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he ee el [No. of Printed Pages — 6] MBA 243 Enrol, No. «0... SECOND SEMESTER END TERM EXAMINATION : MAY, 2015 MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION BEHAVIOURAL SCIENCE ~ I Time: 3 Hrs. Maximum Marks ; 60 Note: Attempt questions from all sections as directed. SECTION - A ‘(24 Marks) Attempt any four questions out of five. Each question carries 06 marks. : I 1. What is the significance of Behavior in communication ? 2. ‘Individual Differences play a crucial role in Relations.’ Do you agree/disagree ? Give reasons. 3. Exemplify Confirming and Disconfirming Communication. 4. What are the different types of Interpersonal Communication ? 5. Write short notes (any 3): @) Role of Culture in Communication . P.T.O. (@) MBA 243 2 Gi) Self Disclosure {iii) Steps to improve Interpersonal Communication {iv) Intra personal Communication SECTION - B (20 Marks) Attempt any two questions out of three. Each question carries 10 marks. 6. ‘Communication is the life line of any Relationship.” Comment. _ 7. Explain all the models of Communication which explain Interpersorial Communication. 8. Elucidate the strategies of Terminating Relations. How important is it to end a relation properly ? . SECTION - C (16 Marks) (Compulsory) 9.. Study the case given below and answer the questions that follow : Where knowledge is wealth » Ken worked in a research department for a year as a researcher and he was laid off as the entire (8) MBA 243 3 department was closed due to recession. He decided to meet the CEO for a possible outplaceinent as the organization had several other departments to accommodate him. However the secretary of the CEO, Diana did not permit Ken to meet by saying that CEO was busy. Ken returned without meeting the CEO. He got better employment opportunity elsewhere and joined. Ken, being a researcher, wrote an article for an international journal while working in the research department. It was published after 9 months and received complimentary copies from the publisher. Therefore, Ken wanted to share the successful publication with his former CEO and went to meet him to gift the book as a complimentary copy. Below was the conversation Ken had with the secretary of the CEO. Ken : I would appreciate if you could arrange an appointment with CEO. I want..... (Secretary interrupted) Secretary : Why did’ you come? We had already handed over your resume to Jim for outplacement. You may go now. Ken : I did not come for employment opportunity. Don’t assume that people P.T.O. (8) MBA 243 Secretary : Ken Secretary : Ken Secretary : Ken 4 would come here for employment only. I have come to gift a complimentary copy where my article featured in international journal. The CEO would be glad to share the success. No, No, the CEO sees everything and knows everything as every article publication. is known to him. : It is not departmental journal. It is a prestigious journal globally and I want to inform him and gift the book. “You will not get appointment. The CEO is busy” said firmly. : I anticipated that CEO would be busy and I have already written the details of my name over. the complimentary copy. Okay, leave it and go. (She said impolitely and started looking here and there) Ken handed over the ‘complimentary copy to Secretary. i : Fine, please hand over to CEO. [ am leaving the place. However, I will send an email to CEO about my coming + (8) MBA 243 5 physically to gift the book. (Secretary probably worried as the Ken had already mentally prepared to send the email and keep the CEO informed. If Secretary had any intention to skip handing over the complimentary copy, CEO will know as Ken would send mail.) Ken handed over the complimentary copy to Secretary and departed the office. He sent an email to his ex- CEO’ about his coming and he could not meet as the latter was busy with his schedules. After 5 hours, the Secretary telephoned Ken and said firmly, “CEO told to return. the book to you. You come and take the book back.” Ken replied, “It is the complimentary copy meant for the CEO only”. Secretary insisted to take back the book immediately. Ken told Secretary to courier and he was about to give his address. Secretary interrupted Ken’s conversation and replied, “No we don’t send you through courier. You have to come and take.” Ken responded politely, “Right now, I am far away from that place. When 1 come to that area 1 would take back the book.” P.T.O (3) MBA 243° 6 The very next day, Ken received email from his ex- CEO congratulating Ken for the publication and thanked for coming all the way to gift the book. Ken felt excited that his ex-CEO was pleased with publication. Questions: (a) What were the communication challenges in the above case study ? (b) What do you understand about Interpersonal communication and communication climate in this case ? (c) Was the Secretary a good listener ? (d) If you were the Secretary, how would you manage the situation ? - KRRK (8) {No. of Printed Pages — 4] MBA 202 Enrol. No. veces SECOND SEMESTER END TERM EXAMINATION : ‘ MAY, 2015 MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT Time: 3 Hrs. Maximum Marks ; 70 Note: Attempt questions from. all sections as directed. SECTION —- A (30 Marks) Attempt any five questions out of six. Each question carries 06 marks. 