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Similarities between Energies paper (energies-12-00174.

pdf) and the un-published paper


Prepared by Gary W. Chang


The Energies paper proposes highly similar problem formulation to the un-published paper in both
objective function and constraints

Only remove VUI, other two objectives include TPL and

Harmonic are the same. Although they changed or fixed
1 Objective Function
something such as: PL replaced by I2R, or corrected Eq.8
in the un-published paper.
Except that constraint 1 (Eq.13 – no meaning because
Eq.18) not considered in the unpublished paper, and Eq.18
2 Constraints removed the constant α. Other constrains include: Voltage
Limits, Harmonic, and Capacity Limit are the same. Even
in Eq. (17), Energies paper only replaces index j by i.


The core solution algorithm in section 4.5 of Energies paper mostly duplicates the un-published
paper through re-writing the text.
In the following, the left side indicates the steps of the solution algorithm of Energies paper and
the left column indicates steps of the solution algorithm of the un-published paper.

Energies paper Un-published paper

From step 1 to step 4 Step 1

From step 5 to step 6 Step 2

Step 8 Step 3

Step 9 Step 4

Step 10 Step 5

Step 11-13 Step 6 and Step 7

Step 14 Step 9

Step 15 Step 10

Step 16 Step 11

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