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Overview :

The paper given was about using numerical method to analysis the mechanism
of fluid flowing in oil and gas industry , the writer used the finite difference as a
method to predict and simulate the flowing of the fluid underground.

Writers’ main objective was to estimate the production through upcoming days and
how the pressure , oil and water saturation will change du to time and how it will be
affected to oil production . therefore, the forward FD was the proper way to estimate

method known
methods A veryas
finite difference
the missing parameters in future.
The writers also used
The writers also used a very popular numerical method known as (explicit and
implicit schemes) is applied expansively for solving saturation and pressure equation
successfully. Explicit schemes are Forward Time and Centre Space that’s was its
chosen to estimate the oil, gas and water saturation , whereas implicit schemes are
used to estimate the change of pressure . In this study, explicit and implicit finite
difference schemes are applied for simple one-dimensional transient pressure
conduction equation with IMPES initial-boundary conditions applied by Darcy’s

My own notes:
The importance of simulations and those methods in oil and gas industry is
becoming grateful and helpful for workers in the sector , there is no other ways to
describe and imagine what is really happens underground and how it will become
with time , but simulations and using new mathematical techniques , that would
enhance the reliability of results and oil field productivity , i.e. , finite elements was
only for steady state flow estimations , and the nature of fluids is not steady at all ,
the writer talked about development of the method to be reliable to unsteady state of
reservoir fluids.
As the writers shows reservoir simulation is used extensively to identify
opportunities to increase oil production in heavy oil deposits. Oil recovery is
improved by lowering the oil viscosity by injecting steam or hot water or any other
artificial ways.
Those kinds of techniques are amazing , if we zoom this to situation in Libya
and how many time of emergency shut off to the oil fields , and how that would
affect to the pressure of the reservoirs , the pressure of flow lines , assuming many
condition and scenarios of how time of emergency closing it would take , the FD ,
ED and their application will help a lot .

Mathematically notes
a) I recommend to minimize the delta of x , i.e., divide the reservoir to more
blocks to have a reliable result.
b) I also suggest to compare results estimated with the same method with an old
real result through previous years of a well life .
c) Also use the same procedure with more flow rate , depends on the economical
situation on future and how the results will be .
d) Finally , I recommend to take more assumption in consider like , the type of
reservoir mechanism , the needs of use of arterial lift in early life of the well ,
the economical situation and oil prices in markets.

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