1. What is working capital ? What are the determinants of working capital need ? 2. . Zenith Industries Ltd, is thinking of a project costing Rs. 20 Lakhs. The life of the project is 5 years. The expected cash flows after tax are as follows : Year . 1 2 3 4 =«5 Estimated Cash flows after - . tax (Rs. Lakhs) . 4 5.6 6 7 Determine (a) Payback period (b) Net Present Value (c) Benefit Cost Ratio, if the cost of capital is 10%. P.T.O. (2) MBA 202 2 3. Write a note on time value of money. ' ABC Ltd. Company has a cost of Capital of 10%. The current market value of the firm is Rs. 20,00,000 (@ Rs. 20 per Share). If the values of I (new investment), Y (earnings) and D (dividends) at the end of the year are: I= Rs. 6,80,000, Y = Rs. 1,50,000, D=Rs. 1 per share Show that under the MM assumptions the value of the firm does not changed. What is leverage ? Discuss the different types of leverages. Write a note on the long term sources of finance available to a company. _ SECTION - B (20 Marks) Attempt any two questions out of three. Each question carries 10 marks. Write a note on: _ (a) Gordon dividend model (b) Economic order quantity Company X and Company Y are in the same risk class, and are identical in every respect except that @ wee 4s e 4 Oe ee ee x *® € oe * 2 ole nd. @ © * gompany X uses debt, while compas?” Ydoes ntl. @ @ © ev * qfhe levered firm has Rs. 9,00,000 debentures, carryitfy ee *# ; . # 10% rate of interest, Both the firms earn 20% # © operating profit on their total assets of Rs. 15 lakhs. a * : 2 Assume perfect capital markets, rational investors Mae e * $ * #50 on; a tax rate of 35% and capitalization ratef*# gq 6 o* 415% for an all equity company. Say # e° : _ ese as “ (a) Compute the value of firms X ‘and: Y vusinggNl. e? e# (Net Income) approach. ‘ @o- fen @ e? ({b) Compute the value of firms X-and Y using NOle @ » a « / (Net Operating Income) approach. * &.. ne $ » (c) Using the NOI approach, Calculate the overall « . & cost of capital (k,) for firms X & Y. sg ag ate. & 4 ® 5 9. What is cost of capital 2 What are the components of * ° cost of capital ? : ; «* P| ‘ * ee ony + ee : . e SECTION ~ C (20 Marks)? # ® a4 c L wet @g : (Compulsory) . * % 6 ® oe , £ es ® Ca ® 10. Swastik Limited ‘manufacturers of special PUIPOSty #F . machine tools have two divisions which are 6 a * periodically assisted by teams of visiting consulfants* ee ; e The management is worried about the study increas® ® » * % of expenses in this regard over the years. An arfalysi® € 2 % af the last year expenses reveals the followin: s s* 2 « * «@ : 2 e * * a* *e PT.G ¢ ® 4 oe faa gt an t 7 ® «4 * ae Far ata so, ® emt a ttt eee ge “epee eee 8 & 86 ees eee e@eete@ 68 ©8 8eee eceoe 88 ©S Se oe eoeeee ee © 00 &e @e@e Fey e : * se eee e ee eevee ee @eet Be2 eet 0 eee e . oo 33 e ® Consultation Remuneration Rs. 250000 » ee ee Travel & Conveyance . . Rs, 150000 @ e : Accommodation Expenses , Rs. 600000 @ ee @e ° e @e @ Boarding Charges oo Rs. 200000 ee ® . e e ee Special Allowances a Rs. 50000 e eee ee “™ ee 8 The management estimates accommodation expenses ee ee to increase by Rs.200000 annually. As part of cost e @ ® reduction drive Swastik Limited is proposing to e 8 ae construct ,a consultancy centre‘ to take care of the e ®@ accommodation requirements of the consultants. This 3 centre will additionally save the company Rs. 50000 e in boarding charges and Rs. 200000 cost of executive e @ training program hitherto conducted outside the company premises every year. The following details are available regarding the construction and maintenance @ of the new centre. o @(a) Land at a cost of Rs. 800000 already owned by eo ® the company will be used. ee Maye Construction Rs. 1500000 including speciale 9 furnishing. e r oo Cost of annual maintenance Rs. 150000 e e @d) Construction cost will be written off as per SLM @ over five years being the useful life. es @scumi ; os ‘Assuming that the desired rate of return is 1% You @re required to analyze the ers of wtoy® °° ss make ¢ de ae pte 0% &. Pay a) ° eee beet fetes [No. of Printed Pages — 3] MBA 207 Enrol. No. SECOND SEMESTER END TERM EXAMINATION : MAY, 2015 MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION “LEGAL ASPECTS OF BUSINESS Time: 3 Hrs, . . Maximum Marks : 70 ‘Note: Attempt questions from all sections as directed. SECTION - A’. (30 Marks) Attempt any five questions out of six. Each question carries 06 marks. 