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World Energy: A key to sustainability

1. Fossil fuels are coal, crude oil, and natural gases.

2. The four principal types of consumption of
a. Coal = businesses
b. Petroleum = transportation
c. Natural gas = homes
Resources What is it? Where is it? Proven reserves
Coal Coal is plant matter In old tropical China and US is
locations (lush and 2nd
swampy areas rich
in plants)
Petroleum A liquid fuel Current land that Russia and Saudia
formed from used to be Arabia, SW and
residue deposited underwater Central Asia
on sea floor
Natural Gas Gas mixture Sediment deposited Russia and SW
primarily methane on sea floor Asia

4. OPEC is Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries.

5. Two ways potential reserves can become proven reserves are finding undiscovered fields
through exploration and enhanced recovery from already discovered fields though better
6. Two ways demand for petroleum has been reduced is conservation and consuming more
natural gases.
7. Two examples of unconventional fossil fuel resources are shale gas and coalbed methane.
8. The advantages and disadvantages of using nuclear energy as an alternative energy
source are
a. Distribution –advantage
b. Potential accidents –disadvantage
c. Radioactive waste –advantage
d. Limited material –disadvantage
e. Limited reserves –disadvantage
f. High cost –disadvantage
Renewable Energy Key Details
Biomass Fuel Energy generated or produced by living or
once-living organisms such as plant
material and animal waste
Hydroelectric Electricity generated by flowing water
Wind Power Wind is used to generate electricity
Geothermal Energy Energy from steam or hot water produced
from hot or molten underground rocks
Passive Solar Energy An energy system that collects energy
without the use of mechanical devices
Active Solar Energy Solar energy systems that collect energy
using physical devices like photocentric
cells or flat-plate collectors

Air Pollution
Local scale The three basic components of urban air
pollution are carbon monoxide,
hydrocarbons, and particulates. On a local
scale, air pollution is especially severe in
places where emission sources are
concentrated like urban areas.
Regional scale May damage a region's vegetation and
water supply through acid deposition. The
regions affected by acid deposition and
acid precipitation.
Global scale Two global-scale issues are climate
change and ozone damage. The
greenhouse effect is caused by carbon
dioxide that traps some of the radiation
emitted by the surface.
Water Pollution
Demand for Water Water usage is either non-consumptive or
consumptive. Non consumptive is water
that returns to nature as a liquid and is
discharged into lakes and streams.
Impact on Aquatic life Polluted water can harm aquatic life.
Biochemical oxygen demand is a
measurement used of water pollution.
Sources Pollution that originates from a large,
diffuse area
Solid Waste Pollution
Sanity Landfill A place to deposit solid waste, where a
layer of earth is bulldozed over garbage
each day to reduce emissions of gases and
odors from the decaying trash.
Hazardous Waste Causes danger from chemicals and
infectious organisms. If poisonous
industrial residuals are not put away
correctly the chemicals can leach into the
soil and contaminate groundwater or
escape into the atmosphere.

Lorax video questions

1. They can plant truffle trees and only use a certain amount for the thneeds they make.
They could also try to make a similar fabric and not have to chop all those trees down.
The trees were chopped down and collected the tufts that were on them.
2. The unwanted/unintended byproducts that came out of the manufacturing of thneeds that
affected the environment and degraded the ecosystem are deforestation and affecting the
animals with lack of food from the trees and polluting the air.
3. He could make diversity his product by
a. Making different products other than thneeds
b. Socks
c. Blankets
d. Build stores in the area, not just the factory
e. Eco safe products
f. Inves in noy just one product of the thneed
4. The trees take time to grow, and they needed clean water and fresh air.
5. The bears were dependent on the trees for their fruit. The fish had to leave because the
water was too polluted to live in. The Once-Ler justified what he did by hitting rock
bottom and realizing what he had done and keeping the last seed and giving it to someone
6. The plant then moved into the area once the Truffula trees were removed were the trees
again and the animals all came back to live in their old habitats.
7. A recommendation to the Once-Ler is that if you go ahead with the full scale of the
thneeds, it will destroy the habitat, and everything will be gone. There will be no
sunshine, no life, and terrible air quality.
8. Climate change would be an alternative product from the forest that would spread
damage to the environment. Deforestation would also be another alternative with the
destruction of all the trees. Lastly increase greenhouse gases changing how the
environment would cope with all the traumatic changes to it.
9. Responsible stewardship of the land is to conserve your property’s natural resources and
features over a long period of time.

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