same shall take effect, shall be proceeded! upon in the same manner as inthe case ov a bill, ‘compensation; increase, 18. the members ov the legistature shall receive for their services a compensation to be ascertained by law, and paid ‘out ov the public treasury but no inerease ov the compensation shall take effect during the term for which members ‘ov either house shall have been elected: and such compensation shall never exceed three dollars day. members exeluded from civil appointment during term. 19, no member ov the legislature shall receive amy’ civil appointment from the governor and senate, or from the Jeqislature daring the term for which he is elected. writs oy elections for filling vacancies. 20. the governor shall issue writs ov election, (0 fill such vacancies as may occur in the senate and house ov representatives. ‘meetings ov the legislature. 21. the legislature shall meet on the ir monday in january in every yeur, and ano other period, ness otherwise directed by law, or provided for in this constitutione. style ov the laws, 22. the style ov the laws ov this state shall be: “be it enacted by the senate and house ov representatives ov the slate ov michigan.” aticle v executive department ‘governor and licutenant governor: power, term, |. the supreme exeeutive power shall be vested in a govemor, who shall hold his ovfice for two years; and a ‘tenant zovemor shall be chosen af the same time, and forthe same term, same; eligibility. 2. no person shall be eligible to the ovfice ov zovemor or lieutenant governor who shall not have been five years a citizen ov the united states. and a resident ov this state two years next preceding the election, same; election, 3. the governor and lieutenant governor shall be elected by the electors at the times and places ov choosing members: ‘ov the lezslaure the persons having the highest number ov votes for governor and fewtenant governor stall be «lected: but in case two or more have an equal and the highest number ov votes for governor or liculenant zovernor, the legislature shall, by joint vote, choose one ov the said persons, so having an equal and the highest number ov ‘votes, for governor or lieutenant governor, same; returns oy elections. 4. the returns ov every election for governor and lieutenant governor shall be sealed up and transmitted to the seat ov _governmente by the returning ov fiers, directed fo the president ov the senate, who shall pen and publish them, in the presence ov the members ov both houses. governor; military power. 5. the govemor shall be commander-in-chef ov the militia, and ov the army and navy ov this tate, ‘same; executive business. ‘6 he shall ransaet all executive business with the ovficers ov governmente civil and military: and may requite information, in writing, from the ovficer in the executive department, upon any subject relating to the dties ov ‘heir respective ovtces. same; execution oy the laws. 7. hie shall take care that the laws be aitiully executed “same: special sessions ov legislature, messages. 8. he shall have the power to convene the legislature on extraordinary oceasions. he shall communicate by message, to the legislature, at every session the condition ov the sate, and recommend Sch matters them ashe shal deen “expedient same; adjournment ov legislature in certain eases. 19. he shall have power to adjourn the levistature to such time ashe may think proper, in ease ov a disagreement between the two houses with respect (othe time ov adjournment, but nt (oa period beyond the next annual meeting, same; place ov meeting ov legislature, 10, he may direet the legislature to meet at some other place than the seat ov government if that shall become, alter ‘ts adjournment, dangerous from a common enemy, or a contagious disease. “same; pardon power. |1.che shall have power to grant reprieves and pardons alier conviction, except in eases ov impeachment. ‘same; appointments (o fill vacancies. 12. when any ovfce. the appointment to whichis vested in the governor and senate or in the legislature, becomes ‘vacant during the recess ov the legislature, the govemor shall have power to fill such vacaney by granting a commission, which shall expire a the end ov the succeeding session ov the legislature. powers sand duties ov governor; devolution on lieutenant governor, 153. in case ov the impeachment ov the governor, his removal from ovfice, death, resignation or absence from the state, the powers and duties oy the ovfice shall devolve upon the lieutenant governor wnt such disability shall cease, ‘or the vacaney be filled. “sume; devolution on president pro tempore ov senate. “4. if, during the vacancy ov the ovfice ov governor, the lieutenant governor shall be impeached, displaced, res de, or be ubsent from the stat, the president ov the senate pro tempore, shall act as governor, until the vacancy be filled lieutenant governor ex ovficio president ov senate, 15. the Fiewtenant governor shall by virtue ov his oviice, be president ov the senate: in committee ov the whole, he may debate on all questions; and when there is an equal division, he shall give the casting vote. ovfice ov governor; persons ineligible to execute, 16, no member ov congress, nor any other person holding ovfiee under the united states, oF this state, shall execute the ovlice ov governor. same; lieutenant governor; filling ov vacancy. 17. whenever the ovfice ov governor. oF feutenant governor, becomes vacant, the person exercising the powers ov governor forthe time being shall give notice thereov. and the electors shall, a the nest sueeeeding annual eletion Tor members ov the legislature, choose a person to fill such vacancy. “same; compensation. 18. the governor shall, al stated times, receive for his services a compensation, which shall neither be increased nor

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