1. Elaborate the doctrine of Privity. 2. What are the provisions relating to an Endorsement under Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 ? 3. Explain various types of Company Meetings. 4. Elucidate the main provisions of Copyright Law in India. 5. What are the. distinguishing featured of biil of exchange ? Explain. , . P.T.O. (6) MBA 207 2 6. Explain the provisions relating to Bailment and Pledge. SECTION - B (20 Marks) Attempt any two questions out of three. Each question carries 10 marks. 7, What are the rights of Unpaid Seller under the Sales of Goods Act, 1930? 8. Discuss the provisions relating to Formation of Private Company. 9. Write a detailed note on dissolution of a partnership firm. SECTION - C (20 Marks) (Compulsory) 10. (i) Arun grants lease of certain premises at Pune to Prakash for-one year knowing that the premises will be used for the purpose of (a) prostitution, or (b) installing machinery for minting base coins, at a monthly rental of Rs. 50000. Prakash does not pay the rent. Can Arun recover the rent ? (ii) Anil sees a rate book displayed in a shop. It is labeled “First Edition Rs. 150.” Anil enters the (6) MBA 207 Gi) (iv) 3 shop and puts Rs. 150 on the counter and asks ” for the book. The bookseller does not agree to sell saying that the real price of the book is Rs. 500 and that it had been marked as Rs. 150 by mistake. Is the bookseller bound to sell the book for Rs. 150? : Over a cup of coffee in a restaurant, Arjun invites Bishwas to a dinner at his house ona Sunday. Bishwas hires a taxi and reaches Arjun’s house at the appointed time, but Arjun fails to perform his promise. Can Bishwas recover any damages from Arjun ? Anjali, Bijli and Chandani were partners of an unregistered firm. Dipika owes this firm Rs. 1,00,000/- on a contract. The firm filed a suit against Dipika. The suit is dismissed for non-registration of the firm. The firm is registered later on. Can the firm now successfully bring the suit against Dipika ? REE © [No. of Printed Pages - 6] ‘ MBA 201 SECOND SEMESTER END TERM EXAMINATION : MAY, 2015 . MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Time: 3 Hrs. , Maximum Marks : 70 Note: Attempt questions from all sections as directed. SECTION - A (30 Marks) Attempt any five questions out of six. Each question carries 06 marks. 1, What do you understand by the term “Human Resources” ? Describe the nature of human resources. Identify the need for managing human resources. 2. What are the causes of unsatisfactory industrial relations ? Suggest measures for healthy labour relations. 3. Define Human resource Information System (HRIS). Explain its objectives and functions. What are the benefits of a computerized HRIS ? 4, “Accurate appraisal of performance is very difficult.” In the light of this statement discuss the problems in performance appraisal. . P.T.O ay MBA 201 2 5. “Work life integration is the core of HR Philosophy in organizations”. Do you agree with this statement or not? In either case justify your results with live examples. Are job descriptions really necessary ? What would happen if as company decided not to use any job .descriptions at all ? SECTION - B (20 Marks) Attempt any two questions out of three. Each question carries 10 marks, What" do you understand by recruitment ? Discuss critically the various sources of recruitment for executives. Explain why traditional methods of performance appraisal are fast becoming irrelevant particularly in high tech organizations. Illustrate with examples the new methods and tools of performance appraisal which are more suitable to motivate employees in the changing environment. What is the meaning of ‘grievance’ ? Examine how grievance management is important both from the perspective of employees and from that of the organization. Illustrate your answer with suitable examples. , : ay MBA 201 3 10. SECTION -¢ (20 Marks) (Compulsory) y The Carter Cleaning Centre currently have no formal orientation or training policies or procedures, and Jennifer believes this is one reason why the standards to which she and, her father would like employees to adhere are generally. not followed. The Carters would prefer that certain practices and procedures be used in dealing with the customers at the front counters. For example, all customers should be greeted with what Jack refers to as