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Learning foreing languages in my country


The aim of this report is to see how the languages are being learned in my contry, to explain who
learnes them, where are those languages being learned also to recommend how can we improve
learning foreing languages.

The languages people learn and who learns them

In my coutry, let us say English for instance, is being learned in schools. Adults learn it as well as young
people do. Age is insignificant. Everybody can learn it. Learning foreing languages such as English ,French
or maybe German had become a necessity. It had become a necessity because nowadays everybody and
when I say everybody I really men it, is having business with foreing countries as well as for instance, the
kids these days like to play online games and when it comes to online you have to know a foreing
languages even if it is English, French or any other language.

The options of learning a foreing language

When it comes to studying a foreing language people usually study them in schools, private schools or
maybe if they need extra hours they might be taking in consideration the private tutoring as well. Most
of them are studying these languages in public schools. For instance I have been learning English and
French since the first grade and now I am in the twelfth grade. And I have been studying them since

Recommended changes

As for a recommendation, I think that the teachers should have a different approach thus their success
rate when it comes to teaching a foreing language might increase. Although the teacher might not be
the problem in most cases, they should know how to approach even the most problematic student, to
lure him into learning the specific language.

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