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Sean Singh

NUTR 302 Reflection

1. I’ve taken quite a few nutrition classes prior to this one but I felt like this time around the

information seemed much more understandable and clicked better with me. I think back

in my first and second years, I knew the information but it still seemed a bit abstract since

we didn’t go super in depth. NUTR 302 further explained details such as nutrient

interaction with each other, why certain nutrients function the way they do, and why you

experience certain symptoms from a deficiency and toxicity. This class helped build on

the concepts. I learned from my introductory courses and helped me understand the

reasons behind them. I believe the things I learned from this class will be the foundation

for future courses as I now have a larger grasp on the basics of nutrition

2. The Krill Oil assignment stood out to me most. I was aware of fish oils but had no idea

krill oil supplements existed. I learned it is a generally more expensive supplement

compared to fish oil but is a better source of phospholipids. There is a wide range of

supplements available each with their own purpose.

3. Having all the information be easily accessible and presented well through the lecture

while not being too textbook reliant helped a lot. I’m a generally slow reader so I have

struggled in classes that require heavy amounts of reading to go along with the lecture

because I can’t catch up.

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