a “big hello”. Garments they drop off should immediately be inspected for any damage or unusual stains so these can be brought to the customers’ attention, lest the customer latter return to pick up the garment and erroneously blanie the store. The garments are then supposed to be immediately. placed together in a nylon sack to separate them from other customers’ garments. The ticket also has to be carefully written up, with the customers’ name and telephone number ‘and the date precisely and clearly. noted on all copies. The counterperson is also supposed to take the opportunity to try to sell thé customer additional service such as waterproofing or simply notify the customer P.T.O. ay MBA201 4 that “now ‘that people are doing their spring cleaning, we are having special offer on drapery cleaning all this month”. Finally as the customer leaves, the counterperson is supposed to make a courteous coniment like “Have a nice day” or “drive safely”. Each of the jobs in the stores — pressing, cleaning and spotting, periodically inaintaining the coin laundry equipment, and so forth: similarly contain certain steps, procedures, and most importantly, standards the Carters would prefer so.see upheld. The company has had problems, Jennifer feels, because of a'lack of adequate employee training and orientation. For examplé, two new employees became very upset last month when they discovered that they were not paid at the end of the week, on Friday, but instead were paid (as are all Carter employees) on the following Tuesday. The Carters use the extra two days in part to give them time to obtain everyone’s hours and compute their pay. The other reason they do it, accordingly to Jack, is that “frankly, when we stay a few days behind in paying employees it helps to ensure that they at least give us a few days’ notice before quitting on us. While we are certainly obligated to pay them ‘anything they earn, we find that psychologically they seem to be less likely to just walk out on us Friday evening and now show up cc) MBA 201 5 Monday morning if they still haven’t gotten their pay from the previous week. This way they at least give us a few days’ notice so we can find a replacement.” There are other mattefs that could be covered during orientation and training, says Jennifer. These include company policy regarding paid holiday, lateness and absence, health benefits (there are none, other than workers’ compensation), substance abuse, and cating or smoking on the job (both forbidden), and general matters like the maintenance of a clean and safe work area, personal appearance and cleanliness. lime sheets, personal telephone calls, and personal e-mail. Jennifer believes that implementing orientation and training program would help to ensure that employees know how to do their jobs the right way. And she and her father further believe that it is only when employees understand the right way to do their jobs that there is any hope their jobs will be accomplished the way the Carters want them to be accomplished Questions: (a) Specially, what should the Carters cover in their new employee orientation program and how should they convey this information ? (6) P.T.O. am MBA 201 6 (b) In the HR management course Jennifer took, the book suggested using an instruction sheet to identify “asks performed by an employee. Should the Carter Cleaning Centre use a form like this for the counterperson’s job ? If so, what should the form look like, say, for a counter person? (6) (c) Which specific training techniques should Jennifer use to train her pressers, her cleaner-spotters, her managers, and her counter people ? Why should these training techniques be used ? (8) RRRK a) [No. of Printed Pages — 4] MBA 242 Enrol. No. wees SECOND SEMESTER END TERM EXAMINATION : MAY, 2015 MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION BUSINESS COMMUNICATION - II Time: 3 Hrs. Maximum Marks; 60 Note: Attempt questions from all sections as directed. SECTION —- A (24 Marks) Attempt any four questions out of five. Each question carries 06 marks. - 1. Enumerate the need and importance of Report writing in business. Also discuss the procedure of writing a report. 2. What is the significance of effective communication for managers in the professional world ? Illustrate wjth appropriate examples. 3. What is Netiquette ? Keeping netiquette in mind draft an Email to an exporter confirming supply of fabric to their overseas address as per terms and conditions fixed in a meeting last month. P.T.O. a MBA 242 2 4, You are working as a Marketing manager in Tata Motors at its Mumbai headquarters. Recently, your office has received a letter from Miss Ching from Nagaland. She wants to buy a red-coloured Tata Nano directly from the company. Draft a reply letter advising her to purchase it from the local dealer of Tata Motors. What is the difference between Notice, Circular and Memorandum ? Give examples by drafting short notice, circular and memo. SECTION -~B (20 Marks) Attempt any two questions out of three, Each question carries 10 marks. Briefly explain the style of Business Communication .and the various approaches used while drafting business correspondence, -Explain in detail any two of the following : . fa) Grapevine | (b) Tntegrated Marketing Communication _ (©) Functions and Activities of PR (d) Good Comporate Image M MBA 242 3 8. Imagine that you are the supervisor of the Credit section in the bank. One of the customers has approached the bank asking for a loan. After checking the customer's credit history, you have discovered that the last two times the customer got a loan from the bank, he defaulted payment a.number of times, such that the repayment period was extended. Write a letter to the customer in which you ‘do not accept the loan application and give reasons for the refusal. SECTION - C (16 Marks) (Compulsory) THE TRAGEDY OF BARCLAY’S COMMUNICATION TEAM . The poor the corporate communication function is, the less successful, and therefore the less reputable the company would be. To illustrate this point, in 2003, Barclays, a UK based bank and financial services group, declared their contracting with a new advertising agency, to perform some “humane ads”. In fact the ads had met the customer expectations for a while, until it suddenly turned into a communication disaster when they simultaneously accompanied that with the news of closing One hundred and twenty branches. Moreover, Barclays started losing their reputation especially when a confidential report P.T.O. qa MBA 242 4 exposed that the new CEO, hired to control the disaster, has been paid 1.3 pounds for three months only. Consequently, the corporation started to face a customer revolt as the local communities, or rather, the customers felt angry about the whole situation. Besides, the competitors including Natwed, started to take advantage of the entire issue. What made the problem worse, Barclays spokesperson announced that their main focus was on shareholder returns and larger customers across their investment and retail business. From this point, the customers and Media started to lead an antagonistic campaign against the corporation. Indeed, Barclays bank lost the stakeholders’ trust, whether they were employees or customers, even though they tried to fix the issue again and again. Truly Barclays communication staff lacked one of the main objectives of. the corporate communication discipline, which is managing communication under crisis. Questions: (a) What communication tools could have helped the managers to identify and fix the communication problem at Barclays ? (b) In your opinion what factors led to these tragic consequences at Barclays’? Where did the Barclays group go fundamentally wrong ? eK a [No. of Printed Pages — 4] MBA 204 Enrol. No. SECOND SEMESTER END TERM EXAMINATION : MAY, 2015 MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION MARKETING RESEARCH Time: 3 Hrs. Maximum Marks : 70 Note: Attempt questions from all sections as directed. SECTION - A (30 Marks) Attempt any five questions out of six. Each question carries 06 marks. 1. Discuss in brief problem definition and why it is the most important task in the marketing research project. 2. What are the major limitations of marketing research ? 3. What are attitudinal scales ? Explain with examples. . 4. What are the qualities of a good field investigator ? 5, Explain validity and reliability of a scale. 6. Identify and discuss the ethical issues related to the respondents that may be of concern in qualitative research. P.T.O. 4) MBA 204 2 i SECTION - B (20 Marks) Attempt any two questions out of three. Each question carries 10 marks. 7. Explain the reasons why marketing research is considered as a tool in decision making with suitable example, 8. You are asked to conduct a research on a new FMCG product line which is being launched in the branded fortified atta category. Choose the cities in which you will conduct the research. Also choose the method of doing the research — Exploratory or Descriptive - and explain your choice. Further, within the chosen category, choose the precise method/s you will employ in your research ? 9. What sampling technique would you suggest for each of the: following situations ? Give reasons for your answer. (i) A survey by a private airline to understand the preferences and services expected by non- business travellers. Gi) A survey to estimate the awareness of the use of pure water for drinking purposes in the rural areas of Rajasthan. 4 MBA 204 3 10. SECTION - C (20 Marks) (Compulsory) HIGH FASHION-WEAR Mr. Ashok Anand has recently completed a course from the prestigious National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT). Ever since he joined the NIFT, he had been thinking to do something on his own instead of seeking a job after the completion of the course. However, soon after his studies he found himself in an odd situation. He was unable to set up his own enterprise on account of financial constraints and, as such, accepted a job with a readymade garment unit in Delhi. The readymade garment unit, where Ashok Anand is -working, is doing reasonably well. It has been catering to the domestic market. Since Anand has specialised in highly sophisticated fashion-wear, the firm has now become interested in exploring the possibility of exporting fashion-wear. The firm has sufficient financial resourcés to enter the foreign markets but it wants to go cautiously as it has no prior experience of overseas markets. It is particularly interested to know the export potential for ladies fashion dresses that would be easily acceptable among the college going girls and working women in the West. P.T.O. MBA 204 4 Questions : The firm has approached you to take up this assignment. It would like you to submit a detailed research proposal of the proposed study. Prepare a proposal clearly indicating whether a survey of overseas market is contemplated or the study will be based exclusively on secondary data. Since entering the overseas market will require a long-term commitment on the part of the exporting firm, your proposal should cover various aspects that are relevant. Also indicate what hurdles you are likely to encounter in your study and how you would resolve them. SS @) : (No. of Printed Pages — 6] . MBA 205 : | Enrol. No. . be, SECOND SEMESTER END TERM EXAMINATION : MAY, 2015 MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT Time: 3 Hrs. Maximum Marks: 70 Note: Attempt questions from all sections as directed. SECTION — A (30 Marks) Attempt any five questions out of six. Each question carries 06 marks. 1, Describe various strategic options in which a company may like to compete in the market, 2. Write notes on any two: {a} Economy of scale & Diseconomy of scale | {b) Assembly line balancing (c) Green Operations P.T.O. 6) MBA 205 2 3. 5. Identify suitable layout with. reasons for following products/service and describe in few lines the features of that layout = (a) Rocket for. mission to Mars (b) Poly clinic (c) Production of cars (d) Manufacturing lof petroleum products A manufacturer has identified following options for obtaining a machised part. It can buy the part at Rs. 400 per unit (incliding materials). It can make the part on a numerically controlled semi-automatic lathe Rs. 150/- per unit (including materials) or it can make the part on a machining centre at Rs. 30/- per unit (including materials). There is negligible fixed cost if item is purchased, a semi automatic lathe - costs Rs..160000/- and a machining centre costs Rs. 400000/-. Find out the lowest cost options for various quantities. ‘What, is process capability ? Why two measures Cp & ‘Cpk are required 7 ‘What are causes dn remedial steps for Bull whip effect ? ! : 6) MBA 205 . 3 SECTION - B (20 Marks) Attempt any two questions out of three. Each question carries 10 marks. 7. For augmenting the capacity, company ABC wants to open a new factory. Four locations P, Q, R, S have been identified and expected returns in Rs Lacs under various states of economy & there probability are as given below State of Economy Probability of happening of each state Expected Returns at Location P Expected Returns at Location Q 300 Expected Retums at Location R 100 Expected Returns at Location S 150 Work out expected return for each location and make recommendation for most suitable location using decision tree approach. 