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Sean Singh

NUTR 205 DPD Reflection

1. This was the first class where I learned about the relationships between different foods

and how they react around each other. Prior nutrition classes were mostly dealt with

digestion, macronutrients, and micronutrients and not so much about the science of food

such as with this class. I feel like this was one of the most beneficial classes I’ve taken so

far into my college career. I learned a lot of fundamental cooking skills and safety

procedures that will carry on well after the course. Fields like food science and

technology were introduced to me for the first time in NUTR 205 and have influenced me

to look more into that career path.

2. The yeast bread lab assignment stood out to me the most. While many of these lab

assignments had me cooking food I’ve never made before, yeast bread was something

I’ve always wanted to make from scratch. It was definitely one of the longest and

messiest labs of the semester, but it was also the most engaging and fun out of all of

them. It was a much more precise lab than the others as there were so many variables to

keep track of such as the amount of flour, yeast, salt, sugar, fat, cooking time, cooking

temperature, proofing time, and kneading duration. If something ended up wrong in the

final bread product, it was easy to pinpoint what the source of the problem was.

3. The course being not super reliant on the textbook helped a lot. I’m generally a pretty

slow reader and have struggled in classes where large amounts of reading was required in

order to understand the material presented in lectures due to the fact that I can’t catch up.

Having most of the information be readily available and explained in the lectures made it

so much easier for me to be aware of what I needed to know for upcoming exams.

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