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Dear Diary,

I’m humiliated and angry, I hate that Mercutio fellow he’s so

arrogant, disrespectful and stupid, who the hell does he think
he is? If Romeo turns out to be like his friends there is no way
Ill ever let him see Juliet again. But he seemed like a nice
young man and quite easy on the eye, Juliet’s a lucky girl.
She’s going to Friar Lawrence’s cell to marry and she’s
ecstatic! I’m so proud that my young girl is growing up into a
beautiful woman, she is marrying someone she loves which is
noble but I fear naiive, maybe she’ll have a greater fate than
her miserable mother. I am tired, I wouldn’t mind someone
in my life to love me, but all the men I meet only seem to
care about themselves and their egos are the size of small
planets which they think the earth revolves around, their
gravitational field. Why can’t anyone take me seriously?!
Respect me! It’s so unfair and I can’t take it anymore the
dirty looks I get from people that regard themselves as
royalty as though I am dirt on their shoe, they disgust me.
They have all their priorities wrong, the Capulets have the
most lovely, caring child, that they don’t even know because
they are too wrapped up in themselves, their reputation,
their problems, their feud with the Montagues. I lost my
daughter the most painful memory of my life, I will never get
to raise her but they merely choose not to raise or be part of
Juliet’s. They don’t love her, they just control her.

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