8. (a) Describe Johnson’s, rule for n jobs on two machines. (4) (b) The following list of jobs in a critical department includes estimates of their required times : P.T.O. (6) MBA 205 4 Processing Due date Time (days hence) 8 12 9 8 11 | oH 4 6 Use the shortest processing time rule to schedule these jobs. What is the schedule? What is the mean flow time ? What is average delay? (6) 9. A project is composed of 12 activities. Three time estimates (in days) and precedence relationship are as given below (a) Draw the network diagram. (b) Find out expected time of completion of project & standard deviation of activities, 6) MBA 205 5 (c) Find the probability of completing the project in 30 days. ‘ SECTION - C (20 Marks) (Compulsory) 10. Read the following case study carefully and answer the questions given at the end: , GoAir offers an example of a company that has clearly defined task for its operations, namely, achieving lowest possible operating costs. GoAir is aviation foray of Wadia Group and is based in Mumbai. Airline currently operates 18 destinations, 160 daily flights with Airbus A320 aircrafts. GoAir was launched as a low-fare carrier with the objective of commoditizing air travel and offers airline seats at marginal premium to train fares across India. Go Air’s business model is based on punctuality, affordability and convenience and positioned in a captivating theme ‘smart people's airline’. Most operations of GoAir are aimed at minimizing costs. This is done in number of ways: Use of internet to reduce distribution costs. GoAir v has convenient online booking option on its website wherein the passengers can book tickets 365 days a year. ~ GoAir has partnered with-Radixx international, a leading technology provider of automated aviation and travel related software solutions for the use of its Air P.T.O. (5) MBA 205 6 Enterprise, thus enabling superior process efficiency. No free-onboard catering. Being a no-frills airline, GoAir does not offer a complementary meal service. However, passengers can purchase food and refreshment on board. ne Efficient use of airports. Go Air’s network has been well-researched and airline takes advantages of factors like lower landing charges when considering the airports. Also, without compromising safety or service factors, efficiency of ground operations is ensured. Salaries and overhead costs. Airline has advantage of pool of young, motivated human resources ready to work for reasonable salaries. Low cost Airlines like Ryanair and EasyJet have revolutionized airline industry in Europe and in similar manner GoAir is set to spread over the Indian Skies. Questions: (a) Describe operations strategy of GoAir. (b) What are the ways in which GoAir achieves low cost operations ? (c) What is the difference in strategies of low cost airlines and full fare airlines ? Can both survive ? (d) What are the risks associated with Go Air’s strategy ? KHKK (5) (No. of Printed Pages - 4] MBA 203 SECOND. SEMESTER END TERM EXAMINATION ¢ MAY, 2015 MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS AND PRACTICES Time: 3 Hrs. Maximum Marks : 70 Note: Attempt questions from all sections as directed. SECTION - A (30 Marks) Attempt any five questions out of six. Each question carries 06 marks. 1, Explain the Ricardian theory of Comparative cost. 2. Explain the concept of Leontief’s Paradox. 3. What are non-economic arguments in favour of protectionism ? 4. What are TRIPS and TRIMS ? 5. Define expatriation and repatriation. 6. What is theory of the second best ? How many types of integrations are there ? Define and give examples for each type. P.T.O. @) MBA 203 2 10. SECTION - B (20 Marks) Attempt any two questions out of three. i Each question carries 10 marks. Discuss in detail about export promotion and import substitutions measures taken by the government of India. What do you mean by Multi National Enterprises (MNEs)? Explain all the advantages and disadvantages of MNEs from the point of view of MNEs as well as the host country. “What are trade barriers ? Discuss different types of trade barriers. SECTION -— C (20 Marks) (Compulsory) NATURAL THRUST “Balsara Hygiene Products Ltd., which had some fairly successful household hygiene products introduced in 1978 a toothpaste, Promise, with clove oil (which has been traditionally regarded in India as an effective deterrent to tooth decay and tooth ache) as a unique selling proposition. By 1986 Promise captured a market share of 16 per cent and became the second largest sélling toothpaste brand in India. There was, however, @) MBA 203 3 an erosion of its market share later because of the fighting back of the multinationals. Hindustan Lever’s Close-Up gel appealed to the consumers, particularly to the teens and young, very well and toppled Promise from the second position. Supported by the Export Import Bank of India’s Export Marketing Finance (EMF) programme and development assistance, Balsara entered the Malaysian market with Promise and another brand of tooth paste, Miswak. : The emphasis on the clove oil ingredient of the Promise evoked good response in Malaysia too. There was good response’ to Miswak also in the Muslim dominated Malaysia. Its promotion highlighted the fact that miswak (Latin name: Salvadora Persica) was a plant that had been used for centuries by as a tooth cleaning twig. It had references in Koran, Quoting from