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Name; Mona

Date: 6/5/2021
Score:………../28 points
Chapter 7.2 The Middle East; physical geography.

Your Turn: (page 127)

Q1: (7 pts)
a. Name 2 countries: Turkey and Iran.
b. I) Iran.
ii) Saudi Arabia.
iii) Turkey.
c. I) Mt Damavand in Iran. With a peak of 5671m.
ii) Iran.

Q2: (4pts)
a. List the bodies of water which border the Middle East Region, clockwise from the
Arabian Sea-
Mediterranean Sea , Black Sea, Red Sea, Caspian Sea)
b. Name 2 linked by the strait of Hormuz?
Persian Gulf, Gulf of Oman.
Q3: (1pt)
Part of Part of the Indian Ocean.
Q4: (5 pts)
a. Name 3:
Nile river , Euphrates and Tigris rivers.
b. Reason:
Because Saudi Arabia is mountainous, Saudi Arabia has a lot of desert and big dessert.
Like the Arabian desert it’s a largest continuous stretch of sand.
Q5: (5 pts)
a. The Suez Canal.
b. In Egypt.
c. Explain with 30words:
because The canal connects Port Said, Egypt, on the Mediterranean Sea to the Indian
Ocean via the Egyptian city of Suez on the Red Sea. The passage enables more direct
shipping between Europe and Asia.

Q6: (2 pts)
In the Arabian desert, theres is a empty quarter, is the largest stretch of sand.
Q7: (4 pts)
a. why?:
Because earthquakes are common and theres volcanoes too, the Arabian plate is
moving away from the African plate that’s why the Red Sea has volcanoes and is
slowly wider.
b. why?:
because it is common to have earthquakes there, and turkey also have volcanoes, because
several plates meet in the region, the Arabian plate is moving away from the African

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