Faizal-E- Miswak, it was pointed out that prophet Mohammed used “miswak before sleeping at night and after awakening.” The religious appeal in the promotion was reinforced by the findings of scientists all over the world, including Arabic ones, of the antibacterial property of clove and its ability to prevent tooth decay and gums. Market intelligence revealed that there was a growing preference in the advanced counties for nature based P.T.O. @) MBA 203 4 products. Balsara tied up with Auromere Imports Inc. (AAI, Los Angeles, An agency established by American followers of Aurobindo, an Indian philosopher saint. Eight months of intensive R&D enabled Balsara to develop a tooth paste containing 24 herbal ingredients that would satisfy the required parameters. Auromere was voted as the No. 1 toothpaste in North Eastern USA in a US Health magazine survey in 1991, The product line was extended by introducing several variants of Auromere. Saccharine free toothpaste was introduced. It was found that mint and menthol were taboo for users of homoeopathic medicines. So a product free of such mints was developed. Auromere Fresh Mint for the young and Auromere Cina Mint containing a combination of cinnamon and peppermint were also introduced. When the company realised that -Auromere was not doing well in Germany because of the forming agent used in the product, it introduced a chemical free variant of the product. QUESTIONS: (a) Explain the environmental factors which Balsara used to its advantage. (10) (b) What is the strength of AAII to market ayurvedic toothpaste, in USA ? (10) KKK G) [No. of Printed Pages - 2] SECOND SEMESTER END TERM EXAMINATION: MAY, 2015 MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION MBA 244 , FRENCH "Time: 2 Hrs : Max Marks: 60 Note: Attempt questions from all sections as directed. Section - A: Attempt any four questions out of five. Each question carries 06 marks. [24 Marks] Qi. Conjuguez les verbes entre parenthéses au présent simple. (Conjugate the verbs between brackets in simple present tense.) (6) a) Nous (aller) au cinéma cet aprés- midi. b) Ils ___ (pouvoir) répondre aux questions. c) Tu (vouloir) une chemise rouge. . d) Je (réussir) 4 Pexamen. e) Il (venir) avec ses parents. . f) Nous (partir) pour la féte. Q2. Mettez les phrases suivantes 4 Pimpératif. (Change the following sentences into the imperative.) ° (6) a) Nous allons au marché. ~ b) Vous avez de la patience. c) Tusais la réalité. d) Vous venez ici avec Je cahier. e) Tu manges une pomme chaque jour. . f) Nous sommes toujours actifs. Q3. Remplissez les blancs avec les adjectifs démonstratifs. (Fill in the blanks with demonstrative adjectives.) . . 6) a) Vous discutez avec fille. b) oranges sont trés fraiches. c) téléphone ne marche pas. d) Nous voulons_- chocolats. e). lit journal. f) Mon frére travaille dans entreprise. Q4. Remplissez les blancs avec les adjectifs possessifs. (Fill in the blanks with possessive . adjectives.) — . . . (6) . a): Je montre mon portable et ils montrent portables. b) Ce sont les sacs de vos camarades ? Oui, ce sont les sacs de camarades. c) C’est le frére de Michelle ? Oui, C’est frére. | . d) I emprunte les livres de Patrick ? Oui, il emprunte __. livres. e) Nous avons les chapeaux de nos amis ? Oui, vous.avez les-chapeaux de amis. f) Tu écris une lettre a ton pére? Oui. i’écris une lettre a nére. 2] MBA244 QS. Remplissez les blancs avec tes prépositions. (Fill in the blanks with the Prepositions.) (6) a) Nous passons deux semaines b) Vous revenez chez vous Mexique. Etat- unis. c) Je suis Angleterre avec mes amis. d) Les invités viennent Bhopal:ce soir. e) Il arrive Madrid avec sa famille. f) Elle va Portugal ce soir. Section - B : Attempt ail the questions. Q6. Formez les questions pour les réponses suivantes. answers.) a) b) °) dy e) lly aquarante étudiants dans la classe. Oui, je chante une chanson. Je mange une banane. Tl va au cinéma. Elle étudie a Ja nuit. Q7. Traduisez en francais. (Translate into French.) These dresses are for her. They speak English fluently. We understand well French. You get dressed after lunch. He is going to Spain. Traduisez en anglais. (Translate into English.) Mets ces papiers sur la table ! Nous.nous cochons aprés le diner. Cet étudiant obéit aux professeurs. Ti aime ses parents. Comment étudiez- vous pour les examens ? Section - C : Compulsory question Q9. Vous étes au restaurant avec vétre ami(e). Donec, gargon. . {20 Marks} (Form the questions for the following (10) 6) 6) {16 Marks] rédigez une conversation entre vous etle - (You are in the restaurant with your friend. So write a conversation between you and waiter.